Fitness: EMOM 8 Minutes, 2 Clean High Pulls + 1 Power Clean
Start at 50% and go up as appropriate. Focus on a smooth pull to the high hang and a close bar path.
Performance: Clean
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Fitness and Performance: 1 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week’s exposure. Dead starts, no touch and go. Use a hook grip if you can.
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Fitness: 100 Burpees for Time
Compare to 1.5.15
Performance: 30 Muscle Ups for Time
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Coach Fox addresses a packed crowd last night at the Community Potluck. Thanks to everyone who came out and contributed delicious food, and congrats to all our winners, of the LFPB Challenge and for the most loved dishes! We’ll announce all of them on the blog soon.
News and Notes
- Good luck to Todd C., Ryan J., and Jake L., who are competing in the 2015 NYC Experimental Open in Garden City today! Let us know how it goes!
- Want to work out today at 9am and bring your kid/s? Now you can! Sign them up at the Front Desk for CFSBK Kids Club, and learn more here.
- Happy birthday, Jayne B.!
CRASH-B’s: The High and the Hell Of Indoor Rowing Sports Illustrated
A Regal Beagle Seizes the Spotlight The New York Times
We're at capacity for Kids' Club this morning. Email me if you are interested in attending next week.
Sorry to use the blog for this but I need the community help. we found a lost dog last night around 11pm on 4th ave and 3rd street. The dog was hit by a taxi (hit and run).
We took the dog to blue pearl 24hr hospital on 4th ave and pacific st. No tags on the dog. The microchip didn't have an active phone number, but it did have Grace as the name of the dog. It also showed that the chip was activated in 2007.
Grace is a chihuahua mix, white with some black spots, about 15 or so pounds, and possibly around 8yrs old.
Please reach out asap If you have any information. 516 384 4341
Thank you!
Mo! That breaks my heart! Is she ok? Have you tried contacting FIDO? They might be able to help.
Mo! That's terrible. I'll ask around but don't recognize the dog. Keep us posted.
10am today, first day back after a week off on vacation.
For cleans, my 1RM is 265# but I worked off of 230# since my lower back was still smoked. My weights for performance were 160, 185, 195, 160. Cleans felt crisp and fast.
Deadlifts were good, went up to 345# for my 1×5.
Did the perf version of the WOD, hit 8:50 Rx, which was 30sec faster than my old time. Thanks to Pierre for cheering me on. I did the first 15 reps in sets of 3 and within 3min, then had to slow day to 2's and 1's through the end.
Hi dog lovers! Update on Grace:
I called hospital. They won't give me a picture in order to protect owner. Grace is microchipped but info is out of date. She's stable but will need further medical care. I left them my info and Waggytail's name. Robyn is in the loop. I'll keep you posted.
Cleans: did performance version with lifts at 135, 145, 155, 165, and then back down to 135.
Deadlifts: 275×5
WOD: Started doing muscle-ups, intending to do as many as possible in 12 minutes but after two minutes, in which I had racked up two muscle-ups and four fails, decided to call it a day and just did the 100 burpees instead. Finished somewhere in the 11th minute.
Terrible story about the dog! But what a hero you are for saving Grace!!!
Note: I am not competing in that event. I have a pretty big board exam tuesday and needed to study today. I will however be at OG!
Update: owner of the dog has been located!!!
So freaking happy! And thank you to all of you. You guys a rock stars. Big thanks to Amy!!!
Happy ending!!! That's so great!
Glad that Grace had a happy ending!
Good day at the gym. Teamed up with Pierre to create a Rube Goldberg-like setup that included a metric bar and both imperial and metric plates. Weights were 159, 178, 198, 159, which worked out to be quite close to what I had planned to do, with the 198 being a little higher than 85%.
DL – 335×5 felt much more solid than when I did the same weight at the end of last cycle.
30 MU for time 7:44*
* I realized that I either did 29 or 31. I wasn't sure if I was at 15 or 17 reps at one point, but I was pretty sure it was 17. So I went with that and then did 1 extra rep at the end just in case.
Happy times for people who love dogs and happy endings
Had a great time at the potluck yesterday, we had about 70 adults and 10 kids show up despite the dreary weather!! Great food too.. Im eating the left overs for dinner tonight!
Making up my FSQs and then hitting today's DLs.
10 Minutes AR
Crossover Symmetry
3 Rounds
16 Walking Lunges 16kg
8 Push-Ups
6 Pull-Ups
Front Squat
(45×5, 95×5, 115×3, 135×3, 165×3, 185×2, 200×1)
210x3x3 (PR)
Felt like I needed a lot of warm-ups today and it paid off.
135×5, 225×3, 275×2, 315×1
Felt, dare I say it, kind of light.
Heaving Snatch Balance
195 M
195 (PR)
9am with the Foxes today. I did the clean complex as 115×4, 125×2 and 135×2. These felt really good today – my elbows felt like they were coming around under the bar crisply and quickly this morning.
Got up to 270×5 on the DL. I'm far into PR country for this number of reps, and closing in on my previous 1RM of 285. I'm hoping to get my 1RM to or above 300 by the end of the cycle. These were HEAVY today, though. I think it's going to be small jumps for the rest of the cycle.
I woke up feeling every ounce of the bourbon I drank at (and after) the potluck last night (lucky for me the metric ton of delicious food I ate dampened the ill effects somewhat – thanks all!), so I was dreading the 100 burpees a bit. I've been enjoying burpee-heavy workouts lately, though, since my stamina is pretty good and I've been good at pacing them so I keep moving. I finished in 8:17, which is 2 minutes better than the last time we did this, when I only managed 96 within the 10:00 time cap. I managed to keep moving, only taking a couple of very short huff-and-puff breaks along the way. That, and everyone calling out every tenth rep was super helpful.
Also, thanks Janelle, for another very successful Kids Club this morning!
8am. Olympic lifting homework. Back squats: 275x3x5. These were heavy. I blame the many glasses of bourbon last night and insufficient sleep. Clean&jerks (1 clean + 2 jerks) @ 132#. Lots of reps. Most felt good. Clean pulls: 264x3x3.
OG tonight, feeling STRONG!
70%x2- 78×2
75%x2- 83×2
80%x1- 88×1
85%x1- 93×1
90%x1- 98×1
No misses! Which is really good for me. Got some helpful tips from Jake about my setup, was starting with my chest too parallel to the ground, which is why i keep landing forward. Also still pulling too early. A lot to focus on, but my last at 98# felt really good. So at least I managed to pull it together at the end
Front squat:
This was moving fast! 180 used to be a grind, but I definitely had some more room there
14.1 on roids:
10 min AMRAP
30 DU
20 65# snatch
30 DU
15 75# snatch
30 DU
10 85# snatch
30 DU
AMRAP for remaining time 95# snatch
All doubles had to be unbroken to advance to next round of snatches. I got all the way through to the last set of double unders. Couldn't string together 30 unbroken so I wasnt able to move on to the 95# AMRAP. But i'm just happy I could get through those 85# snatches with about 2 min left on the clock. All power snatches, once the weight got heavy I finally figured out how to drop under the bar. This workout was extremely awesome.
@David Osorio I shop vacc-ed the CRAP out of that chalk-tastrophe in the back, should be spic n span. whooooopsies!
Good energy in the gym tonite.
Snatch+hang Snatch
275, failed hang
275, failed hang….fucker!
Pause below knee Snatch Pulls
Deadlift practice:
Worked up to comfortable 275×3
Snatch high-pulls:
Worked up to 155×3
MU practice:
Nice slow successful pulls, in sets of 3-5, red band