Alex B. with the Comp Kids on Saturday. Check out more photos from 15.5 (and of babies and dogs) in our Flickr.
- The April distribution of the Herondale Farm Meat CSA is tomorrow (4/1) from 6-8:30 PM. Bring your own bags to carry your share home. Any meat unclaimed at 8:30 will be distributed in the gym, as always. If you have questions/issues, please email Michele at mignyc [at], or text 347.645.4524.
2015 CrossFit Open Final Leaderboard: Team CFSBK
The results for 15.5 are in, and here are our team’s final leaders! Congrats to everyone who pushed themselves the last five weeks with these TOUGH workouts. We loved reading about all the new moves you realized you could do, and about the goals you’ve been inspired to set because of these workouts.
1. Coach MeLo
2. Coach K HarpZ
3. Coach Lady Fox
4. Coach Whitney
5. Steph M.
5. Lauren B. (tied with Steph M.)
7. Coach JB
7. Ellie M. (tied with Coach JB)
9. Kate R.
10. Lauren S.
1. Alex B.
2. Matt K.
2. Alex N.
4. Coach McDowell
5. Pierre D.
5. Coach David (tied with Pierre)
7. Coach Noah
8. Bob S.
9. Zach H.
10. Jason M.
1. Joy M.
2. Mare L.
3. Asha B.
4. Micheline D.
5. Christina L.
6. Colleen M.
7. Barbara K.
8. Shawn C.
9. Francine D.
10. Bree P.
1. Bob S.
2. Pierre D.
3. Peter M.
4. Coach Fox
5. Michael R.
6. Andy M.
7. Chris P.
8. Carlos G.
9. James K.
10. Bjorn B.
Being There: Heidegger on Why Our Presence Matters The New York Times
What new goals do you have that were inspired by the Open, and what’s your plan to achieve them? Remember, goals come with plans, wishes don’t.