Hang Clean
Work up to a max for the day.
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
25 Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
50 Double-Unders
If you don’t quite have Double-Unders, sub 1/2 attempts + makes.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Coaches Jess and David doing Open Workout 16.3. That’s Jess’s first Bar Muscle-Up at around 4:50! Read on for David’s report on the workout
Reflections on My 16.3
By David Osorio
Score: 86 reps
Tie Break: 6:18
I was probably least looking forward to this workout relative to the other two that have been released so far. While I knew that the Bar Muscle-Ups wouldn’t be a problem, I’m not great with light-weight, high-rep workouts because I tend to burn out really quickly. I also had a less concrete strategy going into this one, whereas with 16.1 and 16.2, I had a very clear idea of what I needed to do to get the score I wanted.
My loose plan for 16.3 was to start unbroken at a steady clip and then just react to whatever happened over ther course of the workout. I knew I had to do all the Muscle-Ups unbroken regardless of how far I got, because it would help me out when I had to start breaking up the Snatches. For the Snatches, my plan was to do 6-4 when I needed to start breaking them so the second set wouldn’t feel so bad.
Overall, I’m satisfied with how I did. Looking back over the video, if this came up again, I would really have to speed up my transitions between movements. I was way too casual about getting to either bar. I also would have attempted to make the last 3 minutes more uncomfortable that I allowed them to get. If you’ve got the Muscle-Ups, this workout should feel like a lightweight “Fran” towards the end. I didn’t mentally prep enough for going into that pain cave, which I think was the difference between my score and breaking 7 rounds.
Thanks to everyone who stuck around to cheer on Charlie, Jess, and myself. Thanks to KHarpz for being my judge and Bryan B. whose voice (the one you hear in the background) helped keep me on task when I wanted to rest. No thanks to the barbell for slipping out of my hands in that last round!
New and Notes
- The final LFPB Q&A Info Session —”The LFPB Is Ending. What Now?” —is this Friday, March 18th at 6:00pm. We’ll discuss strategies you can use to maintain the progress you’ve made and solidify the healthy habits you’ve established.
- Coach Whit and Brett F. took on 16.3 in Montana and Kate R. was on the scene to take some photos. Check them out here!
- Be sure to submit your individual scores to the CrossFit Open website by 8pm tonight. Team Captains: please submit your team score to the intramural spreadsheet by 12pm on Wednesday. Due to some weirdness with the Open leaderboard, we’ve extended that deadline a bit.
- Mario A. spotted this CFSBK sticker at Grand Targhee Mountain in Wyoming. Super cool!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Bench Press | Run, Dumbbell Push Press
16.3 Recovery and 16.4 Prep The Knot Out
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