AMRAP 20 Minutes
30 Box Jumps 24/20
20 Push Press 115/80
30 Pull-Ups
Post Rounds and Rx to comments.
Who Was Danny?
Oakland SWAT Sergeant Daniel Sakai, age 35, was killed on March 21, 2009 in the line of duty along with fellow officers Sergeant Ervin Romans, Sergeant Mark Dunakin, and Officer John Hege. Daniel is survived by wife Jenni and daughter Jojiye.
Kelly Starrett Mobility Seminar This Weekend
There will be group NO CLASSES (Group, Active Recovery, Teaser) this weekend. We will resume our usual schedule this weekend. We apologize for the inconvenience and members can bank their missed classes forward to the next week.
New 6AM & 7AM Classes Start February 9!
We're excited to announce that we will now be offering 6 and 7AM classes every weekday with the addition of our new Wednesday morning classes. Our new 6 and 7Am session begin Wednesday, February 9!
Knockin' Boots
Winter weather means winter gear and in the interest of making room for everyone's stuff and still keeping the gym nice and tidy please line your boots neatly up against the garage door. Thanks!
Mo' Butter Makes you Mo' Better at Math? Quantified Self
Two Clips of the Mainstream Media Covering the Paleo Diet "Fad" Hunter Gatherer
13 Univeristy of Iowa Football Players get Rhabdo Sports Illustrated
CF Football's John Welbourn on the Iowa Situation Talk to Me Johnnie
Was there a 15-minute cap yesterday for Nasty Girls? That is, did I technically, DNF?
I don’t think there was a hard cap Samir, lord knows I was still chugging along north of 15 minutes. You’re good brotha!
Noah: Thanks – sometimes I wish there was one!
Love Welbourn’s breakdown of the Iowa situation. 100 backsquats at 240…yeeeouch
I’m going to get some weightlifting shoes, do you guys know how Do-wins compare with Nike in terms of size? thanks!
Does tomorrow count as part of the weekend or is it only Saturday and Sunday that there are no classes? I’m hoping to come in and have my ass kicked in the morning.
Hey Stella
We are on and poppin’ for tomorrow! 6a, 7a and 12p are all a go as is Open Gym
joe –
thanks for the tip about the 100 Pushups app!
Never mind, I looked at the Google calendar and figured out the answer to my own question. 7 AM, here I come…
@ Kevin – I wear a 13 and based on Rogue suggestions for Do-Wins, I ordered a size smaller, 12…which worked fine. I recently switched up though and got a pair of the Nike Romaleos at 12.5 and they feel great.
danny beat me up pretty good this morning, but I enjoyed every minute of it. anyone have any idea why box jump WODs might give me a headache? this is the second time its happened.
I’ve just made a very significant purchase – a pair of Pendlay weightlifting shoes (thanks to David’s pointer yesterday). I initially ordered a 9.5 (my regular size) and then read their page a little more closely where they recommend going down half a size, and so had to call and change the order. Thankfully, they hadn’t already shipped them.
I had told myself I would buy weightlifting shoes once I didn’t feel like a poser. I hope I’ve gotten to that point.
I’m feeling quite psyched about this. Wait till you see the color 🙂
Well that was certainly a bang-up start to the morning!
DannyBox Jump @ 16″Push Press @ 53#sub ring rows
3 rounds + box jumps + 8 push press
Yowzers. I thought the box jumps would be the toughest part after all the quad monsters this week, but I thought wrong. It was all tough.
And Joe, thanks to you mentioning the 100 Push Ups App, I did more than let it just sit in my phone unused– I started yesterday. It says to take a rest day in between each one, so Day 2 is tomorrow. I’ll let you know how it goes!
@Samir: I bought shoes, and I’m still a HUGE poser.
@Mig and Robin: No problem. I guess this means I have to start using it again. Alas.
I’ve been pretty busy with work/life lately so haven’t been able to post or check the blog often. Intend to catch up fully later.
In checking the link to clearanced shoes that David posted yesterday, I see that there’s flag football belts on sale. Uh, anyone else think that flag football would be a great SBK sport???
Nice group of 4 this morning for Danny. After some rollin’ got into it.
I scaled down across the board. I accidentally chose the 16″ box when I wanted 20″ but oh well. Scaled down to 65# for push press and 20 pullups per round as my kip is still rounding into form.
At that scale I did 3 rounds + 30 jumps and 20 push press. Felt pretty hard.
I am looking forward to working on the press in the next cycle. I am scaling most of the WODs, but I seem to be scaling anything that involves shoulder strength overhead (all of the presses/jerk, OHS, HSPUs) to a much greater extent. It’s probably because I ignored those muscles for years as a runner while I still occasionally did arm/chest/core work. Something to continue to work on.
YES! To Wed a.m. Classes!
Danny 3rnds 3box jumps. 20″ 95#. I was dragging a** a bit this morning but it felt great to get some work in before work. Makes my whole day better.
Jess flag football sounds awwwwesome. I’m totally in, 7 on 7 would be sweet!
Some good advice from Mistress Krista:
Jess, in for flag football. 100%
A little late on the Paleo Challenge update, but here goes:
Nutrition: I set out to have a grain-, dairy-, alcohol, and legume- free two months. I also sought to limit fruit intake generally and to keep it mostly to post-workout meals. The only blip so far was a Balance-type bar I bought at the airport before a redeye flight. I tried to stay Paleo then, but the beef jerkey they had was even less Paleo than the bar.A couple of weeks in I realized that I was losing a little more weight than I’d hoped, so I started incorporating a little more fruit. As of 2/1, I brought back some dairy and I’m hoping it reverses the trend in my lifts.
workouts: Not a great month overall. Definitely felt like I lost some strength along with the weight I lost. Hurt myself in the DL 2-2-2 day and was out about five days. Feels fine now and I was glad to be able to tie my OHS pr at about ten pounds lighter than when I did it last.
sleep: very much a work in progress with the little one and the traveling we’ve done. Getting better at trying to get to bed before 10:30, but night shifts at work don’t help.
Overall, I’m happy with the challenge and I’m really stoked to see so many people have such great results. Keep up the good work, everyone.
PR’d on Nasty Girls by almost 4 minutes this morning: 11:45. Still a way to go, but I’ll take it.
Wow flag football would be awesome! I’m in, but I’m not above some Buddy Ryan / Dirty Waters type moves!
ok, flag footballers…questions. They only have one color (yellow) of the belt/flags left. Would this be too confusing to have both teams with the same colored flags? Also, I was thinking of buying 20 total. Does that sound like enough?
I think as long as we have uniforms that are different the flags don’t matter.
20 i think is plenty…
Yosh, I was having the same problem myself until someone pointed out to me that it was probably due to irregular breathing. Sometimes when the WOD is particularly hard, we tend to hold our breath or not breath as regularly as we should. Be conscious of your breathing pattern – it worked for me…
Ok, is anyone else ordering shoes? I looked into buying the flag football belts and the shipping cost would be more than the cost of 20 belts. Would love to add it to someone’s pre-existing order and pay you directly…
Scored 3 rounds + 6PP for Danny this morning. I also ripped a callus during the pullups for the third time since I joined CFSB in November.
Anyone have any tips to keep my hands whole? I’ve been using a pumice stone to keep the calluses down, but it doesn’t seem to work. This is really frustrating for me.
Dan, you need something more aggressive than a pumice stone. I use one of these bad boys:
You can really cut em down pretty good that way, then smooth em out.
Danny- 3 rds and 9 box jumps, didn’t think there was any way I was going to finish the pullups on RD 3 after my 2nd rd ones got very herky jerk, but they miraculously came back. Felt pretty good, definitely got nice and redlined. I always have a little extra moto for the Hero wods.
Dan B,
I’ve reduced my hand tearing alot by gripping the bar fully and HARD. No rolling hands on the bar or slacking in the thumb and lower palm as I used to. Took a bit of getting used to but much better.
CFSBK having a workout called “dan” is like CFSBK having a workout called “self.”
Not quite sure how to score this but here goes. Did 2 rounds, then on the 3rd round, while doing push presses, my barbell/collar kept misbehaving i.e., sliding off. So, finally, in frustration, after 10 push presses, I just went to my chin-ups and finished those. Then in the remaining time I did 4 more box jumps. So dunno, I guess 10 push presses short of 3 rounds?
Oh, at 85#, with 15 strict chin-ups, and 24″ box.
This was hard, hard.
Oh forgot this before.
At home, after the WOD did 5 cycles of 30 seconds HOT water 30 seconds COLD water in the shower.
Torture, but man I feels good now.
I’m definitely in for flag football.
Thanks deepak. I’ll pay attention to breathing and see how it goes.
Flag? Count me in. Football is about as religious as I get.
I came into the gym thinking that this was a For time workout. Boy was I wrong.
3 rds + 30 box jumps and 10 presses. Only did 15 pull ups since they were strict.
@ Dan B… I changed my grip to just fingers curled over the bar and haven’t had a year since. In fact – smoother hands
3 rounds, 15 BJ’s using 24″ box, 105# PP, rx pull ups. I was chasing Jess the whole way, thanks for the motivation!
Flag football, yes!
Danny20″75lbsRing rows
Amrap 20 mins=4 rounds+2 Box jumps,
(Oh yeah! did the 2 minutes of jumping rope warmup unbroken!)
Danny RX’d3 Rounds + 4 Box JumpsHoly shit, that was hard.
For completeness.
Danny scaled to 95lbs taken from a rack, but otherwise RX’d.
2 Rounds, 30 Box Jumps and 8 Push Press.
Push press really broke down. Ended up doing sets of 3 pretty early in the second round and sets of 2 in the third round. I should have probably done this at 85lbs to get a more well rounded workout. As it was I felt like I spent half my time at the push press.
“Danny”3 rounds plus 30 bj’s.-Just like DMak was chasing me, I was chasing Liz (visiting from NOLA) who flew through those push presses–damn girl!-Overall, this was pretty tough. 20 mins is long, and that push press weight never felt light. To be honest, I may have had 1 or 2 that snuck by as jerks.-BJ’s is where I made up time, and surprisingly my pullups were good. Mostly in sets of 5…and without any tears!!!
Great meeting and working with the new Foundations folks! Looking forward to more.
So much loud grunting and sighing from me as I slogged thru Danny. So to the Friday noon class, my apologies. 20″ box, 85# pp, rx’d pu–3 rounds and 4 box jumps. I spent more than 3 minutes on the last set of pull ups and by the end I was fighting for singles. But the jumps and the push presses were good. If my back ever gets better and my conditioning improves, maybe it’ll be time to move to the 24″ box.