50%x3, 60%x3, 70%x3
These are 3-3-3-1 tempo squats
%'s are based off 1RM, this is a deload exposure before our next and final exposure which will find a new 1RM and a rep out.
Post loads to comments.
compare to 9.15.10
4 Rounds for Max Reps of:
30 Seconds max Front Squats 165/115
Rest 30 Seconds
30 Seconds max Burpees
Rest 30 Seconds
30 Seconds max Double Unders
Rest 30 Seconds
Post Rx and three totals to comments.
CanaDan M at last weekend's Warrior Dash
Fight Gone Bad 5 Itinerary
Each team has a posted competition and judging time. It's your team's responsibility to be here and ready to go at both times listed. This year's heat assignments are based on each teams total funds raised from lowest to highest. To check out the details per team, check out our page on facebook!
9:00 Doors Open
9:45 Opening Ceremony/WOD Review
10:00 Charmelicious Crew v. Mr. Scott and the Astafarians
Judges: X-Men & The Sixy Beasts
10:30 Fight Gone Bad Club v. SBK MisFits
Judges: Charmelicious Crew & Mr. Scott and the Astafarians
11:00 X-Men v The Sixy Beasts
Judges: Fight Gone Bad Club & SBK MisFits
11:30 CrossFit Kids Gone Bad
12:00 The Leftovers v. La Lucha Dolorosa
Judges: Tyrannosaurus Rx'd & D.F.L.
12:30 Conn Men v. Heedless of the Consequences
Judges: The Leftovers & La Lucha Dolorosa
1:00 Tyrannosaurus Rx'd v. D.F.L.
Judges: Conn Men & Heedless of the Consequences
~1:30 Awards Ceremony
2:00 After party at Sheep's Station
Kipping Pull-up Tutorial
Are you struggling with kipping pull-ups? Want to break the movment down into its component parts and rebuild it from scratch? We're offering a free kipping pull-up 101 class next Monday. This is for folks who have a few strict overhand pull-ups but can't seem to get their kipping pull-ups dialed in.
Requirements: 3 Overhand strict pull-ups
Slots available: 6 (first come first serve)
Cost: Free
When: Monday, Sept 27th 8pm-8:30pm
Only available to SBK members
email David(AT)CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com to RSVP
Having the team that JUST finished judge the next round is perhaps less than optimal. Last year I was way too gassed to fulfill my duties and swapped out with someone else. The brain needs oxygen to count.
Thanks Pete!
Kelly’s Mobility WOD deals with the Sumo Deadlift High Pull!
Healthy shoulders for everyone!
You’ll have about 12 minutes to recover. I wanted to try and keep folk’s heats close to their judging assignments.
Hey, thanks for posting that photo of me at the Dash! I think it’s a pretty good photo, actually. Got my time for the race, 36:04, 754th place out of 6202 people. so I’m happy with that. Next year, my goal is to break the 30 minute mark. I have no doubt that I can do it.
Anyway, today is an off day, I did Fran yesterday (scaled to 75lb thrusters) in 8:24, which is a full 90 seconds faster than my previous time a couple of months ago. Which was good, because I felt really bad about my horrible deadlifting on Monday… Ugh.
Getting psyched about Saturday, should be a blast!
Back Squat280x5x3 (PR)Press160x5x3 (PR)Jump Rope IntervalsPower Shrugs265x10x3
Calling (almost) all FGB V Team Captains!
I can’t believe that in only a few short days we will don our cool team t-shirts and rumble in FGB V!
On that note, we still need to receive payment from most of you on behalf of your team for the t-shirts.
Paul and I will be at CFSBK as of about 6pm tonight. If you are going to be around, it would be great if you could hand one of us the payment in person. Otherwise, please make other arrangements with us as soon as you can. We’d prefer that payment be made in cash.
Feel free to forward any questions or concerns as well.
rjs (at) quistindustries (dot) comps (at) quistindustries (dot) com
Team Members! Don’t forget to give your Captain money for your shirt(s). The cost is $12 per t-shirt.
One last note: remember, all profits from the t-shirt production are going to be donated to our fundraising pages. It’s a win-win situation!
Didn’t deload too much as I was coming back to OHSs after a while and wanted to get ready for 1RMs on Saturday. Good times working with BAZ as mah pahdner.
WU: 45×5, 75×5
Work: 95×3, 105×3, 115×3
Felt a little weak on the accessory WOD. Work weight 125 lbs.
Score: 23/35/52 (yup, I know, DUs are crap – gotta get ’em back).
Didn’t deload because I won’t be here for the next exposure.
WU 45×5, 95×5, 115×3
Work 135×3, 155×3, 135×8
WOD – 21/46/156 Rx’d
Strength Cycle Day 14
Back SquatWarmup: 45×5 95×5 135×5 185x3Work: 200x5x3 (PR)
BenchWarmup: 45×5 95×5 135x5Work: 165x5x3
Chinups10#6, 7, 6 (PR)
i stayed up til 3 last night watching an *awesome* documentary on the legendary cuban musician Cachao, and every 30 minutes i tried to remind myself that i had to lift the next day and part of my Paleo Challenge was getting some fucking sleep for once in my life.
almost bailed on today’s Strength Cycle A, Week 5, due to aforementioned lack of sleep.
instead, i came in and got two PR’s and arguably my best performance of the cycle overall.
also, Deepak? thanks, you made my day 🙂
SQUAT: 45×5, 75×5, 95×5, 115×5, 125×1, 137.5x3x5 (work weight PR.)
it’s impossible to summarize how much you learn about yourself when the weight gets heavy.
BENCH: work weight PR by 5 lbs, 75x3x5.
trying to keep the scaps down and shoulders plugged in.
CHINS: finally didn’t embarrass myself. blue band 7,7,6.
7PM group class – watching y’all in that WOD inspired quite a murmur amongst the strength cyclers. maybe someday i can aspire to hang with you!
Warmup:-squat, tall plank, one-legged downward dog stretch, flagpoles, dislocates, pvc OH squats
Tempo OHS:(45×5, 45×4) 55×3, 65×3, 75×3-Guesstimated with the numbers seeing as I don’t have a 1RM. All felt good.
WOD:-FSQ @ 95lbs: 9, 7, 6, 7 = 29-Burpees: 8, 8, 7, 9 = 32-DU’s: 34, 33, 34, 30 = 131Glad I didn’t go for the rx’d weight of 115! It was really hard to come back and front squat after getting so out of breath from the double-unders. Burpees were especially hard to do today because of my soreness from the 97 pushups yesterday. Excuses, excuses. 😉