Open Workout 15.5
27-21-15-9, For Time:
Row (Calories)
Thrusters 95/65
Post time to comments.
SCALED Open Workout 15.5
27-21-15-9, For Time:
Row (Calories)
Thrusters 65/45
Post time to comments.
News and Notes
- Come watch CFSBK’s Competition Team take on 15.5! Our gym’s strongest will be tackling the latest Open WOD this afternoon. They’ll start warming up around 2:15 and the first heat is at 2:45pm. Come cheer them on!
- Feeling sore or tight from all your PRs this week? Check out Yoga for Athletes at 10am or Active Recovery at 11am or noon today!
- Want to work out tomorrow at 9am and bring your kid/s? Now you can! Sign them up at the Front Desk for CFSBK Kids Club, and learn more here.
- DON’T FORGET TO RSVP TO CLASS: Click on the Class Schedule and RSVP tab in the left-hand column (under General Information) and select the class for which you’d like to RSVP.
Netherlands Gym Built In an Old Church (!!!)
Roller Rink Converted to a Gym
8am with David and MeLo. I did 15.5 Rx'd and I've been nervous about it since Thursday night. It didn't help that my legs were in rough shape from Wednesday's squat/run workout. This workout sucked plenty, and offered no respite from the suck, but it actually wasn't as bad as I expected. I finished in 15:57. I had plans for breaking the thrusters up, but after the first round those went out the window. I'm pretty sure I did the round of 27 as 7-7-7-6, but after that I don't remember what I did. I'm pretty happy to have done this Rx'd though, making it 3 open workouts Rx'd and 2 scaled. Now just one more day of crush week to go…
Did 15.5 at the 8am class in 11:05. I was pretty afraid of burning out early/dying on this, so I just tried to stay really consistent on the rows and break up the thrusters from the beginning. Did three sets (actually might have been 4 sets for the round of 21) for all but the last 9, which I did in one go. Now I have the dread "erg cough." Glad I got to make it in for at least one open workout!
Make-up post from last night OG. Went in to do pull-up work, then changed my mind last minute when I saw Allie doing the work out, and accepted my fate! 22:30 RX (!) but it was slow and sloggy but so happy to do it anyway. I had this set broken up in my mind and decided to throw it all out the window. Used rowing as 'active rest' to keep my heart rate steady. 27 and 21 was a dark place, and stared at this one spot on the wall the whole time.
Shout out to my awesome partner/judge Michael C. and all of OG who stayed to watch me suffer! Love you all so much. So glad it is over!
Also congrats to Allie and Barbara K for Rxing and kicking butt!!!
9am with DO and Melissa
Fun warming up in the new space across the street.
Still baby-ing my sprained ankle but I wanted to make sure I hit 15.5. This was not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I didn't go in having a strategy aside from "stop if my ankle hurts". Thankfully my tape job held up and I made it through in 14:41.
There was one point when I thought I could catch BK on this at the round of 15 but it was not to be. I wouldnt mind seeing this again in a crush week.
11am with Whit, JB and McD
Did 15.5 RXd in 15:44. The thrusters were miserable, I'm weak at anything overhead and I just let this get to me mentally. Sorry for all the angry faces and thanks to everyone who cheered me on- this workout brought me to a dark place lol.
Should have pushed it more on the row knowing that the shoulders were going to be the reason I had to break up the thrusters (very very often).
That was miserable! So glad I forced myself to RX though 🙂
Shout out to my awesome partner Aileen for pushing me- clearly we were perfectly matched since we finished within 10 seconds of each other. She killed it!
Finished this in 7:58, all thrusters unbroken.
I really enjoyed this one. Pierre helped me realized to go real easy on the row – I originally planned to go at a 1500 cal/hour pace, but decided to go at about 1250 instead. That let me go unbroken on the thrusters. Pain was minimal until the round of 15. Went all out in the round of 9.
My advice is to go easier on the row than you expect and save yourself for the thrusters.
Bob did this workout behind me, which was awesome because we made sure we both didn't drop the bar.
Fun workout, fun open.
15.5 rx'ed in 12:33.
My…. Legs….. Hurt…..
Went well but I think I could have taken a little less breaks and get sub-12.
I'm happy enough with my score to not do this one again for a few months!
15.5 Rx in 16:20.
Broke it up 6-6-5-5-5, 6-then not really sure but annoyingly small numbers. Spent a lot of time staring at the bar.
I'm ashamed about what I'd be willing to do to never do a thruster again.
15.5 scaled and then an hour of gymnastix with MeLo of the Infinite Patience. Should I mention that I kicked her in the torso region yet again? Apparently there is something known as a "danger premium" that I am going to be subject to going forward….
Pleased to announce that I threw out the official first wall ball shot in the new space. An incredible honor and privilege. Happy to report that the medicine balls work just fine across the street!!!!
Finshed in 8:00, all thrusters unbroken albeit in my CF divsion Rx is 65#.
I had the benefit of being behind Matt Katz, who was an absolute beast on 15.5. Matt going unbroken kept me going and challenged.
From what I could tell from behind him, Matt was several seconds faster than me on the row and I was faster than him on thrusters. I thought I might catch him on last 9 thrusters but finished 2 seconds behind.
I also think that the key is to be moderate on the row. Thanks for pushing me Matt!
Jay-Star it's obvious that you should be nominated to take the first shower in the new space!
Snatch, Heavy
**Much more missing than usual. All the misses psychological, just not fulling believing and committing. Ive been trying to minimize my risk of injury and thus have not been going that heavy too often. Weights felt light, but the mind needed some prodding to believe it.**
Deficit Snatch pulls, 110%
15.5 Rough one for me today. I started to not feel quite right in the 21 thrusters (which would be normal, but this was outside of that), then full on dizziness in the round of 15s. I just had to breath and finish, which i honestly wasn't sure if I could. finished 16:35.
A lesson in not eating or drinking anything outside my usual routine before a workout. I'd love to blame my time totally on that, but this was not going to be a strong for me regardless. Hours later, i still don't feel right.
Overall first time doing the open was great and really challenging. Really happy with getting a couple of PRs and being forced to stick with weights or skills I might otherwise give myself some slack on. Lessons in confidence too – which McD is trying to drive into my head as well.
I've really enjoyed following the games level athletes during the open – I think the women's side of competition is going to be especially awesome.
Looking forward to getting back to regular training and thinking about goals for the next year – have a lot to work on.
hey guys, remember that funny joke I told you about going unbroken on this workout Thursday night? That was definitely the drinks talking…and that didn't take my sore legs from the run/squat workout into account. By 6am Friday, I knew that I'd be breaking these up with a goal of no more than 2 sets per round and the 15/9 rounds unbroken. After last week's partner workout where I consistently did sets of 15 on the thrusters, that was my goal for starting each round. Changed abit when I just didn't have the gas to continue…
10:40 rx'd.
-first round of erg splits in the 1000 range then dropped to the 800's/900's for later rounds.
-Thrusters in 15/12, 11/10, 8/7, 9. REEEALLY wanted to do the 15 unbroken as well but didn't have it in me.
-I definitely rested too much between my sets of thrusters so that's something to improve on. I just didn't want to move any faster.
Props to f'ing Katz who did those thrusters unbroken!
15.5 in 12:14. I came into this work-out very sore from a really fun, but painful, crush week (let's call it crush month…) – enjoyed the work; it hurt a lot. Felt that my pacing went pretty well but I'm again left feeling that I could maybe have hurt myself a little harder…it was dark but could have gotten darker.
However, my big take away from today is an important reminder – 3 months ago my goal was to be able to simply complete the open without scaling (I'm an Open virgin): thanks to an incredible group of coaches and priceless advice from other members/athletes, I not only acheived my goal but was able to not just complete the work but to compete. Which is what I love. So thank you CFSBK. It's been awesome.
Had a lot of fun taking on 15.5 tonight with the Comp Kids. Knew I needed the extra energy and push for this one, but thought I could do ok despite being a pretty crappy rower.
Finished in 11:22 for an exact tie with Steph M. Fun to duke it out with young guns Alex N and Zach. Went 12/9/6 then 8/7/6, then 8/7, and the last round unbroken. I thought I could do the 21 as 2 sets and 15 unbroken but my shoulders tired out. I don't like resting at the top due to shoulder/midline fatigue, but to not rest there would have blown me up.
Was happy with how it went, felt like I could got a little darker and nastier but my spotty attendance recently had me throttling back to avoid a meltdown.
Gauntlet is thrown Osorio, come see me in the 11th minute!
15.5 scaled at 9am. Great being in the new gym. Broke each set of thrusters into 3 subsets as recommended. 13:54. Great partnering with fellow ski fiend CP.
15.5 in 16:54 RXd. The 15 thrusters were brutal. The open was full of good moments overall. I can't wait to scale a workout though.