South Brooklyn MisFits The Sixy Beasts The X-Men CrossFit Kids Gone Bad La Lucha Dolorosa The Leftovers Heedless of the Consequences Conn Men Tyrannasaurus Rx'd D.F.L. Fight Gone Bad Club Mr. Scott and the Astafarians Charmelicious Crew
Who’s excited to PR their Overhead Squat tomorrow?!!!
@ Samir – Men and Woman. This collection shows the depth of photographers we had on Saturday. Looking at the tiny white print shows that Dan, Asta and I all were involved.
@Malcolm: Just noticed those notices – they’re very faint. No wonder I missed them. Great job all of you! And thanks again. When do we see the full slideshow?
Hugs from Pittsburgh! T minus twelve days until the Chicago Marathon and my untimely death.
I’m looking for an MD, a general practitioner, who might not be hostile to paleo eating and crossfit.
In the short term, I need someone to order the bloodwork I want at the end of my Paleo challenge. Long term, obv, it would be good to have a sympathetic doc.
Robb Wolf has suggested finding an integrative medicine specialist, and I’ve found some likely suspects in NYC, but would prefer a personal recommendation.
Thanks in advance.
diane 15/9/6 165# dl 30# dumbell press 7:45
Also, just so we are all aware, CrossFit Dogtown has gotten to within $2000 of us in the fundraising situation, and there’s still three days left, so we shouldn’t slack on the fundraising! We need to beat them!
can i just say that these pictures just made my day and i miss you guys so much! MWAH SBK!
and WHOA DADDY Matt U!!?>@K#$!??!
Nice photos – thanks! Obviously, the Beasts rule, but everyone’s doing a darn good job. (Including the man behind the camera!)
predawn at home:
5 sun salutations
30 20#KB snatches per side
Diane in 11:33 with HSPU at 12, 9, 6 reps.
Deadlift day250x5290x5330x12
“Diane”…modified15-9-6 reps6:24Holy smokes, Fatman!
Who’s excited to PR their Overhead Squat tomorrow?!!!
@ Samir – Men and Woman. This collection shows the depth of photographers we had on Saturday. Looking at the tiny white print shows that Dan, Asta and I all were involved.
@Malcolm: Just noticed those notices – they’re very faint. No wonder I missed them. Great job all of you! And thanks again. When do we see the full slideshow?
@Chris: I am.
Love the pics!! Can someone give that naked guy in the tire my number?
So I’ve finally found the tattoo I’m getting; feel free to copy me:
Hugs from Pittsburgh! T minus twelve days until the Chicago Marathon and my untimely death.
I’m looking for an MD, a general practitioner, who might not be hostile to paleo eating and crossfit.
In the short term, I need someone to order the bloodwork I want at the end of my Paleo challenge. Long term, obv, it would be good to have a sympathetic doc.
Robb Wolf has suggested finding an integrative medicine specialist, and I’ve found some likely suspects in NYC, but would prefer a personal recommendation.
Thanks in advance.
diane 15/9/6 165# dl 30# dumbell press 7:45
Also, just so we are all aware, CrossFit Dogtown has gotten to within $2000 of us in the fundraising situation, and there’s still three days left, so we shouldn’t slack on the fundraising! We need to beat them!
canadan: don’t worry. it is all well in hand.
“Diane” –
DL 21/15/9 @ 95#HSPU 15/9/6 with 3 AbMats= 3:00
Accessory work: kipping pull-ups. 2 sets of 4-5, blue band. 1 trial set white band. +Active Recovery. booyah.
Alright Sameer, I’m taking your word for it! I think Matt should get a trip to Disney World for this.
does anyone have a ratty pair of running sneakers around size 9 and one half? i’m doing a mud run this weekend.
Diane165lb DLs30lb (21) 25lb (15, 9) DB Presses
FGB looked superfun, sorry I had to be fly fishing on the Snake River in the Grand Tetons that day. Oh well, sacrifices must be made.
FGBelated is gearing up–too bad all the cool names were taken.
Aww my wife looks SO beautiful in her team photo.Josh Martinez will have to use a doll to illustrate for his therapist where he was touched.
Thanks David, Sam, Shaun, Bails, Justin for coming by for Glee tonight! I hope to see more of you next week!
@Snipstick…no tattoos for you!