Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
115/75 pound Shoulder to overhead, 5 reps
115/75 pound Deadlift, 10 reps
15 Box jumps, 24″/20″ box
If you’re not registered for the Open, here are today’s scaling options:
115, 95, 75, 55, 35 lb barbells.
Step Ups are also considered Rx’d
Post total reps to comments.
- Active Recovery is on as normall scheduled today at 11:00am
Becoming A Supple Lepoard
The long anticipated book from Kelly Starrett, “Becoming a Supple Leopard” is finally going on sale April 22nd. Tons of you guys have pre-ordered through CFSBK and will be able to pick up and pay for your book once they arrive. We’ll email out to everyone when we get them in. The gym also ordered a surplus of copies to sell to folks that didn’t make the pre-order date. If you can’t wait untl then, check out this 50 page sneak preview over at All Things Gym
Clean and Jerk Camp Today
Spend the day learning the theory and practice of the Clean and Jerk with Starting Strength Coaches Josh Wells and Shelley Hancock. We will start with a brief lecture about the difference between the standard model and the straight Bar Path model. Then we will move to the practical session were participants with learn or re-learn the movement with the more efficient bar path and set up. Everyone will have plenty of time under the bar to practice this method while receiving coaching throughout their warm-ups and work sets. Through the entire process, attendees will learn the standards of a properly executed movement and how it should look and feel when it is performed correctly. After the practical session, we will return for a discussion of programming and how to identify and correct common technical problems. The camp will wrap up with a question and answer session. Whether you are just starting out with strength training, struggling with the basics of the lift, or looking to polish your technique and understanding of these movements, you will come away with valuable insights and experience to benefit your training. Attendance will be capped at ten to allow for individualized instruction.
The Reverse Muscle-Up Beast Skills