Power Snatch + Hang Snatch Complex
Work up to max for the day in 5 attempts.
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
50 Double Unders
15 Thrusters 95/65
40 Double Unders
12 Thrusters
30 Double Unders
9 Thrusters
20 Double Unders
6 Thrusters
10 Double Unders
3 Thrusters
Post time and Rx to comments.
Video of the Week: Here is perennial CrossFit Games competitor Dan Bailey providing commentary on his performance of the CrossFit.com workout of the day for February 8, 2016. It’s a great insight into how a top-level CrossFit competitor prepares, plans, and reflects on his performance. Super interesting!
- We’re just 3 days away from the annoucement of CrossFit Open Workout 16.1. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain(z). Go here to register!
- Movie night returns on Friday, February 26th! From 8 to 10:30pm (after OG), we’ll be showing Fittest on Earth 2015, a behind-the-scenes documentary about last year’s CrossFit Games, on the big screen. Come watch it with your fellow CFSBKers and other CrossFitters from local affiliates. Go to the event page for more details.
- Speaking of the Open, this year we’re adding a new twist in order to promote some friendly competition. We’ll be organizing intramural Open teams for those who are interested. Go here for more details, and here to sign up before Wednesday’s deadline.
The Iron Maidens of CFSBK: Colleen Meagher
The Iron Maidens Raw Open is less than two weeks away. Leading up to the event, we’ve been posting brief interviews with CFSBK lifters to help you get to know our team and give you a sense of what these women are doing to prepare. This year, through competitors’ fundraising efforts, Iron Maidens will create the inaugural annual Iron Maidens Stay Strong Scholarship. Our goal is to raise $20,000 to pay for 70% of college tuition for 10 women in the College Prep program at the Bronx-based Grace Outreach. Right now we’re at $19,549 donated—so close! Help us reach our goal (and keep on going) by the end of the day! You can donate to a lifters’ campaign by going here.
Colleen! When we last checked in with you, you were Athlete of the Month, and you just keep on kicking ass. What’s your motivation for competing in Iron Maidens?
I stopped by to watch the competition last year, and it looked fun! I saw my friends competing and thought, awww, I wish I had signed up! So when this years event came online, I signed up in an instant! If you’re not competing, I highly recommend spectating. It’s exciting and fun!
How has lifting impacted you athletically? Personally?
Athletically, it’s given me a passport to do or try anything, most notably surfing for four days in Mexico over New Year’s break. Paddling out against waves requires strength. Having strength feels wonderful. I’ve really been using my strength this week, too, in preparation for a move, packing and stacking boxes—heavy boxes!
On a personal level, I once heard a speaker (at a vegan seminar) say that strength in your body translates to strength in your aura. I believe this is true. Lifting has given me confidence and has added fun to life, too. I never would have guessed that lifting things up and putting them down could be so much fun!
That’s so great. What’s the best piece of lifting advice you’ve received?
The best advice I’ve received is to be aware of where the bar is in relation to the middle of the foot. If the bar feels in front of the midfoot, I correct it and then everything is so much better! It’s like a magic fix.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Squat | KB Swings, Lunges, Burpees
A Guided Mediation for the Anxious Mind The New Yorker
Bad Performances Produce Good Weightlifting Catalyst Athletics