Snatch Complex
Snatch Pull + Snatch:
5 x 1
Warm up to a medium-heavy load and perform 5 reps of the complex at that weight. No press outs, no misses.
Snatch Pull + Snatch:
Perform singles of the complex at: 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%, 90%, 80%, 85%, 90% (of best snatch)
Go up to 90% if it’s feeling good, and if you feel great, then move up. If you’re not feeling great today, then go back to 80% and work back up from there.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 7 of 8
For Time:
40 Russian Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg
550m Run
30 Russian Kettlebell Swings
400m Run
20 Russian Kettlebell Swings
270m Run
Post time and Rx to comments.
Barbara K. and Jennifer L. work on their kip swings together at Anti-Gravity class
Sheep Station Closing!
Local business and longtime supporter of CFSBK Sheep Station is sadly closing their doors after a decade of service in the area. Owner Jason C. and his wife Meredith S. are both gym members and have graciously provided beer and support for many of our community events. We are truly sad to see them go but look forward to their new ventures.
Sheep Station closes tomorrow, so they’re having a farewell party tonight. Happy hour all night or all you can drink for $40 from 7-11pm. Sheep Station is located just around the corner from the gym on 4th Avenue and Douglass. Hope to see some of you guys there!
This Saturday: CFSBK at the CrossFit 718 Beat the Street Throwdown
Let’s End This Debate: Does Lifting Weights Make Women “Bulky”? BarBend
6am with DO and JB
Snatch: I hit 155# but bailed my attempt at 175#. Something is wrong with my timing and I'm pulling way too hard off the ground. I'm going to scale back the weight in the next few weeks and focus on my pulling and timing.
Metcon: 6:36 Rx. This was fun and I'm glad I did it outside since it was so hot. Did the KB unbroken and tried to keep the runs fast. I've been running 5 miles twice a week for about 6 weeks and am definitely feeling the benefits in some of our running workouts.
The Barbend link goes to Yesterday's Whiteboard.
830 last night with Ro
FSQ : 3×2 #225
This moved really easy. I wanted to increase the load for the last set but Ro suggested to make a more aggressive jump for next week. So sights are set for #245(PR) or better next week.
WOD : 8:50 per Coach Dave Fung. That's a 60odd second PR. Sit ups still suck but they were better than past attempts at Annie. Progress.
@ Chops, Fixed!
I'm working until 9:30pm tonight and then am going to head over to sheep station for the farewell!
I think Kayleigh and Crumsho have the best team name.
Brainz n Gainz cleaned up last night at pub quiz. Second place! Allie B knew all the pop music and Chas knows the history and the politics, and there was an 8-bit remix of "Turn Down for What" and it was awesome. Please join us next week!
BRAINZ N GAINZ REPRESENT — we were a pretty excellent team and it was a really fun time (except when I slammed into that glass door trying to get around to have our team picture taken). Double bonus points because the team we beat out for second place was called "Make Trivia Great Again." We talked a lot about past democratic insurgent candidates on this week's episode of the politics podcast I work on, in case it comes up in an upcoming trivia round…
Anyhow. Shameless self-promotion over. Makeup from Tuesday: 7 a.m. w/Melo doing Wednesday's work. FSQ 210x2x3, Annie 11:20-ish(?), sub s/u's. Ugh, sit-ups.
Today: 8 a.m. w/DO. Snatch complex: 95, 102, 107, 112, 117, 125, 135 (PR!), 135F, 135 (PR!). Finally, finally, finally got under 135. Was really not pretty the first time and still a little squirrelly the second time, but it counted. DO gave me helpful advice with the pull — fear of getting under the bar is apparently causing me to jump backwards a bit. This pull-then-go complex has done wonders for my snatch technique.
Metcon: 9:07 Rx'ed. Slow but unbroken. Beat the heat.
8am with DO,
Snatch work up to 120# after a couple of fails I dialed it way by to 95 and concentrated on catching low.
WOD dubbed runs for rows, right foot is out of commission for a while, and #16KB in about 8+
Arms feel like noodles.
Sorry I missed pub quiz, I def. want to make the next one.
7am with JB
Snatch – 95# / 105F / 105 / 115 / 120F / 125 / 130 PR
Despite being pretty beat, was able to get a decent snatch day in. Didn't feel as crisp as the last two weeks, but JB said I was alright. Need to just keep working on pull consistency.
Metcon Rx: 8:25
Everything unbroken. Thought this was good and then saw Michael A and Dan's times. They're like a WWF tag team. FlashDance?
@ Stella – How does one join in on this pub quiz? Just show up?
6am with the DO and JB
Snatch – worked up to 3 bad snatches at 60kg. Came in thinking it would be a bad snatch day and my body listened to my brain. Oh well.
Wod in 7:20 Rx
Was subtly encouraged to take my kb outside to compete against DJ Flash and Dan. Kept in the same zip code for the first run but DJ Flash didn't miss a beat and I couldn't keep up for the next set of runs.
@Kevin: If you want to get an email nudge about it the day before, email me at stellavision, gmail, and I'll add you to the list.
Or you can just show up and look for us. The Rock Shop on 4th Avenue, Wednesdays at 8:30 PM. It's super fun!
Snatch: 78, 83, 88, 93, 98, 88, 88
Haven't snatched in a while and felt some old habits coming back. The second pull is definitely where I need the most focus, so this was good practice for me.
WOD: 8:39 Rx
Nice quick one. Could have brought a KB outside like some others, but didn't mind the extra walk inside (probably would have if I was at 6 AM – am I losing my competitive spirit?).
Practiced some behind the neck power jerks after class for this weekend (yeah team Long Stemmed Roses!!! And name credit to Whit, I believe). Was able to do 115 and 125 with many helpful pointers from Ro and David (thanks guys!). Excited for Saturday!!!
Brainz n Gainz is unstoppable! It's fun on a team because everyone contributes their own area of expertise! Join us! It was real fun.
Sad to hear sheep station is closing. Super cool bar with great savory pies!!! Definitely was a staple of this neighborhood!!
Snatch: Awesome coaching from DO. (Glad I slept in until 11:45 to have his coaching! …post-trivia night French martinis…) Both DO and Frankie really emphasized the jumping aspect of the snatch pull. Felt a real connection to the bar on the pull and a pretty solid jump. Got some extra feedback today about keeping my chest wide during the 2-3 pulls and getting aggressive. Worked up to 78# which is a PR match. If I can PR match hungover, I'm excited to see where my snatch will go in the coming weeks!!
WOD: 8:21 RX. was great to be pushed by Katie who is an AMAZING sprinter, not to mention… She started Crossfit in June and snatched 100# no problem today! Simply incredible!
6am with DO and JB
Worked up to 187 on the snatch. No misses. A little slow under the bar today so didn't push it past that
Chased DJ Flash around for awhile after that. Finished in 6:46
@Allie, thanks for the love! SO fun to do classes with you! And High Five on the PR match today!
…I am *particularly* fast when I forget to run all of the 400m! Mental block?! 12:45pm heat induced delirium?! sprinter's math: 400m really means 270?! I ended up running it after I realized but did all of that NFT!
Today I felt good snatching! Tomorrow at weightlifting…who knows! 🙂
man ive never felt [and performed] so terribly in class before. didnt feel particularly fatigued or out of it going in so maybe its just one of those days..
65, 70, 75, 75, 80, 80, 85 (F)
despite not having an (F) next to them, the other weights up there werent so pretty. i was having trouble with the intensity of the second pull – it was either too fast or too slow.
ya know, i _will_ say it was kind of refreshing to just fall on my ass on the last attempt. right before a first pull i always get nervous about executing all of the steps (and worrying about missing one and how that will manifest throughout the rest of the lift), so when i failed so spectacularly it was a reminder that sometimes you just fail and thats ok.
@20kg in 9:0X
my legs honestly felt like they were made of cement during the wod. cement. kettlebell swing were alright.
wow im such a little whiner. looking forward to a new day! bedtime.
and the sweat continues to flow…
Snatch (90%)
275x1x5 , missed one
CJ (90%)
335x1x4, missed middle two jerks
30 MUs for time: 12:20
Took this at pretty leisurely pace.
Assault bike cals
DL @ 185