For Time:
1 Mile Run
2 Rounds:
7 Power Snatches 155/105
50 Double Unders
50 Burpees
For Time:
1 Mile Run
3 Rounds:
10 Deadift 225/155
30 Double Under
50 Burpees
Score load and total time.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Todd (or Scott Ian?) dumbbell bench pressing like a boss
CFSBK Classfieds and Travel Gym Recommendations
Some recent highlights…
- Amy M. is looking for a physical therapist.
- David and Rachel run a pet care business, and want to help with your cute creatures! They offer a variety of services including boarding, walking, off-leash romps, and raw food delivery. Check out their website.
- Matty C. visited River North Crossfit Chicago, which he recommends, and Scott visited Reebok Crossfit BCN, Barcelona Spain, and shares some interesting thoughts.
Check it out, post your own!
Come Roller Skate with CFSBK on October 12th!
What: All-ages roller-skating, admission for the first 25 people that RSVP is compliments of CFSBK
When: Sunday, October 12, 2-4pm (Note: this is the weekend the gym is closed for the Starting Strength Seminar)
Where: the newly-opened Pier 2 Roller Rink at Brooklyn Bridge Park
Event is a go with a minimum of 10 people. Skate rental is not included. The same pier also has bocce and shuffleboard courts we could play on. Afterwards, we’ll head to 68 Jay Street Bar (where Charlie works) for some post-skating drinks. Stella Z.‘s SMART in DUMBO trivia night is also happening later that day at 7pm, in case people want to stay for that too.
RSVP to mare [at] by Friday, October 10.
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Are We All Unique Snowflakes? Hyperallergic
Hydration by CrossFit Endurance CrossFit
How much water do you drink everyday? How do you gauge your intake?