A) Pull-Up Practice
Strength: 7 x 3 Strict Pull-Ups
Use assistance as necessary. Rest about 2 minutes between sets.
Skill: 20 Minutes to Practice Sub Max Sets on the Kipping Pull-Up or Butterfly for Advanced Athletes
Buy Ins:
Kipping Practice is 3 Strict Pull-Ups
Butterfly is 3 Strict Pull-Ups + 10 Unbroken Kipping Pull-Ups
Helpful Gymnastics WOD videos:
Kipping Pull Up Progression
Blocking Movement for Quality Pull Ups
Butterfly Pull Up Progression Part 1
Butterfly Pull Up Progression Part 2
Butterfly Pull Up Progression Part 3
Post what you worked on to comments.
B) 20 Minutes, or 5 Rounds:
270m Jog
250m Row
15 Kettlebell Swings
Go at a moderate pace, about 70-80%. You should be able to keep moving and hold a conversation.
Post what you worked on to comments.
Luca L.’s last day at CFSBK was Tuesday, and after letting us take this Baywatch-esque photo of him, he wrote us this little love letter: “After 5 years at CFSBK, I have decided to take my talents to Crossfit The Rock, on Long Island. If the folks there are even half as cool as everyone at CFSBK, I will consider this move at least somewhat of a success. I want to give a massive shout out to all the coaches, staff, other members, and especially to our fearless leader David for really making it an awesome place that’s way more than just a gym. CFSBK really has been a huge part of my life since joining, and I’m really bummed out to be leaving, but the time has come for me to don my faded dad jeans and lame tennis shoes and move to the burbs. I think I’ll also be required to learn what lacrosse is. And I was finally getting the hang of the standardized warmups, too. Anyway, save me a spot at the next Fight Gone Bad! Peace out!” You will be missed, Luca!
News and Notes
- SCHEDULING NOTES: Kids Club is CANCELED this weekend, and will resume the following weekend (4/12). Also, our schedule WLL NOT change for Easter (4/5). All classes will run as normal.
- Join us this Saturday from 2-3pm for the Grand Opening of 608! During group classes, we have a fun “two-gym” WOD planned for everyone, and from 2-3pm, come enjoy a beer during our open house.
- DON’T FORGET TO RSVP TO CLASS: Click on the Class Schedule and RSVP tab in the left-hand column (under General Information) and select the class for which you’d like to RSVP.
- Happy belated birthday, Christian R.!
The Next Cycle of CFSBK’s Olympic Lifting Program with Coach Frankie Murray Starts MONDAY!
What: An 8-week Olympic lifting cycle meeting twice a week with Coach Frank Murray and/or Heather Farmer in addition to two open gym or group classes per week.
When: Tuesdays and Thursdays 12-1:30pm from 4/7/15 – 5/28/15 or Mondays and Wednesdays 8-9:30pm from 4/6/15 – 5/27/15. (see full details below)
Price: $300 per 4 weeks, first bill due at sign-up and second bill charged automatically to the card on-file 4 weeks later.
Noon Cycle
Tuesdays and Thursdays 12-1:30pm from 4/7/15 – 5/28/15
PM Cycle
Mondays and Wednesdays 8-9:30pm from 4/6/15 – 5/27/15
Coached by Frank Murray, “participants can expect to build a strong foundation focused around proper technique, mobility, and attention to individual weak points. Building this foundation will not only help lead to higher lifts, but also set the base for continued and consistent progress. Moreover, by developing proper technique, mobility, and focusing on weak points, participants will become more confident, less prone to injury, and more consistent lifters. All of this giving you the tools for a longer, healthier, stronger career with the Olympic lifts.” —Next Level Weightlifting
“Mayhem”: A Poem by Dr. Mike Cutaia
It usually happens as I enter the gym.
The mayhem engulfs me. Like the schoolyard
of my youth,
the noise and music are loud, compelling,
touching something inside that is primal.
Bodies in motion. Sweat in the air. Animals at work.
The senses are quickly primed and ready.
One particular image emerges often. My mind rolls back
through centuries of time to a hot, dusty plain
somewhere in the ancient Roman Empire.
Maybe, … my people in Sicily?
Gladiators stand tall, quiet,
and defiant in the heat of the sun.
The tigers growl unfed and waiting.
And I am somewhere in their midst,
standing on the hot sand
of the amphitheatre floor
breathing hard, sun in my eyes,
the roar of the crowd
running right through my head.
And then, suddenly the daydream ends.
I am brought forward a couple of thousand years
to this night in the gym.
The music blares. The plates bang down.
The visible struggle within each of us,
shared with all our collective senses,
to be something more
than what we are.
It’s brutal in a different way.
But, unlike my relatives from long ago,
no one will die tonite.
Funny or Die Dips—The Internet’s Shortest Videos
How the Gluteus Became Maximus The Atlantic
6am with Jess and DO. I think today was the first day since Sunday that I wasn't super sore when I woke up. I was happy for the opportunity to focus on pullups today. My kipping pullups are getting better, which is probably partly because I continue to get stronger, partly because my skill with the movement is improving, and partly because I've lost some weight. Jess pointed out (again) that I was (still) raising my feet up too much in my kip, which was reducing the efficiency of the movement. I found that if I focused on pointing my toes, that helped and these got better overall.
I completed 4 rounds of the NFR work (I guess I'm really taking the "N" out of "NFR" there) with 24kg and 28kg kettlebells. Running outside was great this morning – and it was great to have the gate up for a bit.
Good luck Luca!
I started out at CF The Rock and the owner Larry and one of the other guys Carlo are both extremely smart and nice guys, you'll definitely enjoy it there!
Make up Post from Wednesdays 6:30 sesh with Ro
WU: 3 R
10 weighted walking lunges w/ 12KG KBs "suitcase style"
10 ring rows w/ pause
5 push ups
Hip MobZ, Tspine Mobz, Lat MobZ
BSQT #145x5x3
God, these felt like glue today, but I have officially made my way back to my old squat #s before injury. Which is exciting, even though I felt buried by every damn rep.
Conditioning: For Time:
10 cal Assault Bike
25 Wall Ball #14
10 cal AB
20 WB
10 cal AB
15 WB
10 cal AB
10 WB
…no clue what my time was…7 something. It's written in the book so it's documented 🙂 Assault Bike sucks…always..every damn time. Managed to keep my head down and just push through the misery which I've never been able to do before–usually I start sand bagging when I just can't take the suck anymore. So progress?
Today: living in the pain cave. quads feel like immobile blocks and my energy is unbelievably low. Gonna do some Mobz after school and enjoy my rest day.
Love the poem Dr Mike. You realize that I am going to call you Mayhem everytime I see you, right?
That's fine. As long as we don't have to fight to the death… You know, I have to be
at Passover this weekend …
Good luck, Luca. You'll always be Athlete of the Month in my heart.
There are so many memorable moments of Luca. One that stands out was the time a pigeon dropped a load on his head while he was squatting on rack 6-7. Priceless.
Good luck bud!! See you at Fight Gone Bad!
♥ Dr. Mike!!
Makeup post from last night
Glad I got to do some chin up practice last night before 7:30 pm class!
Fat Bar Deadlift – worked up to 200#, had to switch grip at 140#. Never used this before, such a strange contraption!!!
Turkish Get-Up – 25#, thanks to Noah, I think these are getting better, as I never realized I don't open and do external rotation when I bridge up.
Push Press – 85#, could've gone higher but I didn't want to push it last night.
Luca!!! Good luck with everything!!!! See you at FGB!
Awwww Luca! Mornings will never be the same. Congrats on your soon-to-be bebe and I wish you the best of everything in this next chapter of your life, dude.
I did the 7×3 strict pullups, no band. My kip could always use some work but not while my wrist remains cranky.
For the 20 minutes, I decided to go for hard pulls at 22 s/m on the erg, and Russian swings with a 24kg bell. Maybe I should have done them 'Murica-style but it's back-off week, man!
@d_fung I was there when that happened otherwise I wouldnt have believed it. Pooped right on him. Good luck Luca, the pizza industry in Brooklyn will suffer resulting this departure.
In spite of that pose, Luca is the man. It's a great injustice that he leaves without ever being AOM.
i fuckin hate it when good people leave.
1000m row
PVC mobs and squats
Bbell warm ups
25x2x2, 30x1x2, 35×1, F (backwards)
80% 38kg x 1 x 10 (all went up easily but inconsistent)
70% 45kg x 2 x 5 (1st pause at knee)
15×5 press, 25×3, press
50% 35kg x 3 x 5 (lots to fix)
80% 55kg x 5 x 1 (good)
Clean Pulls
45x3x2, 55x3x1
105% 68x3x1 (supposed to do 3 sets)
Great lifting partners today and so nice up have he garage door open 🙂
Luca! Good luck. See you at FGB. Better yet, come back for Murph!
Damn. Best wishes to Luca. I will miss his unapologetic pizza fandom even during paleo challenges, his indecipherable accent, but hopefully not his fantasy football skills or lack thereof.
Ciao Luca! Stay swole out there.
Super fun AM session today, complex mania!
snatch high pull > hang power > high hang snatch
40×1,1 50×1 55×1 60×1 65×1 70×1 75xM,M
power clean > front squat > power jerk > jerk
50×1 60×1 65×1 70×1 75×1 80×1 85×1 90xM,1
Then DO and I did what I'll call "Partner axle-bar almost Grace w/ burpees"
(1,2,3,4,5,6,7 c+j and burpees, alternating)
Originally this was going to be a 10-min AMRAP but I made DO finish out the round of 7.
Ebony General
Strict pullups. Did one strict, then three with the orange band, the rest with the red + orange band.
NFT WOD. Did 16kg Amer. KB swings. Did four rounds plus the run in the timeframe, but finished the fifth round.
Enjoyed getting in some pullup practice tonight. And I got my first ever real chin-up this week! And I did two more after that just to make sure it wasn't a fluke. Progress.
7:30 tonight with Ro and Katie
I'm like an inch away from my first strict pull-up so I was happy to do some work on that today with the baby bands.
Had some friend time with my girl Mary and forced her to do pull-ups and the NFR work with me. We totally mastered the "conversational" pace concept.