Clean and Jerk
Each athlete has three attempts to find a 1 rep max Snatch and Clean and Jerk. There is a one minute time limit for each lift once the bar is loaded to your desired weight. If two athletes total the same amount of weight at the end of the meet, "Grace" as Rx'd will be used as a tie breaker.
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Steve and Joe do Snatch Drills
Today is the last event in our 4 part Subway Series competition with CrossFit Virtuosity, CrossFit Long Island City and CrossFit Queens. Thanks to everyone who has participated to make our first run of this idea a big success! We will crown the winner of the series today and celebrate with a BBQ and potluck. Please remember that there are no Group or Teaser classes today. That being said, everyone is invited to come out, socialize and have fun. Today's event starts at 9:00am
Good luck to Coach Margie, Coach Jeremy, Paulie S, Juliana A and Jack L on their Powerlifting meet this weekend. Please keep us all updated with how things go!