Great advice from Charles M., who joined CFSBK in October of 2013. Soon after joining, Charles became intrigued by all those strong people on the platforms, who seemed to lift weights for about 30-40 seconds, and then joked and laughed between sets. Charles explored Mark Rippetoe’s books at the suggestion of David C. (to Charles’ right in the above photo) and he signed up for Strength Cycle in March 2014. He was amazed at the power of the linear progression, and quickly got hooked.
His first class included Charles’ two sons (Jeffrey and Steven) and David’s wife Rebecca. Charles also told his daughter Janice about CrossFit, and she signed up for a Foundation class at CrossFit Jerusalem in Israel, where she lives. Charles’ other son Richie does CrossFit in a box near their home (Coney Island CrossFit) and Janice continues to workout in Israel. Jeffrey is traveling abroad and Steven is playing for his high school basketball team (leaving them little time to do a cycle)—but they’re one big, strong CrossFit family (see a family photo here)!
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