ICYMI, here’s the latest video from Inside the Affiliate, called “How to Properly Spot the Bench Press!”
There’s Still Time to Sign Up For CrossFit 718’s Summer Games Event!
CrossFit 718’s Summer Games Event is happening next Saturday, July 25th and registration closes TONIGHT! This is a partner event with scaled and Rx-ed divisions. The workouts can be found here.
Currently, the following teams from CFSBK are registered to compete:
Team Foxes
Coach MeLo & Alex B.
Coach Whit & Brendan N.
Lauren S. & Alex N.
Coach K HarpZ & Jay M.
Matt Katz is still looking for a partner! Email Coach MeLo at Melissa [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com to get more details!
What Are You Doing Tomorrow?
- Let your doggie have a Doggie Play Date from 2-3:30pm! More details here.
- Join us for a Paleo Potluck in Prospect Park from 12pm to 4pm (or later…). Enter the park near 15th Street North, off the 15th Street/Prospect Park train station (F/G). More details here.
- Check out Threes Brewing this weekend! Threes offers our members happy hour pricing… all the time! Happy hour is $1 off draught and well drinks. Just show your scan card with the CFSBK logo!
Nike’s New Motto: Just Whine Baby Eat to Perform
Experts Urge Sparing Use of Nonaspirin Painkillers The New York Times
Saturday's Programming
Front Squats
Fitness: 3 x 3 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week's exposure.
Performance: 3 x 3 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week's exposure.
Post loads to comments.
10 Rounds For Time:
20 Double-Unders or 50 Single-Unders
5 Burpees
5 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
5 Rounds For Time:
50 Double-Unders
10 Burpees
5 Muscle-Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
Let's be partners! It will be awesome. Competing is fun and even more fun with meeee.
Matt, I'll be your partner. Nothing a wig, sports dress, and some durable balloons can't fix!
I would pay money to see that happen, Ben.
6am. FSQ: 215x3x3.Was getting a good bounce out of the bottom. Perf Metcon: 14:55 Rx. Two trip ups in the early rounds, latter 3 were unbroken. Moved thru the burpees. Resorted to singles on the muscle ups. Michael mentioned I'm bending my arms early causing me to lose power. Need to reevaluate my form.
6am with JBowell
FSQ 165 x 3 x 3. Felt great and moved well.
Fitness WOD: Hot mess. Think I finished 7 rounds at 16 min cap. Hand is still ripped up from Tuesday's pull-ups so c2b were a mess and quickly devolved into singles. Just couldn't get the kip going and had to waste a minute or two re-taping my hand. At least my DUs improved as the rounds progressed.
Cash out – 100 situps is a lot
6am with JBowell
FSQ 165 x 3 x 3. Felt great and moved well.
Fitness WOD: Hot mess. Think I finished 7 rounds at 16 min cap. Hand is still ripped up from Tuesday's pull-ups so c2b were a mess and quickly devolved into singles. Just couldn't get the kip going and had to waste a minute or two re-taping my hand. At least my DUs improved as the rounds progressed.
Cash out – 100 situps is a lot
McDowell was EN FUEGO today bringing the comedy.
HBBSQ 180x3x3. These felt REALLY good, to the point where I wish I had thrown another 5# on the bar.
WOD, Special Snowflake edition (I can't turn a jump rope handle, boo):
10 RFT
10 slam ball 20#
10 box jumps 20"
3 strict chins
Gawd, those chinups got really hard really fast.
The blog ate my earlier comment, so here it does again.
6:30am @ blink
LBBS: 95lbs 5 x 3
Press: 55lbs 5 x 3
Row: 2000m
Light post-total workout. Also, I have a weird tweak in my back. I've been doing yoga and if that doesn't help, I might go see Deb. Press was OK. Finished row in 10min. My skillz would not impress Nick.
I went into my local gym to do a quick post-total workout. I don't think this will become a habit, since I had to endure all kinds of crazy from a coach, including but not limited to:
1. Being asked if I knew how to squat when I asked where the squat rack was
2. Being asked if I was going to warm up to my workout weight (duh)
3. Getting an amusing smile when I put on my lifting shoes
But more importantly, they only had one set of 5lbs weights, two 10lbs and the rest were 25lbs & 45lbs. No 1, 1.25 or 2.5. So I can't really do linear progression. And since I'm skipping this next SC, it leaves me with the conundrum of lifting during OG all my lonesome or going to group class (gasp!)
In a small 6am class doing snatches with JB this morning.
I'm happy with how much my snatch is improving this cycle. Been working to catch lower and I know I'm getting better. Still a lot to keep in mind and to keep practicing and JB was a huge help with that this morning.
Worked up to 110# on the snatch complex. Failed a rep at the bottom of the squat and sat my ass down on the ground so hard that it's so sore hours later. haha.
For snatch balance worked up to 85#. I liked this. 😉
6am snatches with JB
Fitness: 33, 53, 63, 73
I wasn't feeling it today. I was coming a little forward and not dropping down. Fox suggested I do the full squat anyway, even if I land in a power snatch.
Heaving snatch balance: 63×3, 73x3x3
This was the same weight last week. I need to do a lot more of these and focus on punching my hands to the ceiling.
Cash out: row in 3:52. My legs did not want to move after that, but I started to pick up my pace on the run after the first 300m.
Two days of posting here:
Thursday afternoon:
Snatch with men's American bar (45#), since we have to use a 45# bar in competition next week and I wanted to try it since figured grip would be weird. It is.
75x1x2, 95x1x2, 105×1 (power), 115x1F, 115×1
This is 5# off my current PR, so after a bit of encouragement from Ro, figured it was worth it to switch weights to women's bar and just go for a PR, since I haven't gone heavy in a few wks.
123x1F (it was very high, but out in front), 123 – make! (3# PR!)
have missed this weight so many times over the past 4-6 weeks, it felt very very very good to finally hit it. snatches are so magical! gunning for 135# by the end of 2015.
FSQ: work up to heavy 3
45×5, 95×3, 135×3, 155×3, 165×2 (Fail on 3; 2nd rep was difficult and I let it get me mentally; got about halfway up on 3 and just caved)
Today 10:30am session:
3 T&G Power Snatches: started around 50% because I haven't done these in a bit
63, 73, 78, 83, 88, 93, 98, 83
-did these relatively close to each other, but can't really call it EMOM, as intended
2 T&G Power Clean + Push Jerks
83, 103, 113, 118, 123, 128 (heaviest set I've done on this)
Skill work:
4×3 strict HSPU with 1 abmat. these are getting better! need to take abmat away soon.
4×2 kipping Muscle Up (Failed #2 on every set. expending too much energy trying to control my way through the transition from 1 to 2). good practice; first rep is feeling really smooth, dips easier.
1 set ME Push-Ups, just for fun: 35! (reps 25-35 were a bit squirrelly, which Fox pointed out, but… count it!)
Cash Out: bike riding around BK in the wind today! wind + uphill = conditioning
This morning we got a special guest in Next Level Weightlifting Club @ CFSBK: it was Nancy H! I told Frank not to scare her away but he had us do lunges of death and slow air squats anyway. Nancy handled it all like a champ.
Today's sampler platter:
Clean and jerk 3 singles, heavy option– I worked up to 103, it was not my day to max it out.
Power snatch 3 singles at 80% — have not done a power snatch in more than a year, so I had no idea what I would work up to. Did 3 at 68#. Last year's ceiling for the snatch — yay!
Front squat — 3 x 5 at 90#, very ouchie.
Weighted lunges 3 x 10e — this is where shit started getting real. Frank wants us to do this EVERY. DAY. Try it yourself — it's a laugh riot.
Press max five — could not press for the life of me. Decided to make it up over the weekend
I love weightlifting!
I am liking this JBowell portmanteau!
Nothing of note to post lately. My back started bothering me again so I've been taking an easy week (or likely more). Came in yesterday to mobilize a bit and do some fun gymnastics stuff. Slowly learning patience (and trying to be patient as I learn it.)
7am with McDowell. 110#x3x3 on the FSQ, up 5# from last week. These felt pretty organized today. Then 14:01 on the fitness WOD, with 6 regular kipping pull ups instead of C2B. All the WODs feel really hard lately. It may be me.
YEAH WHITNEY! Getting after those snatch PRs 🙂
I am going to kindly pass on the suggestion to do weighted lunges every day… I think that one exercise makes me more sore than anything else!
Came in for OG today. Arms are still a little sore from Wednesday's WOD, but:
OH press up to 115×7. Last one was a huge grind, not really happy with this. Hopefully next week I can hit 120×5.
Front squat: came in unable to decide if I wanted to do these as a back-off, but went for it anyway. 235x3x3. First set was hard but the second and third were fine. Had another weight belt fall off mid-set. emoji emoji.
Conditioning: tomorrow's WOD actually looks like a lot of fun but I'm running a 10k on Sunday so I thought I should get in some running instead. 2x{1 easy lap, 1 hard lap }. Hard laps were hard but broke them into quarters – at each corner I ran a little harder, so ended at a decent sprint. Sorry for almost running into you Kate!
Mixed OG tonight
Squat 5RM
This is a PR and I expect to hit 355 next week.
262.5 x1x5
Easy reps. This is 2.5 lbs off my all time best. Up next week. Also did a paused rep at 250 on the way up. My best paused bench is 253 all time. Good stuff.
Deadlift heavy triple
Easy peasy
Sumo heavy triple
Intended to do 440×3
Warmed up to 405×1 and felt a right hammy twinge so ended the session there. Will see about next week.
Always a great vibe at OG!