Clean Pull + Clean & Jerk
Read up on how and why to clean pull as well as some demonstrational videos. Good stuff!
Clean & Jerk 80-90%x1x3-5
Clean Pull 110%x3x3
Post loads to comments.
With one partner working at a time:
AMRAP 20 Minutes:
5 Deadlifts 225/155lbs
10 Box Jump-Overs 24″/20″
15 Wall Ball Shots 20#/10′, 14#/9′
In workouts like this, where there is a built in rest period, the intention is to sprint through each round. Attempt to do everything unbroken. During your rest, intentionally try to bring your breathing and heart rates down to normal as quickly as possible. Standing tall, and taking gradually slower bearths will help.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Steph, Brenden, Alex, Joe and Andrew after yesterdays Potown Throwdown at Poughkeepsie CrossFit yesterday! You can see the full results here.
- Did you miss the doggie meet up yesterday? Check out a clip on our instagram account!
- We had no RSVPs for Kids Club today so it’s cancelled! CrossFit Preschool is still on for 10am.
Introducing: Anti-Gravity: An hour-long gymnastics strength, skill, and conditioning class with Coaches Noah and Arturo
Is your kip krap? Are you muscle-ups more like muscle downs? Are your pistols mere pop guns? Coaches Noah and Arturo have designed Anti-Gravity: an hour-long gymnastics strength, skill, and conditioning class.
The class will focus on the gymnastics skill and strength components that are most commonly demanded in CrossFit workouts, using a variety of skill exercises, progressions, weighted and strict practice, and other techniques to teach, develop, and perfect your bodyweight movements. Our goal is to improve not only skill, but gymnastic work capacity and muscular endurance.
When: Tuesdays at 7:30PM and Sundays at 2PM (starting this Tuesday, July 21st)
Cost: This counts as a regular group class
Each class will consist of skill work, strength development, conditioning, and flexibility training. Every class will include dedicated strength work and a WOD, so its intention is to be a complete workout of the day on its own.
Bob Ross Remixed, Happy Little Clouds PBS
This toddler is actually scary good at snatching his plastic barbell
What the hell is your “QL” and how do you mobilize it. CrossFit Invictus
Anti-Gravity sounds AWESOME and I am willing my wrist to heal faster so I can do it!
(in the meantime, working on my pistols…while injured I have managed to get them on the right side! Now to get them on the left as well.)
That snatching toddler is awesome.
I love the anti-gravity class idea. Drop in format as opposed to a cycle? Looking forward to it!
Bbell warm ups
35kg – 2 singles
38kg – 2 singles
40kg – 1
42kg – 1, 1 miss
40kg – 2 singles (roughly 85%)
Heaving Snatch Balance
Kind of love these
63# x3
73# x3
83# x3
93# x3 ^
Snatch Pulls
Less love here
50kg x 1
52kg x 3 x 3 (110%)
Row 1000m
Run 800m
Roll out quads and back
Banded biceps stretch
Friday OG:
Up to 103# f, back down
93, 98, 103 x 1 x 2
108 f (PR attempt)
Clean & Jerk
108, 113, 123 x 1 x 2
133 jerk press out
143 f,f,f all the jerks – cleans fine (C&J PR is 145#, Clean PR is
Power Clean & Jerk
103, 108, 113, 118
Need to work on rack or block jerks at heavier weights
Way to push those #s Lauren! The PRs are a'comin!
@GD – thanks 🙂
Partnered with Marie today like old times
Very low expectations given the heat.
Worked up to 128# feeling decent
133 gave up on jerk
No time for the pulls
Workout Rx
Marie had 7 rounds, I finished 5 wallballs short of 7 rounds
Had to pour water over my head to keep going
Kept melting for the next hour and a half
12 pm class-ish
Power Clean and Jerk
205x1x6 or 7
Saving my legs for 5×5 squats tomorrow.
Easy 12min Row after.
Partner WOD looked like fun, and was right up my alley.
How hot could it be down at CFSBK? I thought to self at some point in the afternoon. Then I set out to find out for myself at OG.
Had to get creative with this workout since I had done all 3 of the Next Level Olympic workouts already this week (!). Three squat exposures were scribbled in my notebook so I didn't want to overdo it. Olympic lifts also felt pretty squared away. So I made up a press exposure I bailed out on, and then did some OHS at 63# which didn't feel bad at all. I threw some pushups and banded pullups into the mix and I was good to go.
So how hot was it? Hot enough to blind me with eyeball sweat. It was HOT. But now I finally feel acclimated to summer.
Tried two-armed KB swings again in warmup. I think I can do them a) with the competition bells only, since they have a narrower grip, and b) in slow, controlled situations and not in WODs. I was being very careful about controlling the descent of the bell so it didn't do yucky things to my thumb, but I'm starting to get better at recognizing the fine line between "mildly uncomfortable" and "not safe" and I could tell that line is there with KBs, still.
I tried pressing with the regular barbell. It did not work. It was fine with no weight on it, but at and approaching work weight, the weight of the bar was really uncomfortable on my thumb-wrist juncture. I guess I'm not breaking up with the football bar just yet. 🙁
Deadlifts: 230×5. Felt lighter than 225×5 did on Thursday, which makes me happy.
Then did the partner WOD with Carl. I did the 24" box and 20# slam balls instead of wall balls. We came in 4 slam balls shy of 13 rounds. In the evening heat, this just about wrecked me!
Yes the gym was very hot today! D:
Fitness C&J 63, 83, 93, 103, 108, 113, 118 clean only. Was too tired to attempt the jerk at 118. I think I may make bigger jumps in weight next week bc I was so tired by the time I got 118 and I should be able to hit it no problem.
Partner WOD with Josh. 11 rounds + about 12 reps. I did 155# DL, 20" box and 14# wall balls. So difficult in the heat.