5 Rounds for max reps of
Bodyweight bench press (e.g., same amount on bar as you weigh)
There is no time component to this WOD. Post reps to comments.
Accessory work:
3 Rounds of
1:00 Lateral Plank, Each Side
20 Hip Extensions
Eat Food:
www.eatwild.com – Everything you need to know about ‘free range’ meat and poultry.
www.farmtotable.org – Find out where to buy products from local farms and wineries.
www.foodfirst.org – Great resource for learning about international agricultural policy, especially sub-Saharan Africa and Central and South America.
www.meatrix.com – A fun and informative spoof that brings to light so many of the issues involved in the meat industry worldwide. A must for all ages.
www.nofany.org – The New York chapter of the Northeast Organic Farming Association
www.orionmagazine.org – A great source for environmental policy and philosophy. Click on Food & Agriculture link on left sidebar for some great pieces, especially Wendell Berry’s essays Renewing Husbandry and The Agrarian Stand.
www.smallplanetinstitute.org – Fosters democracy worldwide through the lens of food and hunger. Muhammad Yunus—the innovator of ‘micro-loans’ and this year’s Nobel Laureate—works with them as do a bevy of other activists. Check out the books on the left and blogs/articles on the right. A deep, informative site.
www.sustainabletable.org – Educates consumers on food related issues, and works to build community.
jacinto says
ran mile and a half 40 burpees20 strict pull upslight stuff.
Brian says
Jacinto – you are my hero.I am still hung over from Saturday!
jacinto says
tuesday is day 30 for burpees.don’t put them offthey get harder everyday
Sameer Parekh says
gah, insane auxillary work today.
lynn: 115#
3 sets 1 minute r/l planks3 sets 20 hip extensions (ghd)30 burpees!
See y’all on the weekend. I will not be able to make it during the week until the morning classes start up.
Sameer Parekh says
Margie– shoes makes bouldering/climbing so much easier. Using regular shoes just doesn’t work, because your feet are unable to grip the rock. Going barefoot might be worth a shot. Sort of like going with the fivefingers except your feet will get a little bit more abuse. Drop me a line to coordinate — I will not be in class all week as my school is starting up. sameer – at – creativedestruction.com I was thinking this evening it might be possible to rent shoes from a climbing gym for a weekend. I don’t know if they will do that if you are not going to climb with them though.
So far Juliana and Tiffany are in, and Jovis(sp) says he might be able to swing it. I’m not so sure what their story is with shoes and whatnot, so it might end up being a mostly hiking trip, which would be fine too, as far as I’m concerned.
Jeremy says
As RX’d Bench BW@177R1: 22/32R2: 13/20R3: 15/20R4: 11/20R5: 11/20
184 total reps as compared to 157 when I did this at the end of June.
30 Burpees + the accessory work
Was nice to have spotters, I have always felt like I had to leave a rep or two on the table doing it on my own.
Margie says
BP@82#; Pullups with thin band (except 2nd round)
And all that other junk.
Margie says
Oh thanks Sameer! Well hmmmm. I’m down for hiking and if we can swing bouldering barefoot or with rented shoes that’d be awesome too.
I’ll email you.
Erik K. says
As RX’d Bench BW@185R1: 3/11R2: 3/12R3: 2/13R4: 2/12R5: 2/13
I’m pretty sure those numbers are right, or close enough. Not many reps at body weight, which is disappointing and I think that disappointment carried over into some less then inspired rounds of pull-ups. Still, at least I now have a Lynn benchmark.
David, I’d love to hear a routine for improving my strength. I peaked at bench press over a year ago. These numbers are exactly what I use to pull at the Y before I even started crossfit and that’s just not right.
Patrick says
bodyweight of #171used 175# benchpress17/1312/219/187/157/16135 total
Will B. OneWorld says
Great to meet you guys, even though it was only for about 10 minutes. I was bummed that I entirely missed working out with everyone. I’m hoping to make it down later in the year though. Take it easy Brooklyn!
Rob M. says
Body weight 215#Used 135# on the bench press and the green band for the pullups14/1412/176/186/206/21While I still have a long way to go, 3 months ago I could barely do 9 reps with 135# and last week I could only do 13 pullups with the green band (I think I have figured out that Kipping thing). Thank you Crossfit South Brooklyn, David, Jacinto, and Shane for making me stronger.
shane says
Made it safe and sound to Rio. Longest…trip….ever but so worth it.
Way to go Rob!!Ok, gotta run but just wanted to check in. Have a great day everyone.
Kent says
“Lynn” as rx’dbody weight 185lbs
30 burpees
I ripped my right hand open in the 4th round which accounts for the low number of pullups in the 5th. I felt like my kip was getting a better rhythm to it though.
stephanie says
bench press 82#kipping pull ups
7,77,78,87,96,4(+ 5 blisters)total = 70
my hands held out for so long, then completely tore to shreds
40 burpees (i have more to make up..)
Sameer Parekh says
w00t! Rob pointed me to
and they rent climbing shoes for $12.
So we can swing by there and pick up climbing shoes for people.
I’ve signed up for zipcar, which will cost $115 for a honda, which will fit five people. I am still not “approved” yet though so hopefully once I am approved I can reserve a car. They probably get booked up fairly quickly on the weekend.
If we have more people we might be able to get a larger vehicle for a bit more money.
Keith W. says
Great links, David!
Anybody going to Fight Gone Bad III fundraiser in Albany or CT?
I’m looking to sponsor some athletes since I can’t go.
Margie says
Keith – we’re doing one on Brooklyn, you should come!
stephanie says
“fran” at the black box
65#kipping w/ white band10:13 (pr)
old time was 12:58 w/ 62#
ps. margie – you rock girl 🙂
Margie says
Ditto Steph :)10:09
Still 31 burpees to go… sigh
Charmel says
Lynn – 190# (mostly strict pullups)12/13,8/10,6/10,4/6,5/6 (not sure of the last 2 pullup counts)My hammys don’t like hip extensions.Count me in for bouldering on Sunday
jeremy says
Worked out at Crossfit The Rock on Long Island. We did Kelly5 Rounds:400m Run30 Box Jumps 24″30 Wall Balls 20#31:29
Cool little space to work out at.
Margie says
Thanks for figuring all this stuff out Sameer and getting on zipcar.
Looks like we need to reserve shoes at least two days in advance. Is there any other gear we’d need to rent? If folks want to email me their shoe sizes, I can make the reservations.
margielempert at gmail dot com
Staci says
Just wanted to shout out to Stephanie and Margie – was great to train with you both. Looking forward to coming to South Brooklyn 🙂
Nice job on the PR Stephanie!!
B says
yesterday82 lbs/ thin band kips
Shane,Are you doing Brazil style burpees right now or what? Enjoy your trip!
Sameer,I am interested in hiking/bouldering trip lets email details to see if I can make it work.
Sameer Parekh says
Reserve shoes in advance? I called the place Rob mentioned and they said they don’t take reservations. Did you call someone else? Or talk to someone else? strange.
Margie says
No, i didn’t call. I just looked on the website and it said that. But if you called then I won’t worry about it.
Jeremy says
Hey, i am down for hiking/bouldering this weekend. I can also fit a bunch of people in my car.
Shane says
Pic’s from yesterday (mostly of my Dad training w/ Claudio Coelho-Brazil’s premier boxing coach) if you look at the names on the wall those are some of the people Prof. Coelho has trained. Pretty amazing experience.
Sameer Parekh says
Jeremy– that is excellent, how many people can you fit? I have a suspicion I may not pass the ‘zipcar’ test:
“Have had no more than two “incidents” (moving violations PLUS accidents) in the past three years and no more than one incident in the past 18 months”
My fast-driving lifestyle may not be compatible. Anyone else want to sign up for zipcar?
I can fit two (including me) in my car so perhaps between the both of us we will be ok.
Jeremy says
I would say 5 including me is doable.
paul says
shane, that’s awesome. I boxed for a while before starting crossfit (I actually tore a tendon in my hand, so I had to quit). boxing is a hell of a lot of fun, there are a lot of older dudes that train at gleason’s.
paul says
posted too soon. anyways, I was trying to get my dad to come for a training session, but he wasn’t too interested.
Max says
Done last night at home.
Lynne as RX’d (BW 142)5/214/134/113/103/11
85 total.