5 Rounds for time of:
Run 400m
12 Kipping Pull-Ups
12 Push-Ups or 24 Sit-Ups
If you’re feeling beat up and sore from the Burpees recently, opt for the Sit-Ups. If you didn’t hit that workout or are feeling fresh, do the push-ups.
5 Rounds for time of:
Run 400m
6 Muscle-Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
Lauren and Melo doing some bodyweight strength training
- Team CFSBK has raised over $31,000 for the Brooklyn Community Foundation!!! 2 Days left until FGB2013!
Tweet The Deets
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Dance, Whitney, Dance!
Whitney H is performing in her fifth season with Von Howard Project, a contemporary dance company, and would like you to come see the show! Here are the details:
How: Get tickets by clicking this link!
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How To Win Jenn Sinkler
6am with D.O. and Jess. Some nice muscle-up practice. Did a few strict which I haven't done in a while. Very cool to see Brad get his first muscle-up. Such a surprised look on his face. F***ing awesome to see him knock out 20 more during the workout.
Finished the MU version of the wod in 18:26. First round was unbroken, then 5-1, 4-2, 3-2-1 and 3-1-1-1. Need to get better about kipping hard as I get tired. And I got called out several times for not locking out at the top of the dip. Sure felt like I was locking out.
Oops! Didn't realize I hadn't finished the blog from the afternoon. Had copy and pasted an email from the skins people as a place saver. Disregard the confusing text that was there before, early birds.
One day I'll get it!
Great to see both Brad ad 6 then Evan at 7 get their first muscle-ups today!
Found out this week that my shoulder pain over the last few months has been a minor partial tear of the subscapularis. Has anyone else here dealt with this kind of injury? Would love to hear how others have worked around and recovered from this or any other rotator cuff issue. I won't see my doctor for a follow up for a few weeks, so I'm kind of in the dark here for now.
Also wondering how this might affect my FGB performance. Guess I'll be taking advantage of the orthopedic workarounds.
Found out this week that my shoulder pain over the last few months has been a minor partial tear of the subscapularis. Has anyone else here dealt with this kind of injury? Would love to hear how others have worked around and recovered from this or any other rotator cuff issue. I won't see my doctor for a follow up for a few weeks, so I'm kind of in the dark here for now.
Also wondering how this might affect my FGB performance. Guess I'll be taking advantage of the orthopedic workarounds.
Found out this week that my shoulder pain over the last few months has been a minor partial tear of the subscapularis. Has anyone else here dealt with this kind of injury? Would love to hear how others have worked around and recovered from this or any other rotator cuff issue. I won't see my doctor for a follow up for a few weeks, so I'm kind of in the dark here for now.
Also wondering how this might affect my FGB performance. Guess I'll be taking advantage of the orthopedic workarounds.
7am with D.O. and Jess – finished the performance version in 15:08. First couple sets of MUs felt great thanks to some helpful pointers from David.
Congrats to Evan on his first MUs and subsequently crushing them in the WOD as well!
Congrats first-time muscle-uppers! I'm jealous and am starting to think I need to switch one of my gym days to OG so I can start learning them.
I'm glad I bailed on this WOD though, in favor of an easy jog in Prospect Park. I'm on the mend but still not up to a super-metcon. Gotta save it for Saturday.
10am with Lady Fox.
I did this WOD with jumping pull-ups from a 16" box and sit-ups as my shoulders are sore from Monday/ yesterday's pull-up practice.
Finished in 19.02.
Did some FGB prep work after class with Carissa. It was interesting, to say the least. I had planned to do one round minus the row, but I wasn't able to. Still not entirely sure about my plan of attack on Sat, but at least I have an idea of what it will be like to do these movements while fatigued!! Thanks to eagle-eyed Foxes for correcting my form and calling no reps!
Congrats on all the MU's everybody!
Echo'ing congratulations to the muscle-uppers – Brad, was awesome to witness. I am still in awe after watching the Nasty Girls video, too.
Coaches: any secrets on the breakfast of champions for Fight Gone Bad? This will be the first time I have time and will need to eat a legit meal before class.
Asha – eat what you usually do before class. FGB is hard but it's just a workout, and not the hardest workout you've done with us yet. That goes for all of you who are skurred about the WOD. Granted the energy in the gym is ELECTRIC because of the team thing and the fact that we all ordered tee shirts and raised thousands of dollars…but don't let that geek you out too much. Get some sleep and don't get drunk the night before (trust me, I know) and enjoy the WOD and the day. Every year it gets better, this year is gonna be the best one yet.
Noon class
WOD Rx'd – Performance
All MUs in sets of three with too much rest and all runs slooooowwww…
Yesterday's Performance Clean Complex:
Did 155x sets of the complex.
Was feeling unorganized, slow and low motivation. Tried to work on having a more consistent foot position on my catch and working the high hang position. Not sure any progress was made, but the intention was right.
Today's WOD
16:26 as Rx'd
Did the muscle-ups in sets of 3 then the last round unbroken.
I like using the high rings which forced me to jump up and grab them. MUs felt smooth as butter today. Excited since the last 2 MU WODs felt a bit clunky.
Brad!!!!! So bummed I overslept and missed this! Congrats!! Go 6am!!!! And congrats Evan!!
21:33 rxd
CROSSFIT! I'm pretty sure people were walking faster than I was running.
8am class today.
WOD in 20:39
-kipping pullups and 24 situps.
-runs were not fast from the start. pullups felt good and I didn't tear which is a plus!
Loved the calf mash afterwards because I never do this enough on my own.
I'm trying to work magic getting all of the FGB teams to full capacity. So if you are still interested/curious in Saturday, I strongly suggest you email me ASAP! Also, if you're a captain and haven't told me about one of your teammates dropping out, please also email me ASAP!
Remember, there are prizes for top scoring teams and I'd like to do my best to ensure that everyone is as evenly matched as possible.
6:30 with Josh and Arturo.
5 rounds-17:21
400m runs- went slow/even never got out of breathe or felt like that interfered with muscle ups
3 strict muscle ups- dips were the limiting factor. First 3 rounds went well. Up, down. Then round four I failed 2 dips. Round 5 got the first, failed the second, needed Josh' assistsnce again on the last.
I really want kipping! Also, I'm so nervous for fgb that my heart was racing when i started this workout and I was very awkward the first set of muscle ups. I realized tonight that I might possibly puke on Saturday.
Today's WOD: massage therapy.
I can now turn my head! YAY!
Praying for full recovery before FGB.
WOD in 23:09. Officially the last person in 7am to finish. I did 10 kipping pull ups instead of 12, and 24 sit ups. First 3 rounds of pull ups were sets of 5, then in rounds 3 and 4 they completely fell apart. Could barely get over the bar anymore. They're better than they used to be but I look forward to the day when doing 50 or 60 in a WOD isn't impossible. Got a bit frustrated with myself afterwards, but tried to remember that 8 months ago, I couldn't do any!
WOD with ring rows and push-ups with orange band (aka, my new favorite thing): 18:48
Fun little WOD. Great music. Can't believe how quickly the time passed.
Thoroughly enjoyed this workout. 13:25 with jumping muscle ups. Really appreciated the jumping muscle up, felt it helped with the transition which I have been having the most trouble with.
Second the music props. Lots of fun grooves tonight…. Especially the Stevie Wonder! You can't miss with 70's Wonder.
CB Bench: 165x5x3
Not bad. Bar moved fast throughout and shoulder held up well. Solid sets, not too much discomfort. Hopefully my slingshot will arrive tomorrow and I'll use that on Saturday.
Squat: 305x5x3
Another 10 pound jump. Good sets. First one was the hardest. It felt heavy on my back and controlling the descent on the first rep seemed dodgy. Got used to it and the rest went A-OK. I was intent and concentrating hard so I just got tighter and tighter. Took pretty big rests.
It'll be hard to not go to 3 plates Saturday. Things are definitely slowing down, so we'll see.
ERG: :20 full blast and 1:20 rest for 6 rounds.
Good workout tonight to go along with the great music.
7:30 with Ro and Melo – WOD in 20:58. I did the kipping PU's for the first time ever. Felt amazing. And then when round 3 came around I switched to jumping. At round 5 I tried to kip through it and only kipped 6 and then the rest jumping. Kip is a verb right? Next time I'll break these up from the start. And then I want that muscle up.
Awww gosh you guys!
I honestly didn't realize anyone had noticed I had my first muscle up… Complete tunnel vision… Until DO brought it up during the calf mash. Also, Peter was right. I was absolutely shocked when I got the first one…. And have been pretty much in shock all day about the other 20, even if they weren't full extension, because I DID NOT think I could do that. I credit DO's coaching.
It's days like today that make the 5am alarm totally worth it.
It was your arms and shoulders mostly but thanks.
I disagree… Had you not been there reminding me to pull hard and not let the rings go wide, I would've missed many more than I did.
15:55 with 6 strict pull-ups and 12 push-ups.
14:33 Rx
First two sets UB then 5/1, 3/2/1, 3/2/1. Need to keep working on MU stamina, fell off pretty hard after the 3rd set. Was hoping to get through most of these UB but ended up not being very close.