Handstand Push-Up / Dumbbell Split-Stance Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift Superset*
A1) Tempo (40×1) Handstand Push-Up:
5 x 6-10 reps
Add a few reps to last week. These should all be sub-max sets, adding a deficit if you’re able to. Full range of motion, no AbMats. No crashing or resting on your head! Perform the reps strict if you can. You can kip the concentric if you must, but keep true to the tempo on the eccentric through the full range of motion and do not crash or rest on your head.
A2) Dumbbell Split-Stance Single-Leg RDL:
5 x 6-10 reps
Add weight and/or reps to last week.
A1) Tempo (40×1) Seated Dumbbell Press:
5 x 5-8 reps
Add weight and/or reps to last week. Optional: Perform a Kick-Up to the wall with a few second hold immediately after each set of Presses.
A2) Dumbbell Split-Stance Single-Leg RDL:
5 x 6-10 reps
Add weight and/or reps to last week.
*Warm up and then perform a set of Handstand Push-Ups, followed by a set of DB Split-Stance Single-Leg RDLs. Repeat for 5 work sets of each, resting about a minute between movements. The last few reps of each set should be tough, but the goal is no misses.
Post loads/reps to comments.
Exposure 6 of 8
For Time:
60/50 Calorie Row
40 Wall Balls
20 Power Cleans 135/95
Post time, Rx, and naughty or nice status to comments.
We have skulls for every holiday!
Happy holidays from CFSBK! We’re here for all your fitness needs but running on a modified schedule over the next couple of days. Here’s what you can expect…
Class Schedule:
9am Short Circuit
10am CF
11am CF
Open Gym Membership: 9am-12pm
All other CF group classes
11am Fit 55+
11am Diapers & Dumbbells
4:30pm CrossFit Pre-teens
Tuesday, 12/26
Class Schedule:
10am CF
11am CF
12pm CF
4:30pm CF
5:30pm CF
5:30pm Short Circuit
6:30pm CF
6:30pm Active Recovery
7:30pm Anti-Gravity
Open Gym Membership: 10am-1pm
6am, 7am, 8am, 7:30pm, and 8:30pm CrossFit group classes
4:30pm CrossFit Teens
7:30pm Pilates
You can find our full schedule for the upcoming week here!
The 2018 Dogs of CFSBK calendar features your favorite gym mutts! All proceeds go to PupStarz Rescue, a foster rescue started by our own Robyn O’Brien. The wall calendar is available for a sliding scale donation of $30-60 or more (cash or credit card accepted). A limited number of calendars are on their way to the gym but they are sure to run out quick. Never fear, you can place your order by filling out this online form, or sign up at the front desk. Pre-paying at the front desk will guarantee your copy. Orders will be taken until today. Email Bree P. at breebree [at] mindspring.com
Meet Iceland’s Christmas Witch Smithsonian
A Geek’s Quest for Fitness Breaking Muscle
Partner WOD
AMRAP 30 Minutes:
40 AbMat Sit-Ups
30 Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
20 Burpees
10 Deadlifts 315/225
Partners break up the reps however desired. The Deadlift stimulus is intended to be heavy but something you could do in sets of 5 when fresh.
Post rounds, reps, Rx and partner to comments.
Get out of pain, stay out of pain, strengthen your weaknesses, improve mobility and movement patterns, all while getting stronger! Registration for Active Life Strength with Coach Keith, a predominantly strength based class programmed specifically to strengthen movements and improve positions based on your individual needs, is now open!
2017-18 Holiday Schedule
Happy holidays from CFSBK! We will be running on a modified schedule over the next few days. Here’s what you can expect…
Sunday, 12/24 (Christmas Eve)
Class Schedule:
8am CF
8am Short Circuit
9am CF
10am CF
11am CF
11am AR
12pm CF
1pm CF
2pm Anti-Gravity
2:15pm Free Intro Class
10am CrossFit PreSchool
11am CrossFit Kids
Open Gym
Monday, 12/25 (Christmas)
Class Schedule:
9am Short Circuit
10am CF
11am CF
Open Gym Membership: 9am-12pm
All other CF group classes
11am Fit 55+
11am Diapers & Dumbbells
4:30pm CrossFit Pre-teens
You can find our full schedule for next week here!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
Spending Time in Sticky Positions CrossFit Journal
Why Sitting May Be Bad for Your Heart NY Times