(E8/8) Max Effort
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compare to 8.28.10
3 Rounds NFT of:
10 Toes to Bars
:15 Piked Handstand hold
20 Pistols, alternating legs (10 each leg)
Check out the review of CFSBK on WellandGoodNYC.com! Thanks, Ashley!
Check out Isaac G in his old Ska band circa 1996, Isaac Green and the Skalars
Want to learn a little more about Ben Bierkraft? Check out this interview on Metromix
There are no Group classes or platform time this Saturday for Brutal Recess with Chip Conrad at CFSBK.
Theres still time to sign up! If you're interested, click here!
If you’re not going to Brutal Recess, maybe you want to go hear OPT (James Fitzgerald) speak at the Black Box on Saturday morning – there are still some spots open. I’m goin!’
I grew up listening to Isaac’s ska band in high school. crazy.
Oh- Im also officially starting a 3 month Paleo Challenge today!!
There, I said it! It’s happening!
Exceptions:Milk/cream in my coffee or latte.Occasional Milk Thistle Chocolate Milk at Farmer’s marketCorn Chips or Tortillas (gluten free) occasionallyGluten Free Beer
There’s an article up on the CF Journal about an affiliate the did a paleo study. I stopped reading once I saw the words “Paleo-Zone”, but thought the study approach (as opposed to the challenge approach) was an interesting way of going about it.
@Deb and Alec,
I have a friend who’s interested in a consultation. Can one of you shoot me an email? joseph(dot)c(dot)williams(at)gmail
joe – that is a great little piece of work. i downloaded the PDF, if anyone would like it.
@Joe, just shot you an email.
Who else wants to see David skank?
Great noon class with Margie today. We really are lucky to have so many amazing coaches at CFSBK!
My own warmup with a 1 pood KB:swings, snatches, windmills, etc… I love warming up with them there kettlebells.
Group warm up with three rounds of 1min rows and stretching. I’m terribly inflexible (unflexible? not flexible?), so I’ve been really trying to get better at that. Anyway.
Overhead SquatWarm up:45x5x2
1-1-1-1-185 – 95 – 105(previous PR) – 110(PR) – 125(Big PR)
Felt great to lift that much, my biggest problem was push pressing the weight to overhead. Big thanks to Margie for helping me to get that 20lb PR.
Then came the other stuff.3 Rounds NFT of:10 knees to elbows15 seconds pike hold (once again, terribly inflexible…)10 assisted pistols/leg
Pistols are hard. That’s all I got.
I was a big sore today because yesterday I did tabata pullups, pushups, squats, and situps. THAT kicks your ass. Anyway, I’m off to Toronto for a week, so I’ll see you all when I get back.
Thanks again, Margie!
I ditto on the good nooner. Thanks Margie!
OH Squat65, 70 (PR), 75(PR), 85(PR), 90(PR)
I have come to the conclusion that I have flimsy wrists. The toughest part was getting the bar overhead. But 90 felt pretty solid.
Pistols. Good god.
OHS at home before work. 115, 125, 135, 145F all from the floor. Had to rush it. Might try again when I get home.
David, I’ve tried the gluten free beers. They are expensive and disappointing. I drink them anyway!
bsq285x5x3 (PR)Bench245x5x3 (PR)
Back squat 225x3x5Accessory WOD with supported pistols.
nice way to report on my night: “I am as pleased as punch.”
how I really feel: “Say my name, bitch.”
Strength Cycle A, week 6
Bksq: 45×5, 75×5, 95×3, 115×3, 135×1, 140×1, 145x3x5 PR (something like my ninth work weight PR in a row.)
Press: my nemesis lift, failed @50 last week. 45x3x5.
Chins: blue band, best session of the entire cycle by FAR. 8,8,7.
Awesome. Thanks J.
I’ve decided I’m well enough to return to Group Class programming. Bored of what I had been doing which was lots of squatting, foam rolling and not much else.
Warm-upGot very little sleep last night and was feeling really stiff and slow so I did about 35 minutes of movement prep. Lots of hip mobility, Foot Tractioning, and Lax ball love.
Can’t OHSBSQ(45×5, 95×5, 135×5, 155×3, 165×3)175x5x3
Did the same weight on 9/7 and it felt a lot heavier today. Had to really focus on organizing the lift.
3 Rounds NFT:10 Toes to Rings10 Push-Ups (felt hard!)10 Pistols each leg
This took longer than I thought it would and felt like a lot of work.
Is anyone as excited about the new soap in the bathroom as I am??
the soap was praised at length tonight.
WU: Indigenous people’s run. My first barefoot run around the block! Feet survived.
OHS: (45×5, 95×3, 115×3) 125×1, 135×1, 140×1(PR), 145×1(PR) 150×1(PR)
That last PR is bodyweight, which I was quite happy about. Still haven’t taken OHS to failure…I think I am a little scared of all that weight right over my head. I think I will hit a binding constraint on the push jerk part before the squat part.
And yes, I did notice that my hands smelled delightful tonight.
I love the soap and may go purchase some myself! I usually go for citrus soap scents but love the basil herby sweet scent happening there.
Warmup:-Chase the chief run around the block.-PVC overhead squats
OHS:(40×5, 60×3, 75×2, 85×1)90, 95, 105, 115f, 115f, 110f-At 115, I could just not get the weight overhead. Dropped down to 110 for the last rep and got it overhead fine then down in a deep squat but then couldn’t get up. Had to bail and land on my bum.-Lessons learned: should have made a heaver jump earlier on when I was less fatigued, need to push jerk-not push press when heavier, need to drive up from the bottom quick.
Acc. Work–2 rounds of:-10 t2b/k2e, 15sec handstand pike, 10 pistols/leg-was told to keep the t2b/k2e strict so they were mostly k2e. handstand pike was more uncomfortable than I thought it would be. used the squat rack to support me during the pistols and they were hell. In hindsight, I shouldn’t have done them because I can already feel the soreness coming on. Not good for the marathon training…
p.s. I did notice the handsoap and I love it. They have amazing scents. They make cleaning products smell so good!
New handsoap is great! it doesn’t squirt on your clothes when you go to use it.
Good day OHS’ing with Margie and Chris in the 6 PM class. Partnered with Baz again. Good times.
WU: 45×5, 75×5, 95×3, 115×2
Work: 125(PR), 135(PR), 140(PR)
On these last two, there was some awkwardness on getting it overhead, but once that was done, the squat went off OK. I’m still getting a little too sumo-wide when I go down, so I need to work on that.
Accessory work was hard. Pistols, piked HSs – yikes.
first time OHSing in quite some time. fun!65×3 85×3 95×3 105×2 100×3
125,130, 135fail,135, 140fail, 140
OHS:(45×5, 65×5, 95×3)100, 105, 115F, 110F, 110(PR), 115F
Last three pulls were from a tall rack because I couldn’t jerk the weight up. I know I have bodyweight OHS in me if I can just get it overhead! Awesome working with Vincent. 🙂
Accessory work – all pistols assisted – started out gripping the pull-up rack then changed wrapping a blue band around the rack. My legs are hellllla sore today!
Fun to be back in the gym for an evening class after I don’t know how long. Also can’t remember last time I did OHS–found a Nancy from over a year ago when I did 25#. Sad to have missed this cycle, would have liked to see where I am…great lifting w/ Asta and Noor last night.
40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90×3. After that my right shoulder was fatigued, but 90 still went up and down easy.
@David: What will you do on Thanksgiving & Christmas, paleo-wise?
Strength Cycle Day 17
Back SquatWarmup: 45×5 95×5 135×5 185x5Work: 215x5x3 (PR)
PressWarmup: 45×5 75×5 95x5Work: 120x5x3 (PR)
Chinups (3xF)10#5, 6, 6