Video of the Week: 2016 marks the 10th anniversary of the CrossFit Games. Check out this cool retrospective from CrossFit HQ!
This Week at CFSBK in Review
It’s been a hot week in Brooklyn, but it could always be worse. Allow us to cut through the haze and humidity to bring you all the hardest-hitting CFSBK news…
1. This Sunday’s 11:00am Active Recovery class with Coach Fox is cancelled. Still looking to do something other than group class this weekend? Check out Saturday’s 10:00am Yoga for Athletes or 11:00am Active Recovery classes.
2. Michael A. (aka DJ Flash) is CFSBK’s July Athlete of the Month!
3. Want to stay (or get) involved with the Iron Maidens community? Come by the gym this Sunday, July 31st from 2:00 to 3:30pm for the second Iron Maidens Lift’n’Learn Session, another afternoon of all-women lifting featuring a Bench Press session and clothing swap.
4. We caught you up on the latest news and notes from CFSBK members, including Lisa and Uzef’s new web series, Chris M.’s podcast, and Stella Z.’s quiz team. We love our multi-talented CFSBKers (i.e., all of you)!
5. CFSBK is sending 5 teams to CrossFit 718’s Beat the Streets Throwdown this Saturday. Stop by 718 at 3:00pm to watch the Rx-division action!
6. We’re sad to report that yesterday was the last day of business for our friends over at Sheep Station.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Snatch | KB Swings, Run
This Guy Does 1,200 Push-Ups a Day NY Post
Most Dogs Walked By One Person Super Deluxe
Hips Forward & Up in the Snatch… You Can’t Be Great Without It Catalyst Athletics
Saturday's Programming
Back Squat
3×5 LP
Add 5-10 lbs to last week,
Heavier than last week's 4s.
Exposure 7 of 8
Partner Workout
With one partner working at a time, complete the following for time:
300 Double-Unders
100 Burpee-Box Jumps 24/20"
Break the reps up however desired. Scale the dubs to 3x Singles or 1/2 attempts.
Saturday's workout at 7am
HBBS: 145 2×3. So glad to be partnered with Shawn and have JB spot us! Both Shawn and I were scared of squats this morning, but it ended up being totally fine! Shawn encouraged me to do 145# which was definitely doable! JB confirmed the depth was solid and helped us through it. I focused on keeping my knees out to get as low as possible. It worked!
WOD: 12:40 with Shawn. Did my DUs in sets of 20. Some unbroken, some with 1-2 trip ups. We did burpee BJs in sets of 5, then sets of 10. Liked having the rest! This was really fun.
You would think between drinking lots of rose, going to bed too late, waking up to rain and the workout not initially being posted I would go back to sleep but decided to come in anyways. Think I vomited when I saw 100 burpee box jumps.
6am with JB
HBBS 235 x 5 x 3. No issues and moved easily
WOD in I have no idea partnered with Scott and Fun Time Bobby. The 7am class was circled around us and deep into droms by the time we finished. Fun Time Bobby and I went at the same time and did DU in chunks of 50. First two rounds were unbroken but by 35 into the third my forearms stopped working and took forever to get the last 15. Did burpee box jumps in alternating singles. Sooooooooo happy not to be partnered with burpee freaks on this one.
Ermagerd, that WOD looks painful!
OG was completely empty when I arrived, which meant that Greg let me pick the music. Party '80s (read: Gloria Estefan and Tiffany). YAAAAAAAASSSSS! What? Stop laughing at me!
Heavy day:
HBBSQ 195x3x3. I *hope* I hit depth on all of these but I'm not 100% sure, especially in the first set.
Bench 125x3x3. I was so relieved when someone else showed up right as I was finishing my squats, because although I know I'm strong enough in general to handle this weight, I wasn't sure how my wrist would like it. So I was very glad to have a spotter.
RDL 135x6x2. Now that I know I'm allowed to use switch grip on these, doing a long set is so much easier!
Tabata assault bike. 40 cal. Dreadful.
@Stella – I saw you assault biking and it did not look super fun. Nice work on those heavy lifts! I did not laugh at your music selection (just cringed).
7 am with JB
So helpful to partner with the always going for it and always encouraging Allie. I was having a big debate in my head over five silly pounds (140 vs. 145). Also, I was all the way across the gym from Peter who so often helps me with his calmfidence. However, the 145 worked just fine and yes, depth getting to be a little bit of an issue here but I'm on track to PR at the end of this cycle.
Glad to have a partner WOD and glad to stay with Allie who was so boss. She's got the DUs so we split: AB 20 DU; SC 10 DUAs but I'm beginning to string these together more and more. I box jumped to 16". I know I have to get back to the 20" habit but I try to save my hips and avoid shincidents with this volume.12:40
Chit chat with Brendan afterward and the conclusion is that we are going to organize a golf outing sometime in September. Greg, Seth, Katie H, Shlomo…Who else golfs? (Even a little.)
HBBS 220x2x3 this felt pretty good.
WOD…no idea the time. Pretty sure I blacked out at some point. Not fun times for Fun Time Bobby
Yeah all the golfers out there let's get a CFSBK Open going. Dyker Beach GC has a ridiculous twilight deal. $28 gets you 18-holes, a cart and a free drink. I am terrible at golf so all skill sets welcome.
7am with JB
BS – 200# x 2 x 3
Metcon Rx with Peter – 13:09
Broke dubs into sets of 30. First 3 rounds only had 1 trip up, couple in the 4th, and the 5th was just a dumpster fire. Forearms were numb. I easily cost us a minute or 2 here. He flew through this one and I just sweated all over the place.
Burpee BJs. Hehe.
Worked with Melissa yesterday on some accessory stuff to target my mobility issues. She's written a great program for me and I am determined to stick to it.
Before class today.
Figure 4 piriformis stretch- 2 x 1min each side.
Banded hip flexor stretch with hands overhead- 2 x 1min each side
Press under OHS barbell in rack 3 x 5- 10 second hold
12pm with DO
Snatch pull + snatch balance
63 x 6
Figured out how to finish my second pull!
7:54 Rx
My KB swings were fast but I don't think my running ever will be.
Lateral band walks 3 x 10
Forward walking lunge with light med ball 3 x 10
Crossover Symmetry: Pulldown 3 x 10
OG tonight
Hbbs: 190x2x3. Felt really good!
Clean and jerk: 63×3, 83×2, 93, 103, 113, 113,118, 123 PR, 125 PR
Finally! I think I hit my last PR of 122 back in the winter
Tomorrows wod with JB RXd in 9:22. Fun one!
Thursday's WOD
Snatch: worked up to 88#
WOD Rx'd in 8:33
KBS: unbroken
Jog: slow