Fitness: Push Press 5 x 3 Linear Progression
Add 2-5 pounds to last week’s weight.
Performance: Rack Jerk 5 x 1
Hit 5 singles between 80% and 90% of your recent 1RM. If you’re feeling good then work at the 90% end, if you’re feeling off then work at the 80% end. Your work reps must be no lighter than 80% and no heavier than 90%.
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
50 Double Unders
10 Deadlifts 275/155
40 Double Unders
8 Deadlifts
30 Double Unders
6 Deadlifts
20 Double Unders
4 Deadlifts
10 Double Unders
2 Deadlifts
Post times and Rx to comments.
LT Fisher and Camille Leblanc-Bazinet do the snatch workout from the CrossFit Team series. Camille was 2014’s Fittest Women at the CrossFit Games and a 5x Games athlete (and is finishing her degree in chemical engineering). Lauren took 9th place at the 2014 CrossFit Games and is a 2014 USAW Junior National Champion.
- Do you know the difference between training and exercise? There’s a new post over on Inside the Affiliate, called “How to Find the Balance Between Training and Exercise at CrossFit Affiliates.” Read up, share it with your friends!
- Happy birthday to our favorite Pigeon!
Curious about the Meat CSA? Herondale Meatfest on Wednesday!
If you’ve been considering joining the meat CSA program, come to the gym Wednesday evening (11/5) between 5-8pm to meet farmer Jerry Peele and sample his delicious wares.
He’ll be selling packages of his famous bacon and ground beef (at a discount), running a raffle for a 15-lb meat share (tickets are just $10), handing out shares to members, and signing up new ones on the spot. Questions? Email mignyc [at]
CFSBK Art Show: Seeking Graffiti Artist/s!
CFSBK’s first Art Show is less than three weeks away, on November 22, from 7:30-10:30pm. Save the date, it’s going to be completely awesome (and free alcohol, so, you know). All our artists and visiting feature artists are listed here (plus Alona K.!).
We are looking for one or two graffiti artists or people who are good at drawing on a large scale (especially letters) to help create decorations for the show that afternoon (between 2pm-6pm). If you’re interested in playing with lots of markers (not paint) and making some cool, temporary art in the gym, shoot Kate an email at Katharine [at]
(One of the signs can created ahead of time, so if that time doesn’t work and you’re talented, still send an email.)
Photos That Give Voice to the Animal Kingdom TED
Flexibility for the Overhead Squat Catalyst Athletics
Stormscapes 2: An Amazing Severe Weather Time-Lapse Colossal
Is 10,000 Hours All I Need to Run a Faster Marathon? New York Times
Jerks at 115. My form was wonkier than at this weight last time. Boo.
WOD 4:37 with 1/2 DU attempts. I think I should have gone with the full number of DU attempts, which was my original plan until I couldn't string more than two together for a good 30 seconds.
Also, I feel like the Rx on the deadlift is a little odd. Don't women usually do 155 when men are doing 225? Again, if I had this to do over again I would either want to do the full number of DUs counting attempts, *or* Rx-plus the deadlift, which felt pretty light.
6am. Jerks: 205, 225, 225, 225, 235 (92.5%). Was feeling good today so I bumped up the weight on the last rep. I'm hoping we test our 1RM jerk soon. Metcon Rx: 6:45. First set of DUs was unbroken, but fell apart a bit on subsequent rounds. Never caught my breathe on this one. Deadlift weight was ok, though I found it tough to brace when I was sucking wind. Broke the deadlifts up 5-5, 4-4, 3-3, 4, 2.
Still hiring at Amplify!
*Digital project manager (must have experience with agile)
*Print project manager
*Editorial intern (entry-level, contract job with an hourly salary)
*Software developers (Java)
*** Curriculum developers/writers: If you have experience writing, or teaching, K-5 English language arts curriculum, I really want to talk to you. This is an opportunity for former teachers as well as those still in the classroom.
Email mignyc at gmail dot com.
6:30am strength cycle!
Everything was moving well this week and my form on the overhead press felt great. I'm pretty sure I wasn't staying tight before and was leaking some power. In lbs:
LBBS: 180x3x5
Press: 62.5x3x5
Deadlift: 205x1x5
Finished the marathon – including a mid-race pitstop at CFSBK which was fun!
I was sllooooww — 5:09:11. I attribute it mostly to not really being focused on the marathon this last 2 months, but rather my strength training which – surprise, surprise – resulted in my legs started to feel real heavy come miles 15 or so, right about at CrossFit Gantry. My half-marathon times would indicate that a 4:10 or even sub-4 should be easy-peasy but I think the mistake I've made, given I've never done better than a 4:47, is to not dedicate myself solely and fully to marathon training from August 1 on. Given my love of CF and Strength, that may prove difficult next year too. FYI – I definitely felt like the techniques and training I picked up from CrossFit Endurance with Michael O were extremely helpful.
It was also cold and blustery — probably toughest conditions I've seen of my 9. Staten Island start? CHILLY.
That said, I really enjoyed the day. One of the nice things about being a slower marathoner is that I think I may see more of the more average runners gutting it out and there are some amazing people out there, clearly living out dreams. I also love saying hi to folks and high-fiving the crowd.
Thank you to all CFSBK crowd who was out there – Lily, Karl, Stella, Ben, among others I'm missing for sure. Congrats to Aileen, Eric, Evan and any other CFSBK-ers who ran.
"Completing a marathon and lifting weights for a single heavy effort are very different physical tasks, and you can't be very good at both — at least not at the same time" – Mark Rippetoe.
** Lesson Learned **
6am with McD and Nick
Rack Jerks: 175, 185, 185(press out), 185, 185
I think I'm getting closer to consistency on these. I liked doing the sets at 80-90% this cycle. Following the oly class with Frank, I was glad to have a chance to just get reps in and try to digest what I've learned without worrying too much about going super heavy.
Metcon: 7:38 with #255 deadlifts
Deadlifts were hard enough, I think I got the right weight here, but I was still struggling by the end to keep a tight back with shoulders back. I stuck to my rep scheme of 5-5, 4-4, 3-3, 2-2, 2
DUs were fine except that I tripped more than necessary due to a twisted, bent rope. Need to get myself a jumprope.
cashout: I would hold the L sits for 10 seconds, then tuck for 10, then finish with another 10 seconds in the L. By the last round my L-sit wasn't really legit, as my feet were almost on the ground. Ringrows were ringrows. I seem to have gotten worse at them. 12 unbroken at full horizontal position has become kind of a max.
Nooner with Fox and Arturo.
Push press-
45 x 5, 65 x 4, 75 x 3, 85 x 2, 95 x 1, 105 x 2 x 2, 95 x 3 x 3.
I missed the third rep on the first two sets. This was a 5# jump from last week. I probably should have made a 2# jump. Need to really focus on keeping my elbows up, and not ending up on my toes. I do feel like I've made decent progress on this lift this cycle though.
WOD in 3.57 with 1/2 DU attempts. These were not really happening for me today but I kind of wish I had not decided to do half of the work.
Cash-out with L-tucks because I can't do L-holds.
Stayed behind for a bit and finished the 75 DUs I had not done in the WOD.
Curious about the 275/155 split. I usually am cool with lifting something between the men and women's RX, but that is a huge difference.
More potential for the new space. Perhaps post prancercize:
Went to a commercial gym yesterday. It was entertaining. Deadlifted with hex plates and sans chalk, which was annoying but fine.
165×3 (hook grip)
185×2 (switch grip b/c hands slipping)
195x3x3 (switch grip)
Ran to gym (1.7 miles) with Pennypup.
Foam roll: quads, ext rot, hamstrings, ITB, t-spine, lats
Row 500M
T-spine gemini
Press: 33×5, 53×3, 58×1
AH this was HARDDDD! Arms still pretty wrecked from Saturday's WOD.
Made it through all reps, but barely. Static start makes a difference, too. Shim under R foot.
3 attempts at a MU. Still… so… close.
Noah mentioned I'm sort of pausing with hips to rings before I turnover. So don't hold there… just get up and immediately through/over.
10 am class
Felt good today so I went for it a bit.
WOD Rx'd (superman division)
Billy the Terrorist (nice handle?) and Stella: Interesting catch. I must have typo-ed the ladies Rx for this when programming, as I went through a few versions and missed changing the weights. Or I may have subliminally wanted the gals to crush the fellas on it. I succeeded, and may as well have called it "The Lady Fox" since she Rx'd and nailed it. I'm sure a few other of our women did also!
4:30 group class
3 rounds
5 ring pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 air squats
Rack jerk
45×5, 95×6, 135×3, 165×2
50-40-30-20-10 double unders
10-8-6-4-2 deadlifts 225lbs
Started at 275 but scaled to 225 after 8 reps
Back felt unstable after the CF Providence wod still
Also cam and LT CRUSH that snatch workout. It's like watching a weightlifting metronome
@Bree I posted that video a while ago, because it absolutely does win everything. So good.
Makeup from last night's OG:
Front squats: worked up to 140×2, lost some tension on the second one.
Katie Harpz taught me how to do the Crossover Symmetry goodness, and I just mobilized a lot. My shoulder is still bugging me, but I think I released some of whatever was tight. Also got a solid 5 step handstand walk and Arturo showed me some tricks for actually moving forward. Maybe I shouldn't be doing handstands when my shoulder is tight…
4:30 class tonight.
More Symmetry fun and mobilization.
Rack Jerk: stuck with 135×5 tonight instead of going up to 145. It feels light when I actually do it right. Weird how that works.
WOD Rx in 3:48. Super fun workout, but I say that about anything that plays to my strengths. 🙂
4:30 tnite!
Push press: 75×3, 85×3, 100# 5×3
So glad i decided to go with the push press this cycle. 100# felt very solid and i'm feeling much more confident overhead. Only got a little unstable at the top in my last set. Had fun working w/ J Bailey da beast!
WOD: 3:22 RX
Started on the deadlifts instead of the DUs like a dunce. Was about 3 reps in until Noah notified me I was the only one making loud noises. SO needless to say I put in 3 extra DLs for good measure.
4:30 with Noah and Ro. Rack jerks at 135x1x5. One pretty squirrely rep in there, but other than that felt good.
Then did my first day of CRASH-B training! Cue ominous music:
2 x 16'/5' @16 SPM
1. 3631m / 2:12.1 average split
2. 3452 / 2:19.0 average split
My splits and SPM were all over the place. Whenever I tried to concentrate on one, the other measure would wander away from what I wanted it to be. I was really jealous of everyone doing that lickety split deadlift WOD but I also found the (extremely long) row sort of meditative? In a weird way? Or maybe I'm just telling myself that?
150 jerks.
3:20 for the wod at 185lb. Should have done 205 in retrospect.
I'm new to Brooklyn. Moved from Seattle with the family for work. Living over on 5th ave & 6th St.
Looking for a web copy writer (freelance) for my Start Up Co where I look after marketing. Tech background preferred. If you know of someone lemme know!
David – did you say something about adding more space?? 6:30 class was boomin!
4:30pm with Ro and Noah. 115# on the split jerk, which has felt light the past couple of weeks and felt really heavy today. Then the WOD rxed in 4:11. Definitely a workout that played to my strengths. It felt good to finish fast!
6 am w. Nick and McD.
Fitness push press @ (45 X 3, 85 X 3, 100 X 3 and) 107.5# 5 X 3.
WOD in 5:38 with 155# DLs. This went so much faster than I expected that I double checked the board when I was done to make sure I didn't forget a set. I went into the workout knowing I wanted to string more than my usual 7 – 9 DUs together since I knew this is where I would lose the most time. I intentionally rested and mentally prepared for each DU set for a few seconds and it seemed to work- did the first set as 45-5, the the second as 30-10, and the rest unbroken (except for maybe one more trip somewhere along the way). As for deadlifts, I'm still working on increasing weights on these even if it means going more slowly. The max I did in the last DL metcon was 145#, so went with 155# today and it moved fairly well (although I probably should have stayed tighter in form in those last few sets). Nonetheless, I felt good with these today and will try bumping up the weights again next time I see DLs.
Welcome, Ryan! Yes to new space, we get the keys and can start doing work on Nov 15th. Im assuming it will take about 2 months if things go well before we can use it.
Came early for 7:30 and got to see the coaches handle the mega 6:30 class
David is a pro.
500m row
3 RNDs MU work: box humps, transitions, dips
Banded hip flexor pulls 15×2 ea leg
Hip flexor, quad, hamstring w orb and lax ball
Warm- up: 3 RNDs of Cindy w chin-ups
Rack Jerks w Danny
Warmed up w 45×5 push press, then complex of push press and split jerk
75×2, 95×2, 105×1
Split jerk singles
115, 125, 130, 135, 140 F
All feeling solid. Didn't get down for 140
155# DLs felt heavy
DUs were a shit show. Used hair excuse to take breaks
Cash out x3
:30 L-sits w straight legs in sets of :10, until last round, max hold L-sit= :22
12 ring rows, 16" box (6,4,2)
8:30 – DO
So happy to be back after being away from the gym for a week and half and definitely sick of making up garage workouts.
Jerk –
45×6, 95×6, 135×5, 165×5, 185x1x2, 195×1
Right deltoid didn't bother me at all…again, can't tell if it was the time off or if it was warming up properly…probably a little of both. Worked a lot on my footwork beforehand…was focusing on it so much that DO pointed out I was forgetting to get under…the last 195 felt really solid so I ended on that.
Metcon – 5:10 – 235
Thought this might have been pretty aggressive DL weight for the first night back…but they felt solid throughout so I was pretty happy after. Should've focused more on DU's…only the first and last sets were unbroken.
Worked at 165 and 175 on the jerk. Felt pretty good but got a slight twinge in my back so didn't continue out of an abundance of caution.
WOD at 225 – 3:45. Felt solid – more lungs required than I thought going in. Kept the DLs a little light and slow to protect my back.