Bench Press / Bent-Over Row Superset*
1A) Barbell Bench Press
3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add a few pounds to last week’s weight.
3 x 8
Go heavier than last week’s 10s.
1B) Barbell Bent-Over Row
3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add a few pounds to last week’s weight.
3 x 8
Go heavier than last week’s 10s.
In both cases, keep these light enough to perform strictly and with solid form. Don’t let these turn into an ego exercise. Really think about the movement rather than the weight moved. Keep the following notes in mind:
1) Set up like a Clean and Deadlift the bar up.
2) Hip hinge until bar is at least below the knee (try to be as horizontal as possible).
3) Maintaining a consistent back angle, pull your elbows up and back and aim to hit your stomach (not your chest) with the barbell.
4) Start with a weight that allows all the reps to be done perfect and without momentum. It should feel too light to start.
*Superset means that you perform a set of exercise A (in this case the Bench Press) and then after a short rest, 30 seconds to a minute, you perform a set of exercise B (in this case the Barbell Bent-Over Row). You then rest a short period before returning to exercise A and continue in this fashion until all warm up and work sets are completed.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 6 of 8
For Time (10 min cap):
50 Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
30 Double-Unders
10 Ring Muscle-Ups
Sub 15 attempts or 90 Singles for the Double-Unders as appropriate. Sub Jumping Muscle-Ups or perform 10 low-ring leg-assisted transitions.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Coming in at a combined weight of 350lbs… hailing from Spikeville, USA… Noahpologies and El Capitan are…… THE JABRONIS!!!
A Toast to Coach Noah!
Over the past 6 years, his involvement in our staff and within the larger community has forever altered the DNA of CFSBK. Always one to have lots of feedback and input as to how and why we do things here, his ideas have left their mark in a thousand little places. We are forever grateful for his exemplary service as a coach at CFSBK. His many, many… many shoes will be very hard to fill.
When Noah told me about his move to Austin, I was not expecting it. But at the same time, I wasn’t surprised. His goal of opening his own affiliate came up several times over the years, and I’m happy to see him going off and making it a reality. Our loss is Austin’s gain! His coworkers and anyone he’s worked with can attest that the thoughtfulness, intention, and empathy that he brings to his coaching will ensure that those who get to work with him in Austin have a lot to look forward to. His creativity and penchant for flare will also make CrossFit Lumos nothing short of unique. So while I’m sad to see him go, I can’t wait to see what he creates in this next chapter of his life.
Here’s to Noah!
News and Notes
- The second-ever Iron Maidens Lift ‘n’ Learn Session will take place at CFSBK on Sunday, July 31st at 2:00pm. Get ready for some Bench Pressing followed by a clothing swap! Head over to the event page for more details.
- Time is running out to sign up for Coach Nick’s marathon row this Sunday the 24th! It’ll be tough, but don’t you want to be able to impress your marathon-running friends? Go here for more info.
Noah and Nathan E. on the New Yorker Radio Hour WNYC
Via Activa Paris Review
Sleep Easy Pure Pharma
6am with McD and Ro
Bench 195# 3×5 still moving well. Going to stick with the 10# jump.
Ro: 155# went down in weight to make sure I was getting form dialed in.
Metcon: 6:06 Rx – fun chipper, way better than the full open workout
Wall balls unbroken
Doubles unbroken
MU's: 3-2-2-1-1-1
Tried to sneak in 2 at the end to beat BK and failed the rep.
Been working like a dog the last week or so (and then on a very short vacation) so not much time to comment on the blog, but I wanted to chime in and say that Noah got me through Foundations and continued to help me out this year, expanding my horizons as to what was possible for me to actually do. All that and he was an incredibly cool and smart guy who has excellent taste in loud footwear. Excited to see how he brings Crossfit Lumos to life, but very sorry to lose him here. Also I think he's a little crazy for going to a place that's even hotter than Gowanus in the summer. Cheers, Noah!
On the day-to-day stuff, 7 a.m. w/Ro & McDowell.
Bench 160x8x3; row 135x8x3. Definitely the high end of my range for both of these lifts at this volume. Went pretty good, though. Pleased to finally feel like I'm getting the hang of the bent-over row, keeping still as opposed to shrugging up, getting enough of a bend in the hamstrings, etc.
Metcon: 7:21, 3x s/u's in lieu of d/u's and 1:1 pull/push-ups in lieu of muscle ups. Broke up the wall balls 30, 10, 10. Good to know I have 30 in the tank for future reference.
Here's a video of the toast –>
OMG that photo is amazing. Godspeed, jabroni. Also props for naming your new affiliate with a Harry Potter reference!
Morning OG:
HBBSQ 165x5x2, rep out x9. Whew.
Press 62.5x5x3. Fine!
Then 3 supersets of:
DB bench 30×10
Kroc row 35×10/side
Not sorry at all not to have been assigned any cardio today.
7am with McRowell
Bench – 140x8x2 / 140×5
I just didn't take enough rest here and called the set after my 5th rep. Didn't want to fail any. Will probably still jump up to 145# next week and be more mindful of the rotation timing.
Row – 105x8x3
Still rowin'
Metcon Rx – 10:00
Finished the first 2 parts in about 3 minutes (30/20 and 29/1) and then flailed on the rings for 7. Only got 1 before the cap. Then hit two just messing around after the workout. Muscle ups are either there or they aren't for me.
Bench/Row: 175x5x3 / 115x5x3. Bench moved very well. Backed off alot of lbs to focus on a stricter movement and better shoulder/back positioning.
Metcon: 5:32 Rx. Wall balls 38-10-2. I was gunning unbroken but two bad bounces of the target caused the ball to corkscrew off the 8ft target. Doubles, not great but done quickly. MU: 3-3-2-2. MU haven't been feeling good recently, but today was better.
Noon with DO
Bench: 135x8x3 (repeated weight from two weeks ago)
Row: 115x8x3 (ditto)
WOD: I finished 8 muscle-ups but just could not lock out on my remaining attempts as time ran out. A real drag, but I'm happy to have tried these.
Bench 185# Perf Style. Felt heavy but it moved.
Bent Over Row 170#. No issues.
WOD Rx'd in 7:11
WB 25/10/5/5/5
DU 22/6/2
MU 2/2/1/1/1/1/1/1 (with a handful of fails mixed in.)
8am class
WOD Rx'd in either 5:20 or 6:20. Probably the latter.
Morning session.
Heat up, hip mobz, tspine and twists, post shoulder capsule mash
Unilateral work, 3 sets:
One arm DB press, 10 reps @ 30#
Ipsilateral one leg RDL, 8 reps @ 16kg
Snatch, EMOMx12:
First 4 mins are Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch + Snatch Balance
25kgx2, 30×2
Second 4 mins are Hang Squat Snatch
35kg, 38, 40, 43
Final 4 mins are Squat Snatch
45kg, 47, 49, 50
Kept the weight on the light/medium side to get myself back up to snuff. Focus on speed, sharpness, and no hesitation on third pull. Felt great! Sweatinggggg!
10 ghd sit up
10 pistol, alt
10 burpee
50 DU
TIME: 10:05
This was a good choice for today. Rebuilding capacity.
Accessory: 4×5 strict straight leg TTB
Snatch pulls
400m run
9 FSQ(195#)
Came in so tired n brainDED. Test tomorrow! So glad I was able to squeeze in a chance to get moving and shake off the nerves. test out week for my programming, quite inconvenient since all I've been doing is sitting and stressin. But it must've been good for something because I was too tired to overthink my lifts today!
1RM snatch: 150#, 7lb PR!
Went for 155 3x and it was not happening. I got under them, just need to start drilling more technique because these were all forward. Can't say this was a flawless warmup either, had a few misses prior, but only 4 sprinkled in as I was making jumps. Was getting under it more than I have in awhile, yet I was forward in all of my misses because of this. Need to find a better balance so I can get full extension. Overall though I felt surprisingly happy with how this went today!
25 snatch (full depth) @77% of 1RM for time: 9:54
This is where my PR became immediately in-exciting. Had to do this at 115#. Ugh. This hurt. Had 6 misses because I got frantic. So I just decided to take it slow. Wasn't necessarily tired, just tired of failing : )….was also making really weird noises (sorry McDowell and Brad)
5K row: 21:34
Took the ERG outside. This was a good choice. Got to watch the sunset, it was a nice way to end the night. Pushed pretty hard to maintain a 2:10 pace for the first 4500 meters, then tried to kick it up a notch as I got to the last 500. Had more left in the tank than I wanted by the end, but it was hard to gauge how I was going to feel. Good to have this one in the books!
Looking to PR my boards tomorrow. And have a few celebratory beverages.