WOD 5.9.10
As many rounds as possible in 15 Minutes of:
Row 600m
12 Push Presses 115/80
Post time and Rx to comments.
Assistance Work
L-Sit Hold :05×10
CrossFit Kid, Patricio G works his Jump Rope Skills
Happy Mother's Day to all our CrossFit Moms!
Congratulations to Gerrit G for qualifying for The Empire State Games for Olympic Weightlifting
Mid-Line Stabilization with Kelly Starrett CrossFit Journal
Pipes and Cogs Squat Rx
Back Squat
Post loads to comments.
(E1/8) Sets Across
Reference previous 4 BSQ exposures
E4/4: 2.27.10 E3/4: 2.20.10 E2/4: 2.13.10 E1/4: 2.6.10
3 Rounds for time of:
130m Run
20 Kettlebell Swings, 32kg/20kg
15 Pull-Ups or Ring Rows
Post time and Rx to comments.
Kettlebell swings have to clear your forehead. Attempt all the Swings and Pull-Ups unbroken. The run can be scaled up by carrying a sandbag.
Kevin shows us his O (lifting) face
Welcome, CrossFit Marine Park! CFP is operated by friends of the program Ilya and Jillian B.
Check out CrossFit South Brooklyn on Facebook!
Office Chair is Killing You Businessweek
Rest Day
Alec's Front Rack
The movements for the following cycle will be as follows:
Squat Variant: Back Squat
Pull: Power Clean
Upper Body: Weighted Chin-Ups
Saturday Back Squat + Conditioning or Assistance
Sunday Conditioning
Monday Power Clean + Conditioning or Assistance
Tuesday -Rest Day-
Wednesday Back Squat + Conditioning
Thursday Weighted Chins + Conditioning
Friday -Rest Day-
We've doubled up the number of times we'll be squatting this cycle to really push the lift. In order to allow more time for additional work on Squat days, we'll only be doing 3 work sets as opposed to 5.
Eat Like a Man with Steve Pan Performance Menu
WOD 5.06.10
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Reps for time of:
Deadlift, Bodyweight
Post time and Rx to comments.
compare to 3.13.10
Skill Work
Clean Technique complex:
Tall Clean
Mid Hang Power Clean + FSQ
Power Clean + FSQ
Happy Birthday, Coach Jeremy!
Happy Birthday Malcolm!
Upcoming Foundations Cycles:
May Evening Cycle
Dates: 5/12-6/7
Times: 8pm-9:15pm
Register Here!
May Morning Cycle
Dates: 5/20-6/14
Times 10am-11:15am
Register Here!
Back Off Week: Day 3/4
3-5 Rounds NFT of:
20 Switch Swings
10 Kettlebell Snatches, each arm
10 Front Rack Lunges, each leg
Post weight to comments.
Skill Work
Kettlebell Flips
Team Lululemon does "Death by DB Hang Squat Clean Thruster"
Congratulations to our graduating Foundations class tonight!
The problems with the online store have been resolved!
Rest Day
For the next three weeks, our Active Recovery Class with Coach Fox will be at 7pm. Additionally, the price for SBK members is now $15. See you tonight!
'Green' Exercise Quickly Boosts Mental Health BBC
Starting Strength Series: Mark Rippetoe Interviews Jim Wendler
50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of:
Double Unders
Post time to comments.
compare to 2.15.10
Suggested Back-Off Week
Accessory Work
Kipping Pull-Up Practice
Congratulations to Luisa P and Gabe E on their recent engagement!
Upcoming Foundations Cycles:
May Evening Cycle
Dates: 5/12-6/7
Times: 8pm-9:15pm
Register Here!
May Morning Cycle
Dates: 5/20-6/14
Times 10am-11:15am
Register Here!
Back Off Week: Day 1/4
Power Clean Technique Work
Handstand Practice
Were going to be more strict about back-off weeks. Instead of posting workouts and asking you to take it easy, we'll be working technique on upcoming lifts and doing some fun stuff. This back off week will last until Friday. Enjoy!
What's a back-off? Read the original write up here.
Brian D does 374×3
Check out Coach Margie tonight at 5:30pm at The Brooklyn Lyceum for her Paleolithic Nutrition lecture at the Craft Fair. Only 5$
Overhead Squat
(E4/4) L1 5×5 Sets Across/L2 Max Effort
Post loads to comments.
compare to 4.24.10
4 Rounds NFT:
12 Wall Ball Shots
10 Knee to Elbows or Toes to Bars
Focus on properly organizing each Wall Ball Shot. You might also consider using a lighter ball and a higher target. Keep your Knees to Elbows strict
Upcoming Foundations Cycles:
May Evening Cycle
Dates: 5/12-6/7
Times: 8pm-9:15pm
Register Here!
May Morning Cycle
Dates: 5/20-6/14
Times 10am-11:15am
Register Here!
Thanks for all the great feedback yesterday! It's easy to get into a rhythm of doing things a certain way, hearing ideas from the community is a great way to try and keep programming fresh.
CFSBK wishes a speedy recovery to Matt U who sustained a pectoral injury last night Bench Pressing. Get well soon, Matt!!
Two Words… Fuzz San Francisco CrossFit
How to Regain and Maintain Hip Mobility Mark's Daily Apple
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