Members of the 6am crew assembled for Thanksgiving-morning workout yesterday | Photo via Joy M.
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. We’ll be running on a modified schedule today. Here’s the rundown:
FRIDAY 11/25
Short Circuit: 9a
CrossFit Group 10a, 11a, 12p
AM OG: 10-1p
OG: 5:30-8p
Next Level Weightlifting: 5p-7p
CrossFit Group: 6a, 7a, 8a
Starting Strength
2. Tomorrow’s 10am Yoga for Athletes and 11am Active Recovery classes are cancelled. Otherwise, we’ll be running on our regular Saturday schedule!
3. Short Circuit, a new class at CFSBK utilizing some of the best training methods to give you a great total body workout in just one hour, now has its very own home on the world wide web! We’re pleased to introduce Spread the word!
4. The Bulletproof Assessment Workshop goes down next Satuday, December 3rd! Go here for more info.
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