Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5 pounds to last week.
Performance: 5/3/1 1 Week
75% x 5
85% x 3
95% x 1+
Percentages are based off your TRAINING MAX (90% of a recent 1RM). Aim to hit 3 on the rep out, but save 1 rep in the tank.
Post loads to comments.
Partner WOD
In teams of 3 with one partner working at a time, complete:
AMRAP 21 minutes:
12/10 Calorie Row
7 Burpee-Box Jumps
Post rounds to comments.
What did one erg say to the other erg?
News and Notes
- Attention C.R.A.S.H.-B.ers: If you are signing up to train with Coach Nick, please make your payments here. There are two options: A) full payment of $220 due at registration, or B) payment plan of $55 each month for four months. No refunds on any payments made!
- Curious about the Meat CSA? If you’ve been considering joining the meat CSA program, come to the gym tonight between 5-8pm to meet farmer Jerry Peele. He’ll be selling packages of his famous bacon and ground beef (at a discount), running a raffle for a 15-lb meat share, handing out shares to members, and signing up new ones on the spot. Questions? Email mignyc [at]
- Root Hill Cafe (on the corner of 4th Ave. and Carroll) is back open, and better than ever. They hired a Paleo pastry chef (what?!), and will be expanding their food menu soon. All CFSBKers get a 10% discount with them, so head over and say hi.
Recent PRs (that we know about!)
- K HarpZ hit 160# on her C&J last Saturday
- Evan R. ran the NYC Marathon on Sunday in 3:20:16 (his first time, so a PR)
- Jake L. PRed his jerk at 374# yesterday
- T-Bone hit 88kg on his snatch and 112kg on his C&J for a 200kg total
- Dee hit 90kg x 2 on his snatch
- Coach Fox hit 260# on his bench last night
Come at us in the comments or write on the white board between the bathrooms if you’ve PRed something recently so we can celebrate with you!
Registration is Open for CrossFit Hoboken’s Winter Challenge 7.0
CFSBK sends folks to the Winter Challenge each year. Please contact Coach MeLo if you sign up or have any questions, Melissa [at] Note that this is an RX’d-only competition, so no scaling options are offered. Also, it sells out FAST, so jump on it!
Event Registration & Pricing:
Registration: Event registration is officially OPEN (click here to register)
Competitor Pricing: The registration fee for this event is $95.00 and includes a free competition t-shirt and complimentary admission to the after party at Village Pourhouse.
Spectator Pricing: Spectator tickets can be purchased and provide access to the event. CLICK HERE TO GET A SPECTATOR TICKET
Event Overview:
Date / Time: Saturday December 6th at 9am
Location: CrossFit Hoboken located at 38 Jackson Street in Hoboken, NJ
Divisions: Men’s RX and Women’s RX WODs
Individually Scored Workouts WOD Announcements: Workout announcements begin on November 10th
Learn more and see which CFSBKers are already registered on our event page.
The Luxury Of Solitude NPR
Tunnel Vision vs. Training ADD Catalyst Athletics
Do You Know How Many Calories Are In These Alcoholic Drinks? Buzzfeed
Better All the Time: How the “performance revolution” came to athletics—and beyond The New Yorker
What did one erg say to the other erg:
"I hate myself."
"We're never going to get anywhere in this place."
"I like it when they go slow, slow, fast." (At least one had to be inappropriate and creepy)
Today's workout yesterday.
Not sure how I feel about 5/3/1 vs. linear. Would like to try one more 5/3/1 cycle to see if I can sense a difference. Enjoyed sharing a bar with Stella and Laura Mc who both even lift.
Partnered with Stella again on the WOD. 5 rounds each plus some change. Stella as we know is a tfba and rx-plus'ed with the 24" box. Don't you think " HOVA" is a better nickname for us tho..
Speaking of 24" boxes, it is really hard to jump on one after erg-ing. The burpee component actually made it easier because bounding up and down would hurt bad quick.
Make-up training goals from yesterday:
Kipping pull-ups.
120# perfectly executed snatch
175 pound C&J
Getting more comfortable on the rings and being inverted in general.
Start learning how to kick up to the wall
6am with Arturo and McDowell
Perf HBBS was still limited for me today due to this stupid pulled groin. I got through the first two sets, 225# x 5 and 245# x 3, but couldn't hit the third one since it started to hurt. Way less than last week, so hopefully things are stabilizing and improving.
The metcon was a fun one. Dan, Brad and I teamed up and came 1 burpee shy of hitting 20 rounds. There were some phantom calories in there (1 pull = 2 cals) but otherwise I stayed consistent with a calorie per pull, and I finally found my rhythm on the third round on the burpee box jump.
We "both even lift." DYING LAUGHING.
michele! do you know how much the individual meats will be selling for?
6am with Arturo and McDowell
Perf HBBS moved well. 275×5, 315×3, and 350×4 on the rep out. I have a note in my (digital) workout journal that I failed the fourth rep at 345 last cycle, or possibly the cycle before that, so I had a nice sense of achievement during breakfast.
WOD was fun. Teamed up with Dan and Michael A, and ended up one burpee shy of 20 rounds. Michael and I tried to turn it up a notch for the last two rounds with about 1:30 left, but Michael just needed one more second for the last burpee. I'm sure there were many seconds to pick up in the early rounds before any of the three of us figured out a good rhythm on the burpee box jumps.
I had a few PRs at October IronFest a few Saturdays ago. HBBS at 410 and Press at 165, and the resulting CF Total of 970 was also a PR. I think I'm capable of hitting a 1000lb total by the end of the year, which has been a long term goal of mine.
6am with Ro and McDowell
Partnered with Roy and Scott on both squatting and wodding.
Squats – Hit 7 reps at the 95% rep out which means it may be time to test a new 1RM.
WOD – We hit about 5 rounds each.
6:30am strength cycle, week 2:
LBBS: 185lbsx3x5
Bench: 95lbsx3x5
Power Clean: 108lbsx3x3
I did not miss doing burpee box jumps this morning 🙂
HBBS LP @210x5x3, felt slower than last week but not crazy heavy.
Then Crash training 2×16' @16spm 5'rest in between @2:21 and 2:24, finished with a mellow 10' cooldown.
Felt extra hard to row today after squatting. Will keep this in mind.
10am with Jeremy.
45 x 5, 135 x 4, 160 x 3, 195 x 1, 200 x 5 x 3.
So I did the first work set with the bar in the high bar position but the Squat Whisperer said my hips didn't know I was trying to high bar so I switched to low bar for the following two sets. It's amazing how much more natural that feels to me. Sadly, I do not possess the mobility required for high bar once it gets heavy. I was ok until this exposure though so I don't feel too bad about it. I am really glad I tried high bar this cycle and I do feel it has really helped me with other CrossFit movements but this love affair is over.
CRASH Bs- 2 x 16 mins/ @ 16SPM 5 mins rest- 2nd piece 3-5 seconds slower than 1st.
1. 2.22.0 3379M 16SPM
2. 2.25.2 3305M 16SPM
Tried to do my 100 DUs but they were not happening… Prob should think about doing them before class going forward.
HBBS – 118×3, 133×3, 150×5 for repout. First three felt great in rep out, last 2 were a grind. Happy with my progress this cycle!
WOD – we got 14 rounds even. Lots of rest so its fun to go all out when it's your turn.
OLY class yesterday was great. I am learning so much.
HBBS: 95, 115, 140, 165# 3×5
Still dealing with this hip impingement..which has been going on for far too long now. Next squat cycle I'm going to back off on weight and really focus on form to try and eliminate the kinks in my hip once and for all.
WOD: 19 rds + row and 1 burpee I believe. Had a power crew aka Kate R and Jess fox . Stayed consistent with my rounds so that was good, completed 6 total all in the 58-60s window.
Went back to my apt …(aka the mob-lab) and gave a wholeee lot of TLC to my hips and shoulders. Mashed from shoulders to forearms, aaaall around mah hips, posterior hip mobs, and even got my roommate to give me a little hip adjustment…gotta love PT school. Feeling much better after this!
5:30 class
Backed off since I haven't squatted since the Total.
WOD w/Aash and Cliff
We scored 19 rounds plus 12 Cals and 3 BBJ
This was brutal. Every round after the first I felt like death. I "apologize" to the first half of yesterday's classes who did a different number scheme, which didn't seem to hit as hard.
K Harp – watch your knees traveling too far forward at the bottom of your squat. What you think of as hip impingement may be some shearing of the rec fem origin high in the hip. Ask me (or any of the coaches) to take a look and explain what may be going on.
@Fox that could easily be it! I'm tender right around the ASIS and only feel relief after I mash around the area. I'll be sure to have you guys check my form next time we have a squat day. Thanks!
Fun 8:30 tonight with Coach JB, partnered with Joe and Brad for squatssssss. Hit my goal! hbbs 270#x5x3, PR & 15# heavier than I finished last cycle (also a PR). Last rep of the 2nd set was very slow and hard so I was worried about the 3rd set but I got a bit more bounce and finished everything just fine.
Switched over to CRASH-Bs instead of the WOD, which looked like fun. When I did this workout on Monday I didn't know how fast I could sustain and did the first set at 2:15ish pace, which was too slow. So this time I targeted sub-2:10. As Pigeon mentioned, it was… a little harder… to do this after squatting. 16' @ 2:08ish 16 SPM, 5' rest, 16' @ 2:16ish 16 SPM. The last few minutes of the first set took some grit to finish, but the lat few minutes of the second set felt GREAT and I sped up the last 5 minutes or so. Zoned out listening to music and staring at the display, good times.
Cool down: all the food. Likely some AR in my future.
Tuesday: Rack jerk up to 205. Missed the first one, nailed the second one and then allowed a bit of rebend in my arms. All in getting back to where I was this summer with hopefully improving footwork, but frustrating nonetheless. WOD in 5:54 at 225. Man I feel weak.
Tonight w/ JB: 265x5x3 on HBBS. Just trying to get my sea legs back after a long period of detraining. not terrible, coming forward a bit, considering going LBBS next cycle as it's way nicer on my knees. we'll see. anyway, nice to be squatting again. WOD w/ Andrew and Thomas. Holy moly i has no gas. We did 17 rounds, i went third. they carried me. jelly legs.