5 Attempts to work up to a heavy set of the following complex:
2 Power Cleans
1 Squat Clean
Keep your lifts crisp, if you slow down or lose postions drop weight.
Post loads to comments.
4 Rounds For Time of:
7 Power Cleans 65% of today’s weight
10 Ring Dips
If you can’t do a Ring Dip, perform a Ring Push-Up, Parallette Push-Up or Standard Push-Up
Post time and Rx to comments.
Marco experiences the Nirvana of “Super Frog”
Thanks to Rahsaan, Fidler and Noah B for participating in yesterday’s History Channel Filming! The show will air this Fall!
A CrossFit Poem
“Muscles and Bones”
There are reputedly 640 muscles in the body.
How many will we work on
and find today?
I say “find”
because I learn
where these muscles are
when they cry out to me
for attention,
like a screeching new born
who will not be
the next day.
An anatomy lesson written
in pain.
So much tinkering
and building.
So much music to play
on my muscles and bones.
I am overwhelmed
with the joy
of knowing
that this can go on
Can’t wait to get started.
Walk thru the gym door,
fire up the head-banger music,
and let the sweat drip
so sweetly
into my eyes
once again.
– Annonymous CFSBKer
Big Weights Being Thrown Around Youtube
Is Paleo even Paleo? And does it even matter? Chris Kresser
You Need Sleep Infograph In The Cave