Fitness: Power or Squat Clean 1-1-1-1-1
5 attempts at a 1RM clean or power clean. Misses count as attempts.
Performance: Clean 1-1-1-1-1
Work up to a 1RM for the day.
Post loads to comments.
5 Rounds for QUALITY (or 15 Minutes):
5-10 Strict Toes to Bar or Floor Levers
15 Russian Kettlebell Swings, as heavy as possible
Perform the T2B/FLs with a tight body and your legs as straight as possible. On the KB Swings, focus on perfect positioning in the foreswing (knees and hips extended, shoulders down and back) and back swing (chest out, back flat, arms straight, and hips loaded).
Post what you worked on to comments.
Sam F. in a good hang position. Note his flat back and vertical shins, and how his shoulders remain out in front of the bar while the bar is still in contact with his leg.
CFSBK Art Show: Featuring Joshua Peters
Do you have CFSBK’s first Art Show on your calendar? Saturday, November 22, from 7:30-10:30pm, with a live mural painting from 8-10pm. Free alcohol and lots of art from some of your favorite CFSBKers!
One of our three featured artists is a friend of Coach David’s, Joshua Peters. His artwork, according to his bio, “explores the social, political, and cultural response to the individual heroic aspiration. By focusing on both traditional and non-traditional role models, he attempts to deconstruct the influence of masculine stereotypes by examining the conventional social rules imposed on males and females. His work is a reaction to the failure of our heroes as well as our surprise when they defy expectation.”
In additional to traditional oil paintings, Joshua also paints sneakers, which are pretty incredible. Check out more of his work on his website, at Strength to Spare. Joshua is also a fellow CrossFitter and coach.
Introducing: Bricks Meals and Snacks
CFSBK member Michele W. and her husband have launched a new Brooklyn-based brand built around back-to-basic, on-the-go, foundational food, Bricks Meals and Snacks. Their first products, Bricks Bars, are made from grass fed lean meats, veggies, fruit, and seeds. Real food kept simple.
Bricks Bars are currently available at Brooklyn Boulders, Brooklyn Fare, Foragers, West Side Markets, and other select grocers and specialty shops throughout Brooklyn.
Michele will leave some samples at the gym this week, so if you happen to see one, grab it!
Bricks is also hiring a part time Social Media Intern, check out CFSBK Classifieds for more info. You can also check out their first blog post here, and follow them on Instagram @bricksbars.
Don’t Choke The Atlantic
The Workout: Running While Pregnant New York Times
What a Tattoo Looks Like Up Really, Really Close Science of Us
The Paradox of Music-Evoked Sadness: An Online Survey PLOS|ONE
Swole-ov Base Cycle – Day 2
347.5lbs – 5 sets of 7 reps.
Still moved pretty fast, considering the volume. I'm glad it's moving well, because I've got a 20 pound jump next week. That said, I am super sore this morning and constantly hungry. I'm dreading Friday's 7 x 5 and Saturday's 10 x 3.
Weighted pull-ups
55lbs – 4, 3
45lbs – 5, 4, 4
These felt worse than last week. It might have been a good idea to stay away from the 55lb plate. I'll start on the 45 next week and move up if it feels good. Also, doing these regularly has definitely helped my kipping pull up, so I'd recommend it to folks who have issues there.
Followed by 20 mins of ABC.
Cleans wu/ @95×3, 115, 135, ww/ 145, 150, 155, 160, 150, 145 The higher numbers were almost muscle cleans with very little getting under the bar.
5x 4 strict toes to bar paired with 15 KB swings @28, 32, 32, 36? the grey one.
Cash out lateral planks x8
Pigeon, you and me and reverse curls, all the way. (Just kidding…I guess I really do need to take an Oly cycle.)
I actually thought cleans were going really well in warmups — I was getting under the bar much faster than I have at any other time this cycle. It was all going fine until I started attempting the heavy singles, at which point my usual habit of muscling the bar up reasserted itself. Fox suggested taking a wider position with my hands, which felt weird at first but is definitely something I need to try more, as I can see how it would lead to a more stable catch position. Anyway, I got to 120, which is a PR albeit the ugliest PR EVER. We're talking slow elbows and doing a drunk-girl wobble around the platform coming out of the squat.
Redeemed myself on the accessory work by doing 3 of the 5 rounds with the 2 pood KB. Holy moly, that thing is heavy. I have EXTREME respect for Lil JB, because the KB ladies' Rx in some WODs is 24 kg, and that's got to be 1/2 BW for her. The 2 pood is slightly less than 1/2 BW for me, and I couldn't talk after I finished each round. I can't even imagine trying to get that sucker over my head.
6am. Cleans: 225, 245, 255, 265F. Focused on a faster pull and I forgot to open my hands for the catch. This wasn't a problem for the reps at 245 and 255, but for the rep at 265 my closed hands pulled my elbows down and shoulders forward and I was unable to stand it up. Only got through 4 rounds of the quality work. KB swings at 32, 36, 40 and 40. Did 5 reps of strict T2B each round. Found those worked my shoulders a bit. Perhaps I'm doing them wrong.
6am. Can't do cleans right now so did front squats. 175x5x3. Did the floor levers and managed to do the KB swings (pinky-out) at 32kg.
Oly Cycle.
Well! I am so happy I signed up for this. We worked on cleans first. Looks like I will be pausing at the power position (high hang) for the moment, until I no longer need to.Today I actually did a split jerk properly and several times! Really happy with how this is going so far. Stella, you'd be mad not to this. Frank has already nailed down my major issues and I have very specific things to focus on improving- and each of us does. Awesome program and it's only Week 2.
Again tried some DUs but I am just not getting them this week. Kept hitting myself with my rope and that is pretty painful. I gave up pretty fast. Ugh.
Pull- ups- EMOTM- 6 x 2, then 5 x 1. Threw some kipping swings in there too.
CRASH-Bs- 2 x 16'/5' @16SPM
1. 2.19.3 3445M 15SPM
2. 2.21.6 3389M 15SPM
Could not maintain 16SPM for some reason, maybe it was the music I was listening to. Hmmm..
Noon w/ Jess
Cleaned @ 155, 185, 195, 205, 210PR, 210-MISS.
Moving the bar well, but still room for improvement. Can still get under quicker and get my elbows up faster. Happily hit all my reps up and into the new PR. Due to the time, I wanted to hit 210 again, but rushed into it and missed.
Worked through 5 rounds of quality work, trying to maintain good form on the T2Bs. Was impressed with moving the KBs (thank you Jason for pushing me): 28, 28, 28, 32, 36. Did 10 bonus reps with the 40, which wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. Not so intimidating anymore!
4:30 class
Super stoked (and surprised!) with a 3 and then a 14 pound PR tonight. Now I want to get that overhead from the clean.
T2B 10-7-7-5-5
Side planks always make me sore.
MU transitions, matador dips
Power Snatch
35kg x 2 x 8 not great today, the 7th set of 2 felt solid so did one more set which was more of a full snatch
My right hip flexor gave out on around the 5th set and both felt sore after, so I did some rolling
Had some work done on my psoas which was a big help
More mobility and handstand holds
That's it, I'm doing the next Oly class – cleans today were frustrating. 185# was a-ok, but 195# was a total nonstarter — I think I've reached the limit of my craptastic, non-hand-releasing, non-getting under the bar "form". Good luck with the surgery Eliot!
4:30 class
Cleans: (all in kilos)
35, 45, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80f, 80f
– everything felt great through 75kg (165#) then put on my belt and psyched myself out.
Did 5 rounds of the accessory work with 5 strict t2b each round. Kbs were with 28kg, 32kg, 32kg, 36kg and 40kg. Only got through 9 swings at 40kg before it slipped out in the back swing.
Side planks cash out was fun. Totally spent after today's class.
6:30 pm with whit and Arturo
Clean: 155#, 160#,165#(PR),170#(PR), 172#F
Needless to say, I am freaking PUMPED. This has been an awesome cycle, which I really have to say I owe to the programming. Focusing inbetween the 80%-90% range over the past 6 weeks has been extremely beneficial for my mental approach to this lift. Without the pressure of going up more each week, I have been able to focus on cleaning up certain portions of my lift (no pun intended). And because I stayed in that range, I haven't missed a single lift until 172# tonight, which has really boosted my confidence in the ability to be consistent….not to mention I had an "aha" moment with how to properly load my hamstrings during DROMs today, which I put to good use afterwards. Soooo thanks for that guys!
Cool down was pretty cool. t2b are waaaaay harder when you don't bend your knees. Just sayin.
Fun night
PR'd my clean at 195#. A year ago I was hitting 125#.
Tonight felt so organized. I missed 205# once, and decided to step back and not get greedy.
Thanks to all the coach for the great cues over the last cycle.
It's great to start cleaning over my body weight.
And after my "master " birthday makes me feel like I have room to grow.