Front Squat
Additional training included:
Overhead Abmat Sit-Ups x12
Renegade Rows x8
Walking Lunges x8 each leg
Males used 30 lb. Dumbbells, females used 20’s. This was not a timed workout, it was supplementary strength training.
Established 2007
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Front Squat
Additional training included:
Overhead Abmat Sit-Ups x12
Renegade Rows x8
Walking Lunges x8 each leg
Males used 30 lb. Dumbbells, females used 20’s. This was not a timed workout, it was supplementary strength training.
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Check out our very own AllisonNYC on the CrossFit Affiliates Blog!
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I’m a big fan of minimalist approaches to fitness. Check out this video of "The Patch", an awesome tool for functional and athletic training. Many of the exercises performed here can be mimicked in a playground whenever you find yourself gym-less or in the mood for some fresh air and free movement.
"The Patch"
The athletes in training are the UCR women’s volley ball team. Video courtesy of Catalyst Athletics.
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Max Rounds in 20 Minutes of:
5 Cleans
OH Walk Across the Lyceum
5 Cleans
Walking Lunges Across the Lyceum
Completion of the complex counts as one rep. Load up a barbell get moving.
From above.
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1. Our beginners program just filled up! Coaches Allison, Jacinto and myself are very excited to take our new athletes through CrossFit South Brooklyn’s first Foundations Class. Please introduce yourself to your new teammates on Sunday morning.
2. Check out this article by Jon from AgainFaster (our primary equipment provider) about his experience with the POSE running method. Coach Allison was at the Cert as well and will be doing some Pose work with us in the near future. As it gets nicer out we will be taking some field trips to Prospect Park and the Red Hook fields for some outdoor CrossFitting.
3. Just in case anyone didn’t get the email last month, please send me a list of 1-2 songs which you enjoy working out to and I will add them to the WOD play list. Songs do not have to be Work/Family Safe however practice common sense when making your selections.
4. Our next addition will be another Saturday Group class. Please email me what times would be ideal for you to train and we will work around popular demand. (and the lyceum schedule) The new class will be added in 6-8 weeks. While it’s a little trickier to get more Sunday classes at the Lyceum, we’ll do our best to add a second group class on Sundays as well.
Can you find Coach Allison in the background??
Picture from
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3 Rounds For Time of:
25 Box Jumps 26"
25 Dumbbell Burpees 20lbs.
25 (r1) Sandbag Jump Squats (r2) Jump Squats (r3) Squats
Just a few more days to sign up for the beginners program!! Please email for more information or to sign up.
John, Michele, Clesier and Erik on burpees
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Tabata Something Else"
Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds
of rest where the first 8 intervals are pull-ups, the second 8 are
push-ups, the third 8 intervals are sit-ups, and finally, the last 8
intervals are squats. There is no rest between exercises.
Score equals max repetitions of all exercises.
Saturday Morning Group Class
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CrossFit Total
3 attempts at 1RM Back Squat, Press and Deadlift.
Your CFT is the sum of your best cleared lift on each movement. Competition standards and procedure were enforced by the coaches to ensure valid scores. The CFT is an extremely valuable metric by which our athletes can gauge their functional strength.
Congrats to Jeremy on a CFT of 1075
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CFSBK will be rolling out our first "CrossFit Foundations" class starting on Sunday, February 10th. The program will focus on learning the fundamental movements while developing some baseline strength and conditioning. Each block will consist of 6 classes held on Sundays at 11am. Students are expected to attend every class and must purchase all 6 sessions within the registration period. If you’re new to CrossFit or just want to refine your technique this would be much more appropriate than jumping into the group classes.
Establishing a solid foundation is essential for success in CrossFit. Each class will include movement analysis and practice as well as some general strength and conditioning specific to the lesson. By the end of the 6 week period students will have established the physical competence to enter group classes so that they can gradually amp up the intensity.
Registration Period: January 28th – February 7th
Cost: 180$ @ 30$ per class
Class Dates: 2/10, 2/17, 2/24, 3/2, 3/9, 3/23
When: Every Sunday at 11am (classes are 1 hour in length)
To sign up or if you have any questions please contact David at:
Current CFSBK athletes who sign a friend up will receive 1 week of comped classes!
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21-15-9 Reps of:
95 lb. Thrusters
We will be doing the CrossFit Total on Wednesday. Rest up for the meet.
Heat 1: Charmel, Kevin, Margie, Jeremy and Yoon