Happy Birthday Charlotte K.!!
All Weekend Classes Canceled
There are NO classes today and tomorrow due to the Movement and Mobility Seminars. Remember, you can bank your missed sessions forward to an upcoming week. We are back to our regular schedule on Monday!
What's On Tap?
Crush Week has come to an end. Monday begins our Back-Off Week. Saturday, February 12th marks the start of our next Strength Cycle.
The movements for the upcoming cycle are:
Pull Variant-Snatch
Squat Variant-Front Squat
Upper Body Variant-Push Press
Nicole M.'s Blog Has Great Coverage of Her Paleo Experience
Yoga For Big Bastards T-Nation
Did you ever know that you’re my hero?
Was it because you broke wind underneath my wings?
Or was it because you can squat so damn much?
Ha, ha.. funny Samir.
Very strangely I woke up thinking about Jack. As odd as that sounds, there’s an explanation because I woke up thinking about the ucoming CrossFit total and squatting heavy, and when I thinking about those things, Jack naturally comes to mind.
And then I thought– where’s Jack been? I have just missed him at the gym? I haven’t seen you for weeks bro, miss you…
In honor of the mobility cert this weekend, and because of a pretty tough week of programming, Coach Fox and I hit the Turkish baths last night for a little active recovery. We spent a couple hours alternating between hot and cold therapy. While in the hot, I tried to work a little hip, shoulder, ankle/foot mobility. I was much more discreet than the guy who did a couple sun salutations right in the doorway. I could only last :30 at a time in the ice bath, but that’s more to do with the overwhelming chemical smell than the cold.
The Turkish baths were a great way to wind down after a pretty long, stressful week. For me, the extreme heat forces me to slow down, relax my body and focus on my breathing. Highly recommended.
Greetings from warm sunny Cocoa Beach!
Ran my first 5K this morning. Didn’t set a goal other than to keep running. When I realized I was running like 9:40-ish splits ten minutes in, I told myself I’d try to finish under 30:00.
Came in at 29:41, 9th in my age group. Not half bad for a) not having run in a month and b) my first race since Field Day in Elementary School. Felt great.
Although it may have felt the teensiest bit better had I not blown my quads out this whole week. What doesn’t kill you… ???
Was searching for a workout i could do today and came across this one. Anyone do this before?
“Holbrook”Ten rounds, each for time of:115 pound Thruster, 5 reps10 Pull-ups100 meter SprintRest 1 minute
Quite the open gym scene last night.
Back SquatWarmup: 45×5 95×5 135×5 185×5 205x3Work: 220x5x3
Bench PressWarmup: 45×5 95×5 135x5Work: 165x5x3
DeadliftWarmup: 135×5 185×5 225×5 255x5Work: 280×5
Getting close to matching 5 rep PRs. Debating whether to reduce the size of the jumps in the meantime.
Joe’s post reminded me that I had posted last nights numbers on yesterday’s blog but it got chewed up (third time thats happened to me). So here goes again.
Some squatting:
45×5, 95×5, 135×5, 145×5, 155×5, 165×5, 175×5, 185×5
Nothing special, just hadn’t squatted in a while, so wanted to wake those muscles up.
Some benching:
45×5, 95×5, 135x5x3
As per above.
enjoyed the mobility cert. not enjoying this weather, though.
Fantastic mobility cert today. This whole area was sort of a new year’s resolution that I need do more often, and I learned a lot today. Great to see the coaches there, working on their own lifts, always trying to improve themselves, just like the rest of us.
Not looking forward to the lacrosse ball across every rib, arms going up and down. That’s just nasty!
Mobility cert was both enlightening and a lot of fun. (Kelly is 100% entertainment the entire 7 hours….
MWods have been a big part of my paleo challenge and getting to go deeper into this stuff was very well timed: unbelievable difference for my overhead ROM just 2 minutes ball work makes. Devising a more thorough plan of attack for pre and post strength class.
K-Star is a rockstar– thanks Kelly!