Back Squat:
Heavy 5 @2011
80% x 9-12 x 2
Warm up to a single heavy set of 5 reps at tempo, slightly (5-10lbs) heavier than the 3 x 5s we did a few weeks ago. This should be done with no misses and perfect form. The goal is to build success at moving heavy weights with near perfect form, so this should not be a true 5RM. Finish with 2 sets of 9-12 reps at 80% of what you did for the heavy 5. These sets should be challenging but leave a rep or two in the tank. Have spotters in place on all work sets.
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Week 1 of 6
5 Rounds for Time:
5e Single-Arm Dumbbell Thrusters 50/35
7 Kipping Pull-Ups
21 Double-Unders
The dumbbell load should be medium heavy. Modify volume on the Pull-Ups or to Ring Rows as needed. Modify the Dubs to Alternating Foot Steps or 2x Singles as needed.
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Upcoming Training Cycle Template
Dates: M 2/7/20 – S 3/29/20 (6 weeks)
Objectives: To move some heavy weights some days, and some light weights fast on other days, leading up to a max effort testing day on the powerlifts—Back Squat, Bench Press, and Deadlift. While this cycle will have a somewhat narrower focus in preparing to move the most weight possible on those particular lifts, we’ll continue to program a blend of moderate and higher intensity GPP work alongside lower intensity mixed modal aerobic pieces. The testing day for this cycle will be Sunday, March 29!
Monday: Heavy Squat + Repetition Squat + Metcon
Week 1: Heavy 5 @20X1 + 80% x 9-12×2
Week 2: Heavy 3 @20X1 + 75% x 9-12×2
Week 3: Heavy 1 @20X1 + 70% x 9-12×2
Week 4: Heavy 5 @20X1 (5-10lbs heavier than week 1) + 80% x 9-12×2
Week 5: Heavy 3 @20X1 (5-10lbs heavier than week 1) + 75% x 9-12×2
Week 6: Heavy 1 @20X1 (5-10lbs heavier than week 1) + 70% x 9-12×2
The heavy set should not be a max effort attempt, but something heavy for the day that you feel confident making. The repetition set percentages are based on what you lifted today. They should be hard effort sets—with no misses and no slop—taken to within a rep or two of failure.
Tuesday: Dynamic Deadlift (Speed Deadlift with Bands) + MMA
Percentage recommendations are based off of a recent 1RM. These should be LIGHT and FAST on the way up. Note the tempo includes a 2 second decent and 1 second pause on the floor. This is meant to help prevent you from bouncing the plates and/or relaxing on the descent. The intent is to lower the bar under control and maintain tension there before exploding up. In each of these linked videos you’ll see examples of moving through perfect positions with amazing speed:
Conventional Set Up (band under feet and just outside hands)
Sumo Set Up (band under feet and in between hands)
Week 1: 45% x 3 x 10 @21X1
Week 2: 50% x 3 x 10 @21X1
Week 3: 55% x 3 x 10 @21X1
Week 4: 60% x 3 x 10 @21X1
Week 5: 65% x 2 x 10 @21X1
Week 6: 70% x 2 x 10 @21X1
Band Guide
If your MAX deadlift is…
<135: Orange Band
135-225: Red Band
225-315: Blue Band
315+: Green Band
Wednesday: Heavy Bench Press + Repetition Press + Metcon
Week 1: Heavy 5 @20X1 + 80% x 9-12 x 2
Week 2: Heavy 3 @20X1 + 75% x 9-12 x 2
Week 3: Heavy 1 @20X1 + 70% x 9-12 x 2
Week 4: Heavy 5 @20X1 (5-10lbs heavier than week 1) + 80% x 9-12 x 2
Week 5: Heavy 3 @20X1 (5-10lbs heavier than week 1) + 75% x 9-12 x 2
Week 6: Heavy 1 @20X1 (5-10lbs heavier than week 1) + 70% x 9-12 x 2
The heavy set should not be a max effort attempt, but something heavy for the day that you feel confident making. The repetition set percentages are based on what you lifted today. They should be hard effort sets—with no misses and no slop—taken to within a rep or two of failure.
Thursday: Dynamic Back Squat (Speed Box Squats) + MMA
Week 1: 45% x 3 x 10 @21X1
Week 2: 50% x 3 x 10 @21X1
Week 3: 55% x 3 x 10 @21X1
Week 4: 60% x 3 x 10 @21X1
Week 5: 65% x 2 x 10 @21X1
Week 6: 70% x 2 x 10 @21X1
Percentage recommendations are based off of a recent 1RM. Alternately add 5% and take that number from the recent 5x3s. These should be LIGHT and FAST on the way up.Note the tempo includes a 2 second decent and 1 second pause at the box. This is meant to help prevent you from crashing onto the box and/or relaxing on the box. The intent is to find the box under control and maintain tension there before exploding up.
JTS Speed Squat Video (Though Chad isn’t using a box in these squats, they’re a great example of moving through perfect positions with amazing speed.)
Friday: Heavy Deadlift + Repetition Barbell Row + Metcon
Week 1: Heavy 5 @21X1 + 2 x 9-12 BB Rows
Week 2: Heavy 3 @21X1 + 2 x 9-12 BB Rows
Week 3: Heavy 1 @21X1+ 2 x 9-12 BB Rows
Week 4: Heavy 5 @21X1 (5-10lbs heavier than week 1) + 2 x 9-12 Barbell Rows
Week 5: Heavy 3 @21X1 (5-10lbs heavier than week 1) + 2 x 9-12 Barbell Rows
Week 6: 3 x 1 @21X1 (submax singles, use same load as last week’s triples) + 2 x 9-12 Barbell Rows
The heavy set should not be a max effort attempt, but something heavy for the day that you feel confident making. The Repetition Barbell Rows should be hard effort sets with no slop, taken to within a rep or two of failure. As a ballpark guide, you might use about 40-50% of your heavy 5 Deadlift weight and increase load and/or reps week to week, but prioritize good movement over load.
Glen Pendlay explains the Pendlay Row (Notice that the barbell starts on the floor for each rep in these. There’s some momentum and speed off the floor yet Max’s back remains neutral and his torso remains near horizontal. If you can get into this position then perform them like this!)
Barbell Row Demo (If lack of flexibility, most likely in the hamstrings, prevents you from maintaining a neutral spine with a horizontal torso and very little knee bend, then perform them like in this video. Note that the torso is still near horizontal and not “ratcheting up” with each rep. Due to grip fatigue you may have to use a lighter load for this variation.)
Saturday: Partner/Interval Workout
High/medium intensity.
Sunday: Power Clean/Snatch + Dynamic Press (Plyo Push-Up or paused speed DB bench) + MMA
Olympic Power Variant
Week 1: Power Clean Variant
Week 2: Power Snatch Variant
Week 3: Power Clean Variant
Week 4: Power Snatch Variant
Week 5: Power Clean Variant
Week 6: Power Snatch Variant
Speed Dumbbell Floor Press
Week 1: 10 x 2 @21X1
Week 2: 10 x 3 @21X1
Week 3: 10 x 4 @21X1
Week 4: 10 x 2 @21X1
Week 5: 10 x 3 @21X1
Week 6: 10×4 @21X1
These should be LIGHT and FAST on the way up. Begin the cycle with a pair of dumbbells that you can move fast for all 20 reps. As ballpark guide, the total of both dumbbells should be about 30% of a recent 1RM Bench Press or 35% or the recent 5 x 3s. Note the tempo includes a 2 second decent and a 1 second pause with elbows on the floor before moving the weight up as fast as possible. This is meant to help prevent you from crashing onto the floor and jamming your wrist between the floor and the weights. The intent is to find the floor under control and maintain tension there before exploding up.
Dumbbell Speed Floor Press (Note the control down and speed up.)
Mark Bell Speed Floor Press (Though in this video Mark is using bands and a barbell, these reps are a great example of moving through solid positions with amazing speed.)
News and Notes
- Missing something? It might be in our most recent lost and found dump! Be sure to claim your stuff before we donate it to CHIPs in a couple of weeks.
- Check back tomorrow to find out who our February Athlete of the Month is!
Neuroscience Says Your Mind and Body Gets Stronger When You Focus on This 1 Thing Inc.
Why Protein Isn’t Created Equal BarBend
Feeling a little beat up as we approach the end of our 6-week training cycle? Do something nice for your body! In our never-ending quest to be your one-stop health and fitness shop, we’re very happy to offer massage therapy with Leah DeCesare, LMT.