15 minutes to work on the complex:
Clean Deadlift + High Hang Power Clean + Mid Hang Power Clean
15 minutes to work on the complex:
High Hang Clean + Mid Hang Clean + Clean
Focus on bringing the bar to the hips before jumping
Front Squat
Work up to a Heavy 5 on a Paused Front Squat
Pause for a FULL 2 count at rock bottom. OK to take a bounce out. Only go as heavy as you can maintain a neutral spine and a solid rack.
Tabata Russian KB Swings then immediately run 2 laps around the block.
Score the lowest round on the swings. Run the laps NFT but start moving as soon as you place the KB down and don’t stop.
- Happy Birthday, Rachel D!
Message from Cecilia Clarke, President & CEO of the Brooklyn Community Foundation:
The 2013 Fight Gone Bad teams are really bringing their A-game to the table when it comes to raising money for their local community! All your training and hard work has inspired us to put a little more muscle into your fundraising efforts. Since surpassing your initial goal of $15,000, our Board of Directors is matching each team’s contribution dollar for dollar. Your friend puts in $10, our Board puts in $10, it’s that simple. We’re not stopping there either. Once FGB’s fundraising reaches $35,000, our Board will start matching every gift 2 to 1. That’s right, for every $10 donated to your team, our Board will put in $20, tripling your fundraising. Triple the effort to get that number over $35,000 and triple the impact.
So keep training, sweating, and getting friends involved in your cause to support strong communities and life-changing programs in Brooklyn! Because no matter who takes home first prize on October 19, you are all champions when it comes to your home borough.
Epigenetics Sci Show
Woman On Gym Treadmill Cranks Incline Up To 90 Degrees
Resisting Financial Feudalism ZeroHedge
12pm class (tuesday)
Clean – Bunch of sets at 155
FSQ – Worked up to 155, felt fried from late night and a long morning.
WOD w/2 pd. 10 reps even per round. Grip was a limiter. Glad to start and finish the run without hesitation.
12pm class Tuesday… Monday's work
Inversion work. Got some great freestanding holds after working with McD. Keep heels further back into vertical line.
Part B was TOUGH! walk walks with hold was fatiguing, but great to stay calm up there. db presses: have to stay super focused to keep organized, esp on left side. bracing sequence!! renegade rows felt great, were fun.
WOD: 5 RFT: 35 DU'S, 15 burpees.
Time: 10:53 RX'ed
Felt really quick in first round and moving at a good clip. Subsequent rounds, felt like my heart would explode and my lungs were stretched to their max. A bit nauseating. Got thru 4 of 5 rounds with DU's unbroken. Burpees were sets of 5, 6, 4.
6am with McDowell and Noah. Really loved the fitness complex on the cleans — worked up to 93#. I haven't checked my log yet, but that might is pretty close to a PR. Had a wonky rep at one point, but otherwise these felt the best they've ever felt. Worked up to a heavy 5 FSQ at 103#, but probably should have gone a bit heavier. Then tabata KBs with 20kg — hovered around 10-11 reps for all rounds.
Make-up from last night: Great AR class with Fox. 7:30 class with Josh, inversion work was awesome; the wall walks were tough but that seems like such a simple way to get stronger. Finished the WOD somewhere right under 10 min and felt slightly blind afterwards. Why on earth did I think that would be easier than it was? Definitely would have gone slower on the last two rounds if I wasn't next to the lovely Val, who yells so good.
And always helpful to wake up to some Fight Club wisdom, via the Financial Feudalism link. A little more of Tyler Durden's humbling thoughts…
"Listen up, maggots. You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else."
just reposting this from yesterday:
Do any teams want to trade for a 12:40 judging/1:120 competing timeslot? Would still prefer a later timeslot as to not inconvenience my teammates too much, but my girlfriend (aka Elisa) is also competing at 1:20 and as this is her first FGB i was hoping to cheer her on. thanks
93 on fitness clean complex. I think this high hang clean thing is really good for me — I find myself better able to keep the bar close when I'm thinking about the high hang position.
115 on FSQ. Did not plan my reps properly — I thought we'd have two or three attempts at a heavy 5, but I got only one. Wanted to try for 125 but no time.
Also no time for cash out, but no inclination either as I can't really breathe through my nose right now. I was glad to get in for strength work though.
Worked up to 73 on the performance complex. 78 was too much from the high hang position, so I'm looking forward to working these more dialed-in positions. Also worked up to 78 on the front squat, with lots of room to grow, and KB swings @24kg, 11 each round. Based on the one day (today) I've made it into the gym so far this week, I already love this programming cycle.
6am private with Josh. Worked up to a 232# push-press single. Missed an attempt at 240# which would have been a 5# PR. Haven't worked a heavy push press in a while so I was pretty happy the number hasn't slipped. Then some split jerk work. Might have been the heavy push presses, but the jerk felt sloppy. Couldn't get my head through. Finished the strength work with heavy dip-drive triples. That's just the dip and drive portion of the jerk, with no arm push or attempt to get underneath the bar. Not a very comfortable movement. Collarbone feels beat up now.
Conditioning: 800m run, 20 muscle-ups, 400m row, 40 HSPUs, 800m run. Clock was reset in the middle, but this took ~21 min. Started with a set of 6 muscle-ups, then 3, then 2's and 3's for the remainder. Needed a bit of help from Josh on the final sets. HSPUs were in sets of 4 then dropped down to 3's and 2's at the end.
Ooh, forgot to mention:
PUB QUIZ! It looks like we'll actually be able to get a team together this week. If you are a nerd who likes to drink, you should come. There are free shots to be won, questions to be pondered, and drinks to be drunk.
Sunday, 7 PM, Skylark (5th Ave/11th St). BE THERE!
@JB – ample junk in the trunk and I still had to fold over the waistband twice. Also, my thighs are too solid for the smalls, so it's a medium for me with about four extra inches of leg. Tee hee.
Woman on gym treadmill is magical.
@Courtney- exactly the same thing for me!!
8am class today with Noah.
Clean complex went ok- I worked up to 83# then attempted 85# just for the sake of it and failed. I think that was a mental thing.
Paused front squats- 125# x 5. This felt really heavy, but manageable.
Happy to work on these two lifts again this cycle.
Cash out with 20kg kb – lucky 13 each round.
I missed yoga because I did not finish until 9.20 so I did some much-needed pull- up club practice instead.
I just wanted to say I lost my log book last week ( black moleskine with cfsbk sticker on front) and it has been so helpful to be able to check my numbers on the blog. I am so happy that I have been posting here pretty regularly for the last few months! All is not lost!
@Luca, I'd be willing to swap for our 10:40 if my team OK's it, just sent out an email to ask. Crystal and I would be judging the OTHER team during each other's heats otherwise, so also no way to cheer each other on.
I blew it and scheduled the belated team into the mix by mistake. There is a 12:20 WOD time open and an 11:40 judging slot open.
Would that work?
Happy Birthday Rachel!
This was simply too great not to share:
You're welcome.
4:30 with Ro
Fitness Clean complex
#63, #73, #83, #93, #83, #88, #88
That high hang is hard! Backed off the #93 because it only felt good from the mid hang.
Pause Front Squat
#75, #95, #115–PR
KATIE HARPER you rock my socks. Wouldn't have tried to push this number without you! Pretty scared going into this lift after being on squat probation since August.
Right hip felt…okay. Not great. But nowhere near what it was like. The PFS was a little too heavy, but I did it!
530 class with Arturo.
Cleans: worked up to 145 on the fitness complex. Got through part of it at 150 but screwed up the mid-hang PC.
FSQ: 135×3, 155×3, 175×3, 185×5
KB Tabata at 24kg: averaged 10-12 per round.
10am class today.
Performance squat clean complex:
-worked up to 103 and stayed there for at least 3 sets. Just didn't feel consistent. Felt best in the high hang, which is weird. Whenever I pull lower I never find the same spot where hips meet bar.
Pause Front Squats:
(45×5, 95×5, 125×3)
-holy hell are these hard.
-Felt much softer in my upper back than I should have been for the last 2 reps.
Tabata KBS at 24kg
-all rounds at 11 except the first where I hit 12.
-the 2 laps weren't as awful as I thought it'd be.
Hi Hang Clean+Hang Clean+Clean+2 Jerks
diy t2b, dips, ohs, and pause dl today, followed by a ~4 mile run. On top of today's workout (done yesterday), feeling pretty sore.
Apropos of nothing, does anyone ever have a drink while doing AR at home? I'm asking… for a friend.
@Packer – yes…duh
Clean complex (fitness) worked up to 145… room to grow.
Pause front squats – 155×5, also room to grow.
Tabata finisher – 28kg – 11 each round and two quick laps.
Felt good.
God Dammit, Joy. There goes the next 30 minutes of my life.
that is so rad, about the 2:1 matching!
oh and I really dig the sweats. I've got a pair of smalls that I roll up once at the waist. This allows me ample room in thighs and quads to pass the squat test. Yes, the crotch is long but with one roll and a slight roll of the pant leg I think they're great for my 5'4".
6:30 with McD and Arturo
Performance clean complex:
75×2, 95×2, 115, 135, 145×2, then 2 singles of the high hang at 145
Something clicked today. On several of the high hang clean I felt I moved the fastest I ever have on a clean. Hope to work this position more this cycle.
Front squats:
115×5, 135×3, 150×3, 165×5, 180×5
Another position I'm happy to be working on. Maintained speed and elbow position at 180, felt the back going a bit on reps 4 and 5.
Traded the 28kg and 32kg bells with Todd during the tabata. One round of 9, lots of 10s, and a few 12s. Then rowed 1150m at 2:00 and 20spm.
6:30 With Ro and McD
Performance Clean Complex
115×1 135×1 155×1 165×1 175×1,1,1
Paused Front Squats
115×5 135×5 155×5 175×5
As Ryan mentioned, we swapped between the 28kg and 32kg KBs for each round of the tabata. Kept it at 13 swings for every round. Couldn't possibly swing any faster, had to work much harder not to slow down with the heavier KB and in later rounds. 2 easy laps felt nice. Finally fall.
6:39 with McDowell and Arturo
Hi hang/mid/sq clean
63/63/83/83/88f hi hangx3/83/83
Front squats
63×5, 83×5, 103×5
Tabata kb first rd jake talked to me and I stopped trying to count and watch seconds….they felt consistent. 3rds at 20kg- 5 rds of 16kg.
3 laps around gym.
it was a no rep crystal.
Make up from yesterday.
Long time no post/gym
Perf Clean Complex @ #93
Cashout at 20KG – best round 13, worst round 11
Opted out of the run for pull up work (3×12 band assisted) since we ended really late and i needed to get that done.