More photos from the Community Potluck, including the aftermath of this one, are now up on our Flickr account. Check ’em out!
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. In our continuing Iron Maidens of CFSBK series, we heard from Jenna J. and Worm. We’re a little over 3 weeks from The Iron Maidens Raw Open, and we just hit 81% of our fundraising goal. We need your help to reach it! Can we make it past 100% by next Friday? Hell yeah we can. Go here to donate to your favorite lifter’s (or lifters’) campaign(s).
2. Also, over at the Iron Maidens main site, Coach Margie wrote a very useful post about weight class considerations for those competing. Not competing but interested in volunteering on the day of the meet? We are still in need of spotters and plate loaders. Please fill out this form if you can help out.
3. Coaches Chris and Jess Fox threw down in front of the Eiffel Tower. It’s okay to take a break once in a while, guys.
4. Coaches McDowell and Noah traveled to Arizona for James FitzGerald’s OPEX seminar and are looking for volunteers to do a free consultation.
5. We gave you a rundown of all the recent gymprovements we’ve made at 597 and 608. What else what you like to see?
6. There are just 13 days until the annoucement of CrossFit Open Workout 16.1. Holy crud! Have you registered for the Open yet? Here’s why you should.
7. The fourth LFPB Q&A Info Session, “Adjusting Nutrition to Meet Your Goals,” will happen Thursday, February 18th at 6:30pm.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Snatch | Row, Power Snatch, Burpees
Why Men Fight: An Empirical Investigation of the Extremes of Masculinity Quartz
Your Sorry Ass: Door Holding The Baffler
FDA Recommends Adding Little Tabasco To That Bad Boy