For Time:
Row 250m
9 Muscle Ups
9 Push Jerks, 135/95
Row 500m
6 Muscle Ups
6 Push Jerks, 135/95
Row 750m
3 Muscle Ups
3 Push Jerks, 135/95
For Time:
Row 250
21 Dumbbell Push Presses
21 Ring Rows
Row 500m
15 Dumbbell Push Presses
15 Ring Rows
Row 750
9 Dumbbell Push Presses
9 Ring Rows
Use a heavy-ish load on the dumbbells that you can move through in sets of at least 7 when fresh. Make the Ring rows hard. No pull up scale today.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Ever Wanted to Compete in a Strength Competition?
Now’s your chance—and you don’t even need a singlet (but you can wear one if you want)! On Saturday, October 25th, eight gyms across the US and Canada will hold a strength lifting meet organized by Starting Strength coaches. Three attempts to establish a one-repetition maximum in the Squat, Press, and Deadlift. The competition will be both local and international. Coach Fox and others will be attending the event in Queens from 8am to 4pm, and there are still a few places left if you want to compete. Learn more here.
Each meet will have its own winners, but the results from all the meets will also be combined and the best lifters announced. Each best lifter wins a spot at a Starting Strength Seminar.
News and Notes
- We recently updated our Membership Policies (and included some advice for choosing between Fitness and Performance programming). Please review this page in case you need to make any changes to your membership!
- There’s a new post over on Coach David’s blog, Inside the Affiliate, about CFSBK’s standardized warm-ups. Geek out about body temperatures and the fragility of cold tissue!
- Lost something and want to find it? Check out the items in our recent found collection, and grab your stuff by 9/25 in the bin by the sink, or we’re going to donate it!
- Congrats to everyone who PRed their lifts this past week. We saw some awesome numbers in the comments and on the white board!
- CFSBK’s soccer team won their first game yesterday, 4-0, with goals by Coach MeLo, DH3, Moe, and someone on the other team, forced by Murat. In Coach Noah’s illustrious words, “We are awesome.”
Calling all Food and Wine Geeks!
Resident CFSBK sommelier, Brian S., is looking for some help pouring wine at his fundraiser, Sip for the Sea, this Thursday (9/18) at the Central Park Zoo. No experience necessary as long as you can open a bottle of wine and are over 21. Sip for the Sea is an upscale food/wine pairing event to benefit the rebuilding of the NY Aquarium in Coney Island, which is still recovering from Hurricane Sandy (can you believe it?). All the details are here.
Brian is looking for 5-8 people to help pour wine from 6pm-9pm. You will be fed and have plenty to drink! If you are interested, please send him an email at bscott [at]
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