Fitness: 3 x 3 Linear Progression
Add 5 pounds to your last exposure, or if you’ve been through a few cycles of front squatting and have been grinding your reps, follow today’s Performance program and test a 1RM.
Performance: 1 – 1 – 1
Work up to a 1RM.
Post loads to comments.
Tabata Thrusters 45#
2 Minutes Rest
Tabata Pull Ups or Ring Rows
2 Minutes Rest
Tabata Burpees
Score total number of reps for each movement (not each round) and grand total.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Brad during a recent muscle-up WOD
Bend, Stretch, Mobilize, and Swing on the Rings
- Yoga for Athletes with Coach Whitney at 10am.
- Active Recovery is back on at 11am and noon today with Coach David.
- If you signed up for Ken H.’s rings class, remember that you’re meeting today from 2-3:30pm!
The Caffeine-Alcohol Effect The Atlantic
The Best (and Worst) Positions for Sleeping Greatist
More Cal Strength madness yesterday and today for Max Out Friday. The energy in the gym was amazing tonite, with a packed house, and the Godfather Dave Spitz presiding.
Snatch, max
Claen and jerk, Max
374Failed jerk. This was an 11# PR clean, felt crazy heavy though. Missed the jerk.
Amazing experience lifting at this gym!!!
Congrats Todd and Jake on your bi-coastal PRs last night.
Some doubles at 25kg, 35kg, 45kg, 50kg
55x1x2 , 60f
Back to singles at 55kg (~80% of recent PR)
Low energy and lazy about committing to the positions
Left hamstring also not great
5 rounds of:
15 Russian KB swings 24kg
5 rev levers
Levers took me a long time — tried to stay hollow, 5 seconds on the way down, both legs straight on first rep, next 4 alternated one leg bent
5 min of side planks :20 on:10 off
Elevated top leg – felt these in my hips and shoulders far more than abs
Later did some hamstring mobility, hand stands and one strict MU
Caffeine and alcohol article duly noted
Back in warm, sunny Oakland for the weekend. Finally did a little workout, but still taking it easy. For those following along with my illness saga, I have acute cytomegalovirus, which is a lot like mono (which means its nothing serious, just annoying and long-lasting) That said, I'm feeling much better than I was a couple of days ago!
Just did some random shit—a mix of what my buddy was doing, and a mix of what a class was doing.
Worked up to a heavy press @ 95# (current PR, which is remarkable seeing as I've lost weight)
3×5 PP @ 105
and a little fun with accessory work:
3×10 Bent over rows @ 95
3×10 Hip bridges @ 95
Felt amazing to move around a little bit, though I got very tired and definitely felt a little weak. I don't know if I have any metcons in me yet. May try some squatting tomorrow
I also coached a class at my old gym last night, which was very fun!
Jake! I didn't realize you were also in the Bay!
8am. Front squats: 135×5, 205×3, 235×2, 255×1, 275×1 (PR), 285×1 (PR!). I was hoping to hit 275 coming in to today, though my hips and low back were a little tight so my expectations were low. 275 moved super smoothly. Jumped to 285 and the weight slowed down a bit, but no real grindiness. Might have had 295, but a 15# PR is enough for one day. Super stoked about these numbers as my front squat weight has been a limiter for cleans.
Metcon: 76 reps on the thrusters, 53 on the pull-ups and 40 on the burpees. Thrusters felt great. Rested each round with the bar on my back. Butterfly pull-ups at 7 per round through 6 rounds before they started to fall apart. Burpees just sucked today. Had no gas at that point.
Front squats: 205, 235, 250 (5lb PR!)
A nice ego boost after a shitty backsquat day on Wednesday.
Nice working with Peter, a wonderfully supportive lifting partner (who also happened to kick ass today on his squats!)
WOD: 83 front squats, 26 strict pull-ups, 40 burpees. No gas in the legs.
Fun 11am + AR combo this morning, been a long time since I went to AR.
Nick admonished the CRASH-Bers to take it easy since there's a 2k test tomorrow… but I really wanted to PR my front squat. Added 40# to my old PR and finished @ 295! I rushed at the very end to try 305 but it wasn't happening. Maybe I have it in me right now, maybe not, but I'm very happy with the 295.
Then took it easy on the WOD. 119 reps with ring rows and slow stepping-out burpees. Tomorrow should be fun!
1pm – McD – Noah – Whitney
Not a PR but damn close. Felt good today, which I should be happy with as I've missed numerous FSQ exposures this cycle.
Metcon –
Somewhere in the 140 – 150 range…tried to just keep a consistent pace throughout. Shoulder didn't bother me at all on the thrusters which is another small win.
Not ready for crush week, but it's coming…
Oly Cycle homework.
Power snatch 43 x 5 x 5.
Power clean 58 x 5 x 3
Rack jerk 73 x 5 x 3
Snatch pull 73 x 3 x 3
Deadlift-135 x 5, 185 x 4, 205 x 3, 225 x 1, 235 x 5.
Resting today before the 2K test tomorrow. Although there is a strong possibility I may walk a half marathon tonight in work. Festival of Lights is on in DUMBO and I easily walked at least that behind the bar last night.
Congrats to all on your PRs this week!
265 # front squat. 15 # pr I think. Yay. 60 thrusters, 62 pull ups and 49 burpees. Totes- 171.
Nooner with McWhiNo
Front Squats #145 for 3×3. I focused on staying tight and shrugging up, everything felt solid and sooooo much better than last week.
WOD: 46/52/32
I've fallen behind in posting since starting strength cycle so too much to post to catch up. But i will mention that back squats haven't been feeling great & feeling "off" (even though Jeremy has reassured that it looks good & moving well) but last night's squats finally felt solid & strong (#235 for 3×5)!! I stayed tight, chest was up, and didn't tip into my toes!
Becca – your squats looked hella fast on Tues or Wed when I saw you. Myself and a few other folks were in fact chatting about it.
Played with the big kids today at Comp Team Practice at 2pm
5 attempts at a 1RM
200 m
Both the 195 and the 200 were PRs over my previous best of 193. Super stoked!
Clean and Jerk
5 attempts at a 1RM
250 m
Like the snatch, both the 245 and the 250 were PR C&Js over my previous best of 242. Stoked about this as well, but the snatch was a long time goal. It took about 10 seconds before I started thinking about the next number 🙂
Then shit got real…
"Partner" Morrison
Wall Ball 20/10
Box Jump 24"
KB Swing 53
Each partner does the full volume and has to complete each set before your partner can start on theirs. Jason M and I were partner A and Noah was partner B. We finished in 41:something. This was miserable. My thoughts on today's Comp Team Practice are as follows…
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times".
9am with Melo and DO. Front squat: I wasn't sure if I was going to do the linear progression or try a 1rm today. I opted for the linear and did that (3×3) at 165, which was already a 5 lb pr. So then (having some time), I went for a 1rm. Hit 185 then bailed 200 – and an ugly bail it was. But a 25 lb pr is pretty damn nice.
The metcon, on the other hand, was nasty. 23 pull-ups, 40 burpees, 45 thrusters. The pull-ups represented my attempt to do the kipping thing despite knowing that was gonna be a disaster. It was, but I'm OK with that. I don't even have the "new at kippin" excuse for the thrusters. But, PR on the front squats, so today was a winner!