Rob U recently pulled a new personal record of 405 at the last strength cycle CFT. Congrats on the 4 plate milestone, Rob!
- Last Sunday vlogger Brendan S came to check out what CrossFit is all about at our weekly intro class. He videotaped parts of it and added some context and thoughts about his experience. Check it out!
- Mark your calendars everyone.. on Saturday August 1st we’ll be running a CROSSFIT TOTAL in group classes. Get your PR dance ready!
- ANTI-GRAVITY with Coaches Arturo and Noah starts tonight at 7:30pm! This is a bodyweight only class that focuses on developing the gymnastic skills typically see in CrossFit Group classes. This class works like any other and any member can drop in whenever!
The CrossFit Games start this Wednesday and go through Sunday night. Several workouts have been released and we’ll be streaming them during classes all weekend. Is anyone interested in drinking a few beers and watching the finals on Sunday?? says
Back Squat
5 Rounds NFT:
3 Deadlifts, work up to a heavy, dead start triple in the 5 rounds
5 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
5 Strict Chin-Ups (add weight if possible)
I will obviously be up for drinking some brewz and watching the games Sunday night!
Brad D says
Finally done with weekday work travelling for a while and back to 6am classes. Did Monday's work with McDowell this morning.
Performance Press:
Left shoulder was a little grumpy today. I really need to learn how to use the crossover symmetry station and then make it a regular part of my warmup. Wish I could have stopped in for that 101 during AR last weekend.
Metcon: 4 rounds + 10 DB Snatches + 17 Double Unders (60lb dumbbell)
That is a super awkward movement, and I think 1/3 of the snatches were probably not below parallel. Glad I didn't go for the Rx 75#. Double unders were so-so. 1-2 trip ups in each round. Also… It was god awful hot!
Will absolutely be drinking beers and watching the finals on Sunday. If I can do that with other CFSBKers… gravy.
MattyChm says
Mondays Work with McDowell.
Finally hit my limit here. Another 5# jump took me to 125 and I hit 5/5/4. Probably could have hit that last rep if I took a second more rest at the top and re-engaged the abs.
Way harder to organize this than I thought it would be. You don't have to worry about the lateral stability when snatching with a barbell. But this dumbbell kept wanting to go all the way to the side. Very interesting. Used the 45# DB and made it through 4 rounds plus all of the snatches in the fifth round. DUs were pretty on point.
Yes, I am in for beer and the games on Sunday.
Stella says
Tomorrow's work:
Squat 180x5x3. I clearly need to pay more attention because I thought we had only 15 minutes to squat, we actually had 18. The third set was SO much better than the second once I figured that out and, you know, RESTED ENOUGH. Duh.
NFT work: worked to 225 on the deadlift, which was SO heavy — I figured it would be easy to do 3 at that weight, but duh, I never do deadlifts immediately after doing chinups. Best set of chinups was +10, best set of DB strict press was 30#.
That was pretty rough. Why do I ever think NFT work won't be that hard? says
7 AM squat work – another PR, two days in a row! 100# 3×5 though god I barely could stand up that last one. Even with a weak and grindy final squat, it still feels like a huge victory, since crossing into the triple-digit threshold has felt terrifying in the abstract, arbitrary as our numeric system may be.
Stella you are a total hoss and hero! I love watching you rip through so much weight – I can't believe you can squat 180. It's so awesome to see. And across the gym Shawn hit her 60# press PR, so a great morning all around for the women of 7 AM. says
@Jynne congrats on the triple dig! I think this pic is appropriate for your achievement!
Steve says
Sweaty 6am with Noah
HBBS 165 x 5 x 3 Felt good and moved well. Need to focus on sitting back more on my heels at the bottom. Feel like I can continue 10# jumps from here to get back to my old territory
Thankful for NFT work today even though I looked like I just finished a 30 minute chipper. Kept it light since I have done little deadlifting the last few months. Worked up to 235# and 25# on the chin-ups.
@Jynne – congrats on getting to triple digits!
@Amanda MC – that meme is hilarious
Fox says
Way to go on 405, Rob U!
This morning
2 Rounds
Bike 5 minutes 50rpm
30 Hollow Rocks
Row 5 Minutes <2:20 at 20 s/m
30 Hollow Rocks
Whit H says
rough few days.
tweaked my neck on saturday just showing someone a kip swing (and stupidly turning my head). it seized up and was pretty tight all sat afternoon and sunday… so rest days there. wanted to train yesterday but Penny the pup was sick. FULL day today so managed to get my butt in early for some quick squats… a little too quick.
warm up: very quick hip openers and then exactly 15 hollow rocks and 5 air squats
45×5, 95×5, 135×3 (did some quad mash here, L knee + R hip feeling sticky), 165×2
-Fail on last rep of last set. Big bummer face :-(((
-rushed through this, in terms of resting in between sets.
-reps 1-3 of all sets felt decent but this was definitely hard today. felt my knees coming in quite a bit on first set and really tried to focus on bracing tight and screwing feet into ground.
-McD told me I raced the last rep to the bottom. I have this issue when I feel like it's too heavy.
that's all she wrote. hoping I can get some pull-up volume in while coaching tonight :-/
Charlie says
Strength Cycle
Last week of intensity before the meet,
Paused Squat (2@7,8,9RPE, 2@BO)
45 x 8, 95 x 5, 135 x 4, 165 x 3, 185 x 3, 210 x 2, 230 x 2 (7RPE), 235 x 2 (8.5RPE), 240 x 2 (9.5RPE) 225 x 2.
Oh man. This was so hard. That set at 240- I didn't at any point think I wasn't going to make the second rep but I took a video and my chest was almost horizontal at one point. I actually felt myself resetting my shoulders on the way up to which can't be good. Mind you I know this wouldn't be as much of an issue if I had a belt on but I really do need to figure out how I can fix this. Not entirely sure why I tend to do this- maybe t's core strength or some weird mobility thing 🙁
It's a PR for pause squat nonetheless and also unbelted.
Bench Press (2@7,8,9RPE, 2@BO)
45 x 5, 75 x4, 95 x 4, 115 x 3, 125 x 2 (7RPE) 130 x 2 (8RPE), 135 x 1, M*, 120 x 2.
Ummmmm so my main focus today was to bring the bar down in a controlled manner and also to engage my lower body. I did that, but on that second rep at 135 I did that a bit too much and my butt came off the bench which is no bueno. Kipping bench presses anyone??! LOL
Press (4@7,8,9RPE, 4@BO)
45 x 5, 60 x 4, 65 x 4, 70 x 4, 75 x 4 (7RPE), 75 x 4, (7RPE) 80 x 4(7.5RPE), 85 x 3,* 82 x 4 (9RPE), 75 x 4.
So 80# felt great and I really thought I had 85# so I went for it but the third rep was a struggle so I left it there and did what the calculator told me to do. 85 was my 1RM the last time I tested this lift this time last year, so I'm OK with that and that's another PR for the books 🙂
Linda says
6am with Noah
LBBS: 45×5, 135×5, 185×3 (belted), 205×2 (belted), 210x5x3 (belted)
My legs felt heavy today, but the weight moved well.
Deadlifts 135, 185, 205×3
Chin-ups 2-3 at body weight per round
DB press: 15lb dbs
I probably could've gone heavier on the deadlift but the bar was ripping up my hand.
I strained my neck (likely with all of the pull-up volume last week) so I took it easy with the chin-ups and db presses.
Nice work Charlie!
Lauren says
New TM = 72.5
5 week kinda rounded off:
45# x 5
55# x 5
61# x 8 for rep out
12 min AMRAP Performance version
10 DB Squat Snatches @30#
50 DUs
5 rounds + 5 snatches — this was exhausting and I rested a lot, but I really like this work-out
I love DB power snatches — first time trying the full squat variety. I really thought I couldn't do it. ended up power snatching and OHS-ing. I find it very cool how this type of movement gets easier the more your body repeats it, even as you fatigue
I had full command of my DUs for seemingly the first time. First set unbroken and broke up the others mainly bc I was tired with only a couple trip ups. No foot cramps either..
Now that I spend most of my day outside and walking or biking from one place to the next (usually un-aircondidtioned, and usually schlepping), I've had a rough few days in the heat. Working on better ways to stay hydrated, fueled and rested. says
I took the anti-gravity class and it was AWESOME! Sorry if we got a little loud afterwards- we had so much fun!
First we did pull-up progressions. We started with a kip, then focused on pushing at the top, then butterfly pull-ups. I probably missed a movement, but you get the idea. I've tried doing butterfly pull-ups on my own before which I don't recommend, so this was my first time with instruction and it made a huge difference! I sort of got them! I had a hard time remembering what to do at the top. A few times I could get the movement, but not high enough. Definitely want to work more on these (but not in WODs yet).
Afterwards we had the option of doing three rounds of Barbara with a partner or working on handstand push-ups. Val and I did the WOD in 12:07.
Great instruction by Ro, great class. Will definitely work it in once a week! Looking forward to working on handstand pushups and stringing together toes-to-bar.
Allie B says
@Lauren great job with the DUs! I hope to get there someday 🙂
Anti-gravity was so fun!! It's great to have structured practice time for this stuff. We are all going to get so much better- I can't wait!!!! For having tons of folks at the first class, they did a great job executing it!
WU 2 rounds:
270m. run, 10 supine grip band stretch things, 20 hollow rocks
Pull-ups in trios:
Did some kipping drills, added in the pull-up, then worked to string 5 together! That's only happened one other time before for me!
Partner Semi-Barbara with Kayleigh
3 rounds:
12 pullups (we did 20 the first round)
30 push-ups
40 situps
50 air squats
we finished around 12:50.
Handstand/HSPU practice. Excited to work on pike push-ups from the box!! Getting better at handstands.
5 ring dips with orange band.
I thought Sundays would be a repeat of the Tuesday class. Now that I'm aware there are TWO anti-gravity classes/week, I'm even more excited! I really want to get handstand push-ups, strict ring dips, and obviously…someday… a muscle-up! I also want to get butterfly pull-ups because they look really fun (well, Camille Leblanc Bazinet makes them really fun!)–I've got a long way to go.
I don't know what it is about gymnastics that I love so much. So excited to get to work on it more!
Allie B says
Also- Go Rob!!!
Whit H says
managed to get some pull-ups in tonight during a low key 8:30pm class:
4×5 butterfly
2×5 regular kip C2B… staying on the bar for 5 reps of chest to bar has never felt that good.
fun times coaching all night tonight!