Clean and Jerk Complex
Clean Pull + Clean + Jerk:
5 x 1
Warm up to a medium-heavy load and perform 5 reps of the complex at that weight. No press outs, no misses.
Clean Pull + Clean + Jerk:
Perform singles of the complex at: 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%, 90%, 80%, 85%, 90% (of best Snatch)
Go up to 90% if it’s feeling good, and if you feel great, then move up. If you’re not feeling great today, then stay back around 80% and work there.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 6 of 8
4 Rounds for Time:
20 Dumbbell Power Snatches, Alternating
20 Burpees
20 Box Jumps 24/20″
Use a heavy dumbbell for the Snatches and alternate arms each rep. Rx would be 1/3 of your bodyweight.
Andre and Monique did quite a bit of CrossFitting during their honeymoon in Europe. Here they are at CrossFit Digbeth in Birmingham, CrossFit Perpetua in London, and CrossFit Original Addicts in Paris. Congrats, you crazy kids!
Marathon Row and CrossFit Games BBQ
There are two big things happening at CFSBK today! The big things are as follows:
1) Coach Nick’s marathon row is happening today at 2:15pm. There’s still time to sign up! Remember: you can also do it with a partner or three. Proceeds benefit Row New York, and you can donate here even if you can’t make it to the row.
2) We’ll be BBQing and showing the final day of the CrossFit Games on our big screen at 597. After Anti-Gravity, around 3:00pm, we’ll start grilling and screening the Sunday events at the gym. All are welcome! The gym will have some beer but otherwise, BYOB.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Back Squat | Power Snatches, Thrusters, Deadlifts
Designing and Active, Healthier City NY Times
Nowhere to Hide CrossFit Games
Line Drills
Double unders
4 Rounds
20 Cal Row
20 Box jump overs
20 Double unders
Great photos! I love that the patented Michael Affronti pose is there. Congratulations to the newlyweds!
Felt kind of unwell this morning but made it in for 11am… glad I did! Still feeling questionable, but at least now I'm *swole* and questionable.
Complex up to 155#, which is around where my jerk melts down. Way under my clean 1rm. A few OK jerks, last was pretty junky unfortunately ๐
Spicy WOD @ 45#… you know that sinking feeling where you look at the clock after the first round and realize you went out too fast? That was me today… finished just under the cap, 19:49.
Fox was impressed with my shoulder mobility today and I'm excited that after more years at Crossfit than I care to admit, I may have finally found something that I'm good at! Shoulder mobility for the win!
10AM with the Foxy Folks.
Worked up to 170lbs approx on a Clean-pull-Clean complex.
WOD with 35lb DB power cleans. Finished in 23:xx. Holy crap, this took forever–what a hot, sweaty mess.
noon class
Worked up to about 80% at 220
WOD in 20:03 @ 65lbs
That was really tough.
C&J: 83-93-103-113-120-128 failed the jerk, 128M
Ha, just realized I made an 8# jump when it was getting heavy. Lots of work to do here. Ro said I jumped from my heels on my clean and I was gripping the bar too tightly on the jerk. I pressed out the 128 jerk so probably doesn't technically count as a PR. But that weight overhead didn't feel terrible and gives me some confidence that I can nail it if I drill technique.
WOD in 24:45 with 40# DB
You know when multiple people in the class before you take a bathroom or water break during the WOD, it's going to be a tough one.
Terrible. So hard. Maintained good form on snatches but they sucked the life out of me. Moved very slowly on the burpees and box jumps. Made the mistake of drinking a ton of water before I started the fourth round which made the last set of burpees and box jumps nauseating. Didn't recover in time for AG.
9am with Foxes
C+J: 145 felt good but didn't really even attempt the jerk at 155 (which felt good last week power jerking). Oh well.
Metcon: this was a killer. Burpees were the worst. Was dazed for a while after. 22:38 I think with 45# and 24".
Open gym
Clean pull + Clean + Jerk
123, 133, 138, 143, 148 f, f – 2# PR attempt
Lost the fire. Stopped there. So oppressively hot
Workout Rx – 20:23
8am with the Foxes
Came in beat up from yesterday.
C&J – Worked up to 220# and then dropped back for a few lighter singles. Everything was pretty crisp, which was good considering I wasn't feeling 100%
Metcon – this was a slog from the beginning. Did 60#, which is right at 33% for me. Finished in 13:39.
Wow Andre and Monique! So cool. Congratulations!