Snatch Complex
Snatch Balance:
Warm up and work up to a heavy triple for the day.
Behind-the-Neck Snatch Grip Push Press + 3 Overhead Squats
Warm up and work up to a challenging but perfect set of the complex.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 6 of 8
For Time:
Dumbbell Push Presses 50/35
Calories Rowed (15-9-6 Bike)
The dumbbell load should be challenging and done in 1-3 sets. Same for the Pull-Ups. Scale volume on Pull-Ups or to Jumping Pull-Ups as needed.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Alchemy Nutrition & Wellness at CFSBK
Know a lot (or a little) about nutrition but can’t seem to make it work for you consistently? Have you tried diets like Paleo, vegan, Zone, counting macros, counting calories, intermittent fasting, you name it… to no avail? Did it work while you were “good,” but was eventually too hard to maintain and you “got off track”? Programs that ask for quick, wholesale changes often end up this way. If you’re tired of starting over every few months to get “back on track” and are ready to commit to yourself for the long haul, there’s a different approach.
What we offer
Many people know what they should be eating but lack the structure necessary to do so consistently. At Alchemy Nutrition & Wellness, we use a client centered coaching program to provide the structure and accountability you need to finally make nutrition work for you. It’s not a quick-fix, short-term diet. There’s no counting, complicated meal plans, or elimination of any particular food group. Working side by side with your coach over the course of a full year, you’ll develop the habits necessary to eat better today, tomorrow, and next week, and develop skills to be healthy for life.
Results you can expect
- A healthy relationship with food and the ability to enjoy it
- A deeper understanding of what foods to eat regularly and what serving sizes are appropriate, without the need to weigh and measure
- Independence from “dieting”
- Improved body composition and overall health
- Improved self esteem and confidence in other areas of your life
Skills and habits that you’ll work on
Goal setting and learning the difference between “what” to do and “how” to do it
- Eating mindfully and slowly, consistently
- Developing awareness of hunger cues
- Creating an energy deficit consistently (if trying to lose weight or body fat) or creating an energy surplus consistently (if trying to gain lean body mass)
- Eating high-quality, nutrient-rich foods consistently
- Getting enough protein, fat, “smart carbs,” vitamins, minerals, and nutrients
- Training consistently, frequently, and with appropriate intensity
- Improving sleep and recovery habits
Benefits of Alchemy Nutrition and Wellness Coaching
Regular communication with your coach to keep you motivated and progressing towards your goals
- Subscription to our online software system that serves as your hub for all aspects of the program, easily accessible from a computer, tablet, or smartphone
- An easy to navigate home page that charts and tracks consistency with daily habits
- Regular objective assessments (measurements and optional photos) to track progress
- Daily lessons on a variety of topics including: cooking, nutrition, mindfulness, prioritizing your own health, and the “why” of what you’re working on to help you develop the skills and behavior patterns necessary to achieve your goals
Head over to the Alchemy program page to learn more about how habit-based coaching works and how you’ll acquire the skills necessary to achieve your nutrition goals.
Nutrition Coaching Only
$150 billed monthly with a 12-month commitment
$125 prepaid with a 12-month commitment ($1500, a savings of over 15%)
Exercise Programming Add-On
Include exercise programming for an additional $50 per month! Exercise is the best accessory to nutrition for your body composition goals. Our exercise programming is individualized to your experience, goals, and level of ability. Similar to the nutrition program, you’ll learn through daily practice to build healthy exercise habits while developing a stronger body. Whether you’re a seasoned gym rat or have never exercised a day in your life, we can provide a program that meets you where you’re at and challenges you appropriately.
Questions? Contact Chris and Jess!
News and Notes
- Holy crap. It’s Thanksgiving! We’ll be running on a modified schedule this Wednesday through Friday. Head over to the Schedule page to find out what’s happening.
- Thanks to everyone who came out to the Art Show last night! And a special shout out to our exhibitors and performers and to Coach Brett for organizing a terrific event.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Ring Supports | Sumo Deadlift High Pulls, Front Squats, Burpees
Just Breathe Athlete Daily
What Should You Look for in a Cross Training Shoe? BarBend
Ring Supports
30 Seconds x 5-8 Sets
Rest as needed between sets but no more than 2 minutes. Focus on a perfect position (shoulders away from ears, elbows locked out, hollow body) atop the rings. Scale time as needed. You can also scale to a more stable set up using a band held across the rings or the Matador.
Post work to comments.
AMRAP 18 Minutes:
9 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 95/65
12 Front Squats 95/65
15 Burpees
The Sumo Deadlift High Pulls should be a little heavier than your Fight Gone Bad weight, maybe unbroken throughout. The Front Squats come off the floor, NOT via a weird Clean after the 9th Sumo Deadlift High Pull, and should be completed unbroken as well.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
TONIGHT: The 5th CFSBK Art Show
CFSBK’s 5th Art Show is tonight from 7-10PM. Free entry and alcohol (and La Croix!). Bring your friends!
The show will feature live tattooing by Brooklyn artist Jim Gentry (go HERE to get on the standby list).
There will be several live performances throughout the night, including music from CFSBKers Emily Asher and Paul Bennett, and a dance/spoken word performance by Sacred Circle Theatre Company featuring CFSBK member Anise.
Come check out the art of these talented artists from CFSBK and beyond:
Katie Harper
David Osorio
Sonya Cheuse
Katherine Akiko Day
Nick Piltoff
Brett Ferguson
Jonathan Arias
Rainer Magik
Simon Ressner
Michael Gigl
Paul Hernandez
Henry Poyder
Paola Luisi
Carla Stickler
We could still use some volunteers to help set up and break down. Contact Coach Brett at Brett [at] if you’d like to help make the magic happen.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
My 3 Biggest Mistakes in Weightlifting Catalyst Athletics
Looking Up in the Deadlift Starting Strength