Snatch Complex
Every 90 seconds for 10 rounds:
Snatch Lift Off (1″) + Low Hang (from 1″ off the floor) Snatch High Pull + Mid-Hang Snatch
Stay tight, maintain back angle, and keep your weight back (just behind mid-foot) on the lift off, pausing with the bumpers 1″ off the floor. Perform the Snatch High Pull from 1″ off the floor. Don’t pull the bar crazy high on the High Pull. Anywhere above naval height is plenty high.
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3 Rounds for Time:
20 Power Cleans 115/75
50 AbMat Sit-Ups
The barbell should be light for you, and unbroken on the fast end but 2-4 sets with quick breaks is appropriate as well.
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Breaking Down Olympic Lifting for New CrossFitters
Originally posted on our business blog, Inside the Affiliate, on 12.3.2015
As mentioned in our article “A CrossFit Coach’s Guide to Working With New or Troubled Movers,” new athletes are often working semi-autonomously during group class, which requires coaches to triage them while still not ignoring the rest of the class. A quick trick that we sometimes use during our lifting segments for working with people brand new out of Foundations is to breakdown the Olympic lifts into more manageable complexes.
One of the challenges for new people working with Olympic lifts is not only putting the movement together, but also remembering the names of everything. By breaking down the lift and writing it down on a little white board, the athlete begins to internalize the names of all the movements he or she is working on. They can then work on a series of compartmentalized tasks, with visual reminders of everything they’re doing. For beginners, performing standardized technique complexes is infinitely more doable than just telling them to “snatch”—perhaps the most technically complicated movement we perform in CrossFit.
Keep in mind that having this strategy is also extremely useful for your coaches. They don’t have to reinvent the wheel when it comes to new movers, which helps them preserve valuable time in group classes to help everyone present.
Our typical complex for the Snatch is:
Snatch Grip Deadlift
Hang Power Snatch
Overhead Squat
Our typical complex for the Clean and Jerk is:
Mid Hang Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press or Push Jerk
Breaking the lift down like this prevents many of the typical errors you see when new folks attempt to put the lift together. It also reinforces good positions and imprints the names of each movement. I would suggest having new athletes perform these complexes their first few times in group classes, until they’re ready to move forward with your normal programming.
New athletes usually really appreciate the modified programming and “cheat sheet” on the white board. Let’s not forget that CrossFit can often be a little overwhelming for people new to our gyms.
News and Notes
- Happy Mother’s Day to all the badass CFSBK moms!
- Don’t forget! Starting today, we’ll be adding new Short Circuit and Fit 55+ classes to our schedule. Who doesn’t love more fitness? All the details can be found in yesterday’s post.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Front Squat / Back squat | Double-Unders, Burpees, Deadlifts
Errors, Cues, and Exaggerations CrossFit Journal
This Is What Happens to Your Brain When You Read Poetry NY Mag
A. Ring Dip kipping/strict
B. @80-90% sustainable effort
2 min
3 muscle ups
10 goblet squats, 24/16kg
rest 2 min
2 min
5 burbee box jumps, 20/24"
rest 2 min
2 min
8 ring rows
5 db thrusters, ahap/unbroken
rest 2 min
3 bar muscle ups
15 double unders
rest 2 min
2 min
2 wall walk
10 kb swings, 32/24kg
Noon class
Worked up to 185 on the complex with a miss at 165 on the way. Didn't expect to get that high. Finished at 135.
Subbed 32kg Russian KBS for PCs to avoid freshly tattooed collarbones. Finished in 9:43
Noon Class
First time doing a Snatches this cycle. Went up to 100. I felt it was a good starting weight with room for growth in the future. One thing I really need to work on next week is using my legs more when getting the bar overhead.
Scaled to 95 for the Power Cleans. Finished in 11:27.
When my drama club play is over and I don't have Saturday rehearsals, I will definitely be at strong fit!
Saturday 8am:
Hbbs: 105
Fsq: 95
Glad I went up 10#
Wod: 15:40 with Paul who was at his 4th class!!! He did great.
Sunday: full day of fitness
Short circuit- good times!
Took a break…
Snatch: worked up to 78, failed 83 yet again
Workout: 8:36? Tried to catch Toni. Broke up cleans 8-7-5 every round- moved pretty consistently!
AG: learned a lesson… short circuit at 8am isn't gunna work. While it's a great class, I love AG and want to make sure I have full energy to make it count! Today, not so much.
Snatch Complex: worked up to 98# which is a PR match. Triple digits are coming soon, just waiting for the right time to make an attempt. Did not like doing the pulls the first week but now I realize they are helping me jump straight up and not arch my back which is what I tend to do.
WOD Rx'd in 8:31
Broke up cleans 7-7-6 except I did the last round in 4 sets because I needed to breath. Allie kept me moving on the situps.
Too much to write but fun! Did my first bit of ring dip work since December! Kept volume low but I'm sure I'll be really sore from doing them bc they always destroy me.