We've still got room for our April Afternoon Foundations Cycle:
Times: Mondays and Thursdays from 10am-11:15am
Dates: 4/19-5/13
Register Here!
What was the first car you ever owned?
Cyril Raffaelli Demo Reel Collection
Established 2007
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We've still got room for our April Afternoon Foundations Cycle:
Times: Mondays and Thursdays from 10am-11:15am
Dates: 4/19-5/13
Register Here!
What was the first car you ever owned?
Cyril Raffaelli Demo Reel Collection
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(E2/4) L1 Sets Across/L2 Max Effort
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compare to 4.5.10
Tabata Mash-Up
Alternate between air squats and double-unders for a total of 8 rounds.
Can you stay at or above 20 reps for every work interval?
Post total reps per movement to comments.
Robb Wolf, Nicki Violetti and the seminar attendees
Welcome to our new batch of April Foundations students today!
Check out this PDF with a write-up on the Brooklyn Triathlete Club's involvement with CrossFit SBK
Calling all parents! Be sure to let your friends with kids know about our upcoming South Brooklyn Kids program! We'll be running two versions, one for teens and one for kids. Registration is open and classes start on the 17th. Thanks!
A Journey into a Black Hole
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(E1/4) L1 Sets Across/L2 Max Effort
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Assistance Work
5 Rounds NFT of:
10 Front Squat Rack Lunges
10 Ring Rows
Use a barbell held in a Front Squat rack to perform 5 heavy stepping lunges each leg. Ring rows terminate when your wrist touches your torso.
Post load and angle to comments
Coach Margie at Rob Orlando's Strongman Seminar
Happy Birthday, Vincent D!
Here are the latest results and rankings for our Affiliate Team tryouts. If you'd like to tryout, you've got until Wednesday to contact us and complete the workouts.
Remember that there are no classes this Sunday due to Robb Wolf's Nutrition Seminar. There's still time to sign up if you're interested! Sign up here!
Mark Rippetoe Interviews John Welbourn Starting Strength
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Platforms, Eleiko Barbells, Kilogram Bumpers and Jerk Blocks
Congratulations to Jess F on her first Strict Pull-Up!
Remember that there are no classes on Sunday for Robb Wolf's Nutrition Seminar
Got friends with kids? Help us spread the word about our upcoming South Brooklyn Kids program!
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For time:
60 Double Unders
21 Power Cleans, 155/95
40 Double Unders
15 Power Cleans, 155/95
20 Double Unders
9 Power Cleans 155/95
Post time and Rx to comments.
Congratulations to Jessica B on her first pull-up!
Happy Birthday, Ari!
Check out these results from the CrossFit Total at the end of Jeremy's Strength Intensive
Jim R hit a 20lb PR on Press at 175lbs despite missing time with an injured ankle.
Vincent D hit PR's in all 3 lifts and totaling 710lbs, a 45lb increase.
Christian Devos squatted 225 and deadlifted 255. Before the cycle he had never had more than 150lbs on his back or attempted a deadlift more than 180lbs.
Last but not least, Paul Steinman set gym records in the Squat, 435 (a 50lb PR) and Press 215 (a 10lb PR). Paul totaled an impressive 1,125lbs.
Great work, guys!
For more information on our Strength Intensive and to register, click here!
Does anyone have a projector we can borrow this Sunday? Robb Wolf's presentation has a power point segment.
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(E1/4) L1 Sets Across/L2 Max Effort
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compare to 6.8.09
As Many Rounds as Possible in 12 Minutes of:
300m Row
30 Unanchored Sit-Ups
Post rounds to comments.
There is still time to try out for the CrossFit South Brooklyn Affiliate Team. We would especially love to see more women trying out! If you're interested please email David(At)CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com.
Great work to all the athletes who have already gone through the three workouts. We'll post updated results at the end of the week.
Registration is now open for our South Brooklyn Kids program!
Interested in getting stronger? Check out Coach Jeremy's Strength Intensive program. Slots are going fast for the upcoming cycles. Get on it!
Can you spot the SBK'ers in this video from the New York/New Jersey Sectional?
The Munduruku Tribe, a case study in how we process numbers
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Ashley opens his first exposure of Deadlifts with 330x3x3
Happy Birthday, Justin L!
Upcoming Foundations Cycles:
April Evening Cycle
Times: Mondays and Wednesdays from 8pm-9:15pm
Dates: 4/12 – 5/5
Register Here!
April Afternoon Cycle
Times: Mondays and Thursdays from 10am-11:15am
Dates: 4/19-5/13
Register Here!
Is anyone interested in participating in a design meeting at Lululemon next Tuesday from 7-8:30pm? The intention of the meeting is to get feedback on what kind of athletic wear CrossFitters are looking for and let you guys know what Lululemon is all about. Ideally, there would be a mixed crowd of CrossFitters who wear the product already and some who don't. Each member who participates will receive a $100 gift certificate to their store. Food will also be provided at the meeting.
Space is limited and it's first come first serve. Please email David(AT)CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com if you're interested.
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(E1/4) L1 Sets Across/L2 Max Effort
All pulls taken from a dead start, loss of lumbar extension constitutes a missed lift
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compare to 2.4.10
Assistance Work
Ring Rows 4×10
Isometric Hold over the pull-up bar. :05×4
Forging the future of fitness
We're very proud to announce Crossfit Kids and Crossfit Teens classes will begin on Saturday, April 17th! Each hour-long class will be meeting twice a week for 8 weeks. Classes are limited to 10 students so register today!
SBK Kids
Ages 6-10
$320 for 16 sessions
Saturdays from 2:15-3:15pm
Tuesdays from 4-5pm
SBK Teens
Ages 11-15
$320 for 16 sessions
Saturdays from 1:15-2:15
Wednesdays 4p-5p
For further information about the program, discounts for children of current SBK members and to register check out the Kids page Volusion site.
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5 rounds for time of:
Run 400m
15 Overhead Squats 95/65
Post time and Rx to comments.
compare to 9.6.09
suggested back-off
Ari goes 2 pood on the Swing/Run intervals
Great work to the three athletes who tried out for the affiliate team this weekend, here are their results.
WOD 1: Max Clean and Jerk, 3 attempts
Ryan P 195
Sameer P 135
Jess F 105
WOD 2: 21-15-9 Deadlifts (225/155) and Pull-Ups
Ryan P 3:18
Sameer P 6:29
Jess F 7:15
WOD 3: 3 Rounds for time of: Run 400m, 30 Box Jumps (24"/20") 40 Double Unders
Ryan P 18:59
Sameer P 17:49
Jess F 14:31
We need more people to step up to the plate! Please email me at David(at)CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com if you're interested in trying out. Our next scheduled tryout times are Monday 4/5 @ 6:30pm and Tuesday 4/6 @ 7pm.
Due to an inspection, there are no 6am or 7am classes on Monday 4/5. Afternoon classes are on as usual.
There are also NO classes next Sunday, April 11th for Robb Wolf's Nutrition Seminar. There is still room if you're interested. The price is $195