A Note From Coach David About 608
As anyone who has been training with us for a while knows, we have long been on the hunt for—and in need of—more space. While many businesses look to expand into other markets in order to attract new clientele, 100% of the motivation behind increasing CFSBK’s footprint is to better serve you, our current population. I’ve learned a lot about Brooklyn real estate over the last few years, and the market in Gowanus in particular. Finding a space that accommodates the needs of a CrossFit gym is rare, to say the least, making the fact that I found it right across the street from 597 pretty incredible. On that note, I want to give a huge shout-out to Todd C. (T-Bone!) who found the original listing for 608 and pushed me to look into it.
I taught last Sunday and we had a pretty large class come in for “Barbara” to close out Crush Week. During the weekends, we usually have to really tightly manage how people will organize themselves to execute the workout. But this Sunday, we simply split the class up between 597 and 608. When my portion of the class was about to start, I started assigning people to stations but then stopped and realized I didn’t have to. I just said, “Okay guys, go wherever you want!” This was the first time I really felt like the new space was at work and in essence is why we wanted to expand. It all comes down to whether this will make a better experience for our members and increase our coaches’ abilities to do their jobs well. The answer to both is an obvious yes.
While tomorrow is cause for celebration there is still much work ahead! Answering the question of what’s the best way to make this work for everyone will take some time and experimentation. This is going to be a learning process for all of us. We appreciate your patience, and I hope you feel entirely confident that all of our decisions are informed by the desire to make your experience at CFSBK the best it can possibly be.
How 608 Will Work
Starting this Monday, April 6th our 608 expansion will be fully open and operational. Initially, think of 608 like a much larger annex where specific programs, personal training, and group classes will take place there on a case-by-case basis. All members will continue to check in at 597 to sign in for all programs. Particular programs, such as our Olympic Lifting Program (sign up here!) and Strength Cycle, will happen there permanently and over time, we will expand into additional and new classes.
We’ll be celebrating our expansion TOMORROW with a two-gym WOD and informal open house from 2-3pm. Come have a beer and check out the new digs!
There are two showers in each of the locker rooms. The gym will provide soap, shampoo, and conditioner, as well as towels. We also have hair dryers and mirrors available for your convenience. We ask that you please keep your showers to five minutes or less to accommodate for others who are trying to get in, shower and get to work. You can use the handy timers inside the showers to keep you on track for a new shower PR.
If the Front Desk tells you to head over to 608 after you check in, you can bring your stuff over with you as we have plenty of storage space outside the bathrooms and inside the locker rooms for bags, coats, or anything else you’ve got.
Expanded Friday Open Gym
Starting on Friday the 10th, OG will take place in both locations to spread out the evening rush. Again, all members will check in at 597 and then choose which gym they’d like to train at based on equipment/space available. The OG coaches may also choose to distribute athletes between each gym based on what’s going on.
Saturday Open Gym
Starting on Saturday, May 16th, we will be having OG available Saturdays from 2-4pm. If you come after 2:15pm, you can come straight to 608 and check in with the OG coach.
CFSBK will now be able to be open during events where we used to have to close down (such as the Starting Strength seminar). Please stay tuned to the blog before each event to see where we’ll be meeting and where you’ll check in. Thanks!
A Haven Between Hoops in Kurdistan The New York Times
Saturday's Programming
Thruster: 1-1-1-1-1
Work up to a heavy single barbell thruster, off the floor. Can start with a squat clean, must be one motion from the bottom of the squat to lockout overhead, no jerks. Clean from the hang of you have trouble organizing off the floor.
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
50 Deadlifts 225/155
30 Burpees
550m Run
30 Burpees
50 Kettlebell Swings 53/35
550m Run
Post time, Rx, and fun had to comments.
Super exciting to read about the new space! Thanks David, coaches and staff for continually working to make the gym so great!
For all of you that heard me struggling with my adult movie name yesterday. Need to remind you that English is not my first language and I had to do some quick translation from Swedish and Spanish. It did not work but after some quick searching on the mighty internet this morning here it comes, Fluffy Lee.
Every time that QOD comes up (whether at SBK or in other situations), I'm, all, "Why did I have to name that gerbil Luigi?!"
I think my favorite from yesterday is that I now know that there is a couple at SBK whose porn names would be Mustache Northampton and Charlotte Pine. They kind of go great together, no?
I am unashamed to say that this morning I looked at the WOD, thought, "This is back off week?" then looked at the temperature, un-RSVPed from 7 AM class, and went out for a run — my first outdoor run in Brooklyn of the year. Yeah, not sorry at all!
6am. Thrusters: 185, 195, 205, 215, 225. The rep at 225 matched the weight I hit when we did rack thrusters back in November. Weight went up smoothly. Should have taken bigger jumps and I might have hit 235. Did the metcon Rx: 17:49. That was a lot of everything. Deadlifts were done as 10-10-10-10-5-5. Burpees were slow and unbroken on both sets. KB swings were done in sets of 10. The runs were a slog. That did not feel like a back-off week workout.
Looking forward to seeing the new space this weekend. Signs of Spring: the front gate was open today and my allergies are picking up.
7am with McD and Nick.. to early for my blood but had to get it in before going away this weekend.
Worked up to 83# on the thrusters.
Used 113# for the DL and 16kg Russian swings. 17:05. Zero fun was had. ๐
I've been sick for the past few days, which has cut into my back-off week supertraining. All my back-off gains are gone.
Super excited for 608. The space looks beautiful, and this is a huge accomplishment on David's part. Yaaaaay new space!
Can't really believe this is happening. Kind of like ITA, years of David's quiet ruminations becoming reality ๐ I am so happy for David's success and am so bummed that I will miss the opening celebration tomorrow.
David's commitment and unique outlook and a really incredible group of active and dedicated members continue to make big things happen on Degraw Street. That saying, 'it takes a village…' has popped up in my own life a few times recently, and it's awesome to see this in action at SBK — so many intelligent and caring people offering their time and skills to make a great concept extraordinary.
Boarding a plane… Whole-hearted congratulations to David and to SBK!
New space!! Super exciting, even from 700 miles away. Good luck with it!
Congrats, Captain!
10am class
8×3 Strict Pull Ups
3 RNDs of the NFRs
16kg and .5 mile bike sub for run
7am with McNick
Worked up to 115# on the thrusters. Got a couple that weren't pretty. 105# was feeling great though.
WOD in 20:38 @ 135# / 16kg. A very unbackoff WOD indeed.
For people sweating Metcon 1's, Nike just did a fresh release this AM.
The new space looks SO DOPE. Congrats and thank you, David! Can't wait to make a sweat angel on the floor after a vicious WOD.
Last night at 7:30
Warmed up with DU practice. Did much less donkey kicking than I have been doing, but only was able to get one nice set in the high 20s. did a few more in the 10-20 range. In class, I did a few sets of butterfly kipping pull-ups. Finding it easier to stay in rhythm with these now, and whereas my sets used to top out at 5, getting 8-10 in a round isn't much of a problem anymore. Ro pointed out that I fail to breathe while doing them, so I need to work on that. Oxygen is important.
Got through four rounds + the row and run in the allotted time for the NFR work with a 24kg kb. Went overtime and finished a 5 round of swings just to make things all nice and tidy in my tracking notes.
Been trying to use Thursdays as time for extra skill work since Cam works the front desk till closing. Did a bunch of MU transitions with a green band, and actually got a couple with the blue. Still, need to slow down on these a bit to really emphasize the form. Tried doing some handstand negatives, but my shoulders weren't feeling it, plus my left arm KILLS from getting a Tdap. Blargh.
Congrats David!
6am with Nick
Did Thursday's pullup skill work. Butterfly pullups are starting to become pretty reliable, so I started working on the chest to bar variant, as one of my short term goals is to be able to do these consistently in metcons. I was able to successfully link a few together, but it did not feel at all smooth to the point where I could do them under fatigue – but neither did regular butterfly pullups a few months ago, so maybe it'll just take lots of practice. Found a video of Chris Spealler teaching them that I think will be helpful.
The NFT work was surprisingly tough. I had a good sweat going by the end of it thanks to these welcome warmer temperatures. Saturday's workout looks tough, but can't wait to check out the new space. Congrats David!
Congratulations on the new space! I got to do "Barbara" over there on Sunday, it was so fun and relaxed. Very excited for more of that. I've seen glimpses of the hard-work and care that's gone into getting the new space ready… it's going to be amazing to witness the growth of this already great gym!!
Really enjoyed doing Thursday's workout this afternoon in the warm weather; running in the rain was fun! Feeling great: the yellow kettlebell (which used to be tumultuous) feels excellent…I think I'm ready for white! KPUs are very challenging still; I need to work on engaging my lats/the kip/using my hips/getting more momentum so I won't just be doing half-kipped/half-strict pullups!
Worked to 175# on thrusters. 18:20 on the wod as rx'd. Every second sucked. And I'd totally do Charlotte Pine on camera.
Got Thursdays workout in this morning with Noah and McD, since I'm headed out of town. Felt amazing to run outside, even though the legs have been beat up this week. Wish I could start everyday like that. Side note, Can anyone recommend a box in South Bay California (hermosa beach area)?
Sad to miss the 608 shin dig tmrw, congrats to DO on making it happen!!
Thanks, everyone!
Thanks all for the kind words yesterday. I'd meant to come to class, but I somehow busted my foot. Bummed that I missed the opening of 608. It sounds great.
Can I suggest posting shower PRs to the blog? ๐
Can't wait to see the new space!