Open Workout 12.4
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
150 Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
90 Double Unders
30 Muscle Ups
If you can’t do muscle ups, perform pull ups (chest to bar if you have ’em) instead.
Post rounds, reps, and loads to comments.
Compare to 3.23.13
Erin M. reppin the swole patrol at a waterfall in Kauai
News and Notes
- CFSBK’s new Olympic Lifting Program begins today! Get psyched!
- Richard G. posted a few weeks ago inviting CFSBKers to participate in Brooklyn Community Housing and Services’ gala fundraiser. He reports that the event went very well and several people wanted to become supple leopards and bidded on the Active Recovery classes. Richard says thank you to CFSBK for its commitment to local organizations and for everyone’s support!
- Happy belated birthdays to Avi S. and CFSBK Cruise Director Mare L.!
Do You Need Help with Anything Re: Web/Online Software/Social Media?
CFSBKer Andy M. can help! He runs a boutique web strategy, design, and development company called Kindred Development. If you know anyone, small or large, looking for help with anything web, online software, social media, apps, etc., please keep Kindred Development in mind. If your company is looking for a new vendor or just wants to change things up, consider them as an option. Visit their website or email andy [at] for more information.
2014 Subway Series!
Another year has gone by, and it’s time once again for an NYC affiliate throwdown: the 2014 Subway Series! All NYC affiliates are invited to participate—the affiliate with the best overall score at the end of four events wins the Subway Series Trophy and bragging rights for a whole year! All teams MUST register for each individual event in advance via EventBrite in order to participate. Each event will be capped at 50 total teams, so we strongly advise you to register early!
A number of CFSBKers are interested in forming teams for each event, so organize with each other by posting your interest in the comments section on each or all of the event pages below!!
Sunday, August 3rd, 9am: CrossFit Long Island City
Sunday, August 10th, 9am: CrossFit Queens
Sunday, August 17th, 9am: CrossFit Virtuosity
Sunday, August 24th, 9am: CrossFit South Brooklyn
Throwback Thursday
Five years ago yesterday, this blog posted a link to a video of Coach Jeremy finishing the third WOD of the Northeast Regional Qualifier. In the beginning, he bites off his callus… NBD. This year’s Northeast Regionals begin on May 30, and a herd of CFSBKers are attending—and Coach David also happens to be the Competition Director! Keep us posted on your adventures!
Ask Greg: Jumping in the Snatch Catalyst Athletics
Grinding Through Mobility with Dr. Kelly Starrett The Box Magazine
Our Brain, The Trickster NPR