Different torso lengths will result in different start positions for pulling bars off of the floor. Athletes with longer torsos like Joy M. will end up a bit more upright than athletes with relatively shorter torsos.
- Lots of new goodies up in Lost and Found. Claim your stuff by 3/12 or it will cease to exist.
Weekend Schedule Changes and Events You Need to Know About
- CLASSES ARE CANCELED TOMORROW for the Iron Maidens Raw Open (this includes Yoga for Athletes and Active Recovery).
- The 2015 CrossFit Open started last night. We normally program these WODs on Saturday (which you can expect for the next four), but because of Iron Maidens, we are programming it for Sunday. If you came to the gym yesterday and want to come today and Sunday, there is a floater WOD available (see the comments below).
- Coach Jeremy’s Strength Cyclers will wrap up their eight-week cycle with a Total on Sunday, starting at 2:00pm.
- This is the 17th and final week of the C.R.A.S.H.-B.’s program. The big day is this Sunday! As of now, 15 CFSBKers are competing. Let us know how it goes! We’re cheering for you.
Today Is Your Last Chance To Nominate Inside the Affiliate for Breaking Muscle’s Annual Top 10 Fitness Blog Contest!
We ended up in the Top 20 last year (after being live for only four months!), but this year, we’re gunning for the Top 10. To get there, we need to be nominated first for the Top 20. If you’re on Facebook, it’s super simple:
1. Click here.
2. Scroll down to the comments. Include a link to Inside the Affiliate (www.insidetheaffiliate.com) and why you like it.
3. Nominations will be accepted up until 8PM TONIGHT, so jump on it!
Will Lifting Make Me Bulky? Answers to Common Questions About CrossFit Inside the Affiliate
Snowtime: A Microscopic Timelapse of a Snowflake
Surreal Photos of Abandoned, Snow-Filled Malls Fast Company
Programming Notes
15.1 will be the alternate Friday option for those who came on Thursday, and is programmed for Sunday.
Workout 15.1
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 9 minutes of:
15 Toes-to-Bar
10 Deadlifts (115 / 75 lb.)
5 Snatches (115 / 75 lb.)
1-rep-max Clean and Jerk
(6-minute time cap)
Scaled Workout 15.1
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 9 minutes of:
15 hanging knee raises
10 deadlifts (85 / 55 lb.)
5 snatches* (85 / 55 lb.)
*ground-to-overhead allowed
If you came on Thursday and plan to do the Open on Sunday, this is the floater programming:
Fitness and Performance: 1 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week's exposure. Dead starts, no touch and go. Use a hook grip if you can.
Post loads to comments.
Partner WOD
15-12-9-6-3, For Time:
KB Swing 72/53
Post time and Rx to comments.
6am. 15.1: 106 reps (3 rounds + 15 T2B + 1 deadlift). 15.1a: 235#.
15.1 was a toes to bar workout for me. I broke up the toes to bar into sets of 5 from the beginning, but even doing that my kip started to get squirrelly at the end of the second round. Deadlifts were easy peasy. Did all of the snatches touch and go. Probably could have transitioned from the deadlifts to the snatches faster, but not sure if it would have made a difference as I just would have spent longer between T2B sets.
Took The Outlaw Way advice for 15.1a and put on my lifters (used my nanos for 15.1). Planned to make 4 attempts and had plenty of time to do so. Also followed Rudy's advice to hit 70%, 80%, 90% and then whatever for the final rep. After loading the weights and getting my shoes on I hit the first rep at 165 (65%) around the 10:30 mark. Forearms were fairly smoked from 15.1. Hook grip required. While I warmed up my squat clean, my midsection was smoked and my legs did not want to bend and I ended up power cleaning all of my reps. Hit my second rep at 205 (80%), then 225 (89%) and ended with a rep at 235 (92%). Thankful that press-outs were allowed. Definitely not my finest jerks. See above about my midsection being smoked. Felt like the dip and drive on the jerk was pushing force through a wet noodle.
I liked this open workout. I could have pushed a bit harder on 15.1, but I haven't done a WOD in 5 weeks and didn't want to flame out. In hindsight, I maybe should have gone for 240 or 245 on the last attempt.
Nice 8AM today with McDowell and Noah.
We were kindly allowed to sub front squats instead of deadlifts.
FSQ: 225×2 (failed on 3rd rep; got too soft at the bottom), then 225x5x2
WOD with Chris A. as partner. We used a 24kg bell and finished in 7:29.
Did 15.1 today.
Got 3 rounds (90 reps) on the first part of the WOD. This was basically a toes-to-bar workout for me and I should have gone out faster.
I got 215 on the C+J section. I took at quick warmup at 115, then 165, 185, 195, 205, 215. I failed a rushed attempt at 225 with a few seconds to go. I think that I did this section the right way – got a quick success or 2 in the books then quickly went to weights that were challenging (I estimated that 185-205 was reasonable, given a partially fatigued state)
So excited for this weekend of strength! The Iron Maidens tomorrow and Strength Cycle Total on Sunday. I just wished we were hosting the Crash-Bs so I could cheer them on! Wishing everyone strong cores, lightning speed, and depth!
Don't forget to nominate Inside the Affiliate!!
Hi my long lost CFSBK friends!
I'm looking for some recommendations on Physical Therapists in Brooklyn. I broke my ankle a month ago and had surgery soon after the break. Next week I'll finally be transitioning from a cast to the walking boot. I'm sure others have gone through this type of break before, so I thought I would reach out for suggestions. A Physical Therapist who is experienced working with athletes would be great! Shoot me an email at bbjerke@gmail.com. Thanks!
Blaire, sorry to hear it!
Several years ago when I had severe plantar fasciitis I worked with Recovery Physical Therapy (Flatiron District location). Sadly they do not have a Brooklyn location although they do have one at Wall Street.
David, are you going to film your open workouts and post them to the blog like last year?
(What Joy said)^2
264, 275
264, 275
OPEN WOD 15.1!
105 reps
325# on part a.
Abs literally seized up on the TTB. Maybe not doing them for close to 3 years had something to do with that.
Good luck to all the strong ladies competing tomorrow!
The dress is blue and black.