Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week’s exposure.
Performance: 97.5% x 1, 77.5% x 10
Post loads to comments.
CrossFit Open WOD 11.1 and 14.1
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
30 Double Unders
15 Power Snatches 75/55
Please do not bail from overhead unnecessarily, and help save the 10- and 15-pound bumpers!
Post time and Rx to comments.
Compare to 3.1.2014, 10.3.2013, and 3.2.2013
Have you signed up yet for the 2015 CrossFit Open? There will be Rx’d and scaled versions of each workout, so you can only help CFSBK’s team by signing up. Sign up here, and after you complete your registration, make sure to join CFSBK’s team (you can see everyone who has already signed up here). We currently have 63 athletes registered (43 men and 20 women).
- Happy birthday to TFBA Bethany E.!!
Thank You To Our Sponsors For the Iron Maidens Raw Open
A BIG thank you to our top sponsors for the Iron Maidens Raw Open, which is less than two weeks away. Check out our sponsors’ sites to learn more:
Sara June Hair Salon (mention Iron Maidens for a 20% discount on services through April 2015)
Kettlebell Kitchen
Chameleon Cold-Brew
SlantShack Jerky
Cafe Grumpy
61 Reasons Why I CrossFit Tabata Times
Housing Is the First Solution to Homelessness Mother Jones
“Boxing Is a Way of Life” The Atlantic
Today's workout yesterday. High Bar: 190x3x5. WOD: 3 rounds at 65#. Two rounds of double unders unbroken. Extra loft and suaveness provided by my Nike Metcons (jealous?). Would have Rx'ed if I did not have Oly class tonight.
Fox told me to stop touching the people in Fundamentals. As if there are laws against that …
Forgot to mention the great cue NoAbs gave me about getting my hips through when coming out of the HBBS hole. Made a huge difference.
6am with McDowell and Arturo. 185x3x5 on the back squats. These were pretty damn heavy, but I think I did all of the reps without the right knee collapse I've been experiencing recently. Gotta keep my chest a little more upright, I think. 185 is where my 1RM was the last time I tested it (which admittedly was a while back), so I'm already feeling pretty good about this cycle.
3 rounds plus 20 double unders in the WOD @ 65 lbs. The double unders were mostly in sets of about 6-8, with a smattering of doubles and singles. I did string together 14 in the second round, though. These are (slowly) getting better. I did the snatches in sets of 5, except for in the third round, which was 4-5-6.
Also, this morning Matt confirmed my suspicion that the frog/vagina comment at the Crossfit Kids class was made by my daughter. We Thomases are quite a classy lot. I'm not sure if pride or shame is the appropriate response here. I know which one I *actually* feel; just not sure if it's appropriate.
Tues @ 6:30pm with Whit. 105#x1 on the bench, then 83#x10. Did 4 rounds of the NFT with strict push ups, which sucked after benching.
Wed @ 7am with McD and Ro. 160#x1 went up surprisingly easy, then 128#x10. Then the WOD rxed…looking back in my notes, I scored 175 reps in Oct '13, 214 reps in March '14, and 220 reps today. This is a workout I don't mind repeating – fun one.
Make-up from yesterday
340×1 – a little uneven, but moved okay
275×9 – Failed (just barely!) on the last rep. This was so, so close. Thanks to Zach for some great spotting.
NFT Work – Benching went over time, so we did three rounds.
K2E – Tougher than I thought, but did 10s.
Ring Dip – tougher than I thought since I was feeling all chesty from the ring dips.
Row: Got 22, 21, 21 cals.
6am with Ro and McDowell
97.5% X 1 = 275# – Moved fast. Can't wait to test a new 1RM.
77.5% X 10 = 220# – Slow and steady but I hit all 10.
222 reps which is three snatches shy of 5 rounds. Very happy with the improvement here. In October 2013 I hit 195 reps and in March 2014 I hit 211 reps. So I am making steady improvement here.
Woke up to get to 6am, but my "almost cold" got the best of me. There was no way that I would have lifted with good form or any energy. Opted to rest and sweat out my cold instead.
On a different note I've talked with several people about Point Break Live (a live play re-enactment of Point Break the movie that's awesome) who were interested in seeing it.
Well, Point Break Live is coming to the Brooklyn Bell House this month, you can get tickets here:
I have an 'almost cold' too. First time in two years!!!
Shawn- priceless!
Pause Squat.
45 x 5
95 x 4
135 x 3
190 x 1 ( misloaded barbell- was supposed to be 195 but I didn't notice!)
210 x 3 x 3
I saw Point Break Live last month and it was amazing. The entire show is precast except for Keanu Reave's character (Johnny Utah) who is plucked from the crowd. They put him in a wet suit and he does the whole show reading off cue cards.
Point Break Live is fantastic! Sit up close to the stage to really *feel* the action.
Sickos – Wash your hands frequently and use wipe down equipment you touch with sanitizer…You all better not get me sick.
Holy crap Chuckles! Pausing at 210 is something I can only dream about right now.
After a bit of agonizing I've decided to pull out of Iron Maidens, with the exception of the bench press that Margie has kindly agreed to let me do. I realized that I was stressing myself out wondering whether I was going to heal up in time, and if the meet weren't coming up, the way I would handle how my hip feels (it hurts even to air squat, BOO) is to take two weeks completely off from all movements that hurt. So I decided it's just time to do that instead of continuing to freak myself out.
Of course I'm disappointed, but thanks to so many of the other strong ladies who have been so supportive, I have some good perspective. This is not the last meet I will ever be a part of, weightlifting is not my job, and as Charlie put it, "this is all for fun and long-term health."
I'm going to come in on swole Mondays and take AR on Saturdays, and meanwhile supplement at home with chinups and pushups.
@stella sorry to hear that, but it sounds like the right call. I wish I had backed off a few developing pains before they became, like, semi-permanent features. It's been like six months and I still fret about pullups hurting my elbows, although it finally does seem to be getting better.
Today's workout – mmmmmmm. Shared a bar with Rikki (sp?) and Pierre, thanks coaches for some extra time to finish up. HBBS 305×1 then 245×10 felt totally fine, pretty confident I can beat my 1RM of 315. Felt like I could have done 245×20…. and checking from Jan 10 I hit 255×15 for the 80% rep out. Is there a reason we're stopping at 10 reps on these? I liked the "rep out but no more than 20" scheme because it gave us a hard but achievable target.
I haven't snatched in a long time because of a shoulder issue so did today's workout with 75# cleans. This would have been so much easier with power cleans! There were a lot of muscle clean -> front squat towards then end, but I think form was generally OK.
Didn't push intensity hard today, working back up to it though and feeling more confident each workout. Finished 3 rounds + doubles + 3 cleans (168 reps). Doubles felt pretty solid but I broke them up to not burn out.
Last nights workout and review. David L and I slipped into a CF Solace Freestyle class last night taught by Sadie. 1 hour of body weight training. Good stuff. A very swanky gym and the locker room, wow. Showers, shaving cream and razors. Free towels. Ok, back to the workout…. A fun gymnastics warm up. The padded floor is great, then a 4 min TABATA of ring dip. Ouch. Followed by an 8min AMRAP of 6 ring pushups, 8 v ups, and 10 pistols (5 each leg). I got through about 7 rounds but my pistols suck. I have no ankle flexibility. A nice space, a good class but probably not with the $30 drop in fee.
4:30 class.
LBBS 145x3x5. Getting heavier, but still fine.
11.1/14.1, 236 reps, which is 12 more than last year. My shoulders were already fried from yesterday so today might not have been the best day to try this again, but it was still fun. You know, the kind of fun where you're still lightheaded 30 minutes later.
5:30 Noah and Mcdowell
LBBS: 95×5, 135×4, 185×2, 205×1, 215×1 (PR) then 165#x10
JB talked me into this one, and I'm pretty happy that she did! Wouldn't have even dreamed of it. Noah says there's still a "ghost" of my HBBS because I'm still bottoming out a bit. The warmups not so much, but I could definitely feel it about halfway through my set of ten when I was starting to fatigue.
WOD: 258 reps RXed
First time attempting power snatching at this speed since I was injured…sooooo over a year ago? Happy I was able to stay organized and string these together. Mcdowell said I was pulling a bit early…i have the scrapes on my thighs to prove it. I tried to blame it on having MASSIVE QUADS that are next to impossible to dodge the bar path but sadly he wasn't buying it. Surprisingly I was limited by cardio here. Best I better hit the assault bike hard before the open starts!
225x5x3 this morning – felt solid
WOD – 6 rounds + 5 PS so 305 reps. Just ahead of what I did in the open last year (300 reps) Thought I'd be behind last year coming in so that was a nice surprise.
Back squat
175×1, failed on second because my mind games lol
WOD scaled to 45# and 15 DU, 4 round+15 DU+7 snatches
And to those who wondered the elusive source of 25 bananas for $5… Trader Joes, 19 cents each. However…went to whole foods tonight and spent a whopping $9 for 25 (albeit large and organic) bananas. Not the cheapest place to shop- shocker haha.
Snatch w/pause below knee+Hang Snatch
8:30pm. Olympic lifting. Snatch (kg): 40, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85 (187#, PR!). FUCK YEAH!!! A 7# PR!
Clean&jerk (kg): 50, 70, 80, 90, 95, 100, 105, 110. I seem to have completely disappointed Frank by not doing another rep and going for a PR (116kg). In my defense, Fox had just PR'd at 116 and I didn't want to steal his glory or rattle his fragile psyche.
Good lifting night on the PR platform. The weight is getting big and I'm feeling good about all of the lifts.
Eh, Peter…I hit 117kg. Thanks.
Good times in the gym tonight.
BENCH: 45×5, 85×4, 105×3, 117×1
Failed the last rep of last set; bar just got a bit out of position when it came off my chest. I'd call this mostly a technique error. A bit bummed, but I feel good about closing out here before heading into Iron Maidens!
One more day of SQUAT/DL tomorrow and then my training is compleeeeeete!
WOD: 260 reps RX'ed (5 rounds + 30 DU + 5 Snatches)
-This is the exact same score I got last year during the open. Coulda squeezed in one more rep in the last 4 seconds, but just didn't have the heart.
-Happy to have met that score considering it was in a much less competitively heightened environment and considering my conditioning is quite lacking at the moment. I hit 3 rounds just before the 1/2-way mark so I thought I might have a chance at 6 full rounds, but just sucked wind and took a bit too much rest between snatch sets. Also, grip fatigued.
-Snatches: 8-7 for first four rounds, 5-5-5 during the 5th, last 5 strung together. Kept hook grip throughout.
-DU's: unbroken except I had one trip up in the third round I think. These felt pretty calm.
Only had time for squats today before I rushed off to teach: