Back Squat
3 x 5 Linear Progression
3 x 4
Heavier than last week’s 6s.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 5 of 8.
Every other minute on the minute for 5 rounds each:
1) Max Burpees
2) Max Double-Unders
At the call of “3, 2, 1, GO,” perform as many Burpees as possible in 1 minute, followed by 1 minute of rest. At the 2 minute mark, perform as many Double-Unders as possible in 1 minute, followed by another minute of rest. Repeat for 5 rounds each.
Post reps for each round to comments.
Exemplary Spikeballing form demonstrated by Coach David and photographed by Thomas H.
Today at 4:00pm: Spikeball Tournament!
An afternoon of friendly Spikeball competition. Haven’t played before? Don’t worry! It’s pretty simple, and the video above explains everything. All are invited, and it’s not too late to participate! Please let us know in the comments section of the event page if you plan to compete. Teams (of two) can declare beforehand, or we’ll pair you up the day of the tournament. The top three winning teams go on the leaderboard until the next tournament!
Today at 4:00pm. We’ll start with about 30 minutes of practice and organization. The tournament proper will begin at 4:30, but please be at 597 by 4:00 so we know how many people are participating.
Head on over to the event page to let us know you’ll be there today and to see some videos
Katrin Davidsdottir: My Never-Ending Journey Gameplan A
It's great to see that "Spikeballing" is so popular with the kids today. I was around waaaay back when it was invented during the Spanish Inquisition. The rules of the game are a LOT different today let me tell you ….
Jay: I know what you mean. Kids these days will hear 'spike his balls' and they won't know how good 'ol Torquemada meant it originally.
Hey all- I just took the 10am class and used my black Nike Romaleos size 6 or 6.5 (can't remember) to squat and when I went to leave class someone had accidentally taken them from either the mat or the shelves in the closet. Can you please bring them back to the gym
Today or tomorrow? My clean and jerk gainzzz are going to suffer without them.
They are unlabeled because I never leave them at the gym, slightly dirty and squeak when you walk.
DO looks like he is about to catch the golden snitch!
@JB maybe we can photoshop him with a pokeball??
@cam +1
So sad about my shoes i forgot to post:
HBBS: 180x4x2, third set failed the final rep. Not usually a weight i would struggle with, so i'll still go up next week…and hope it's not as hot out when i do them!
WOD was sweaty.
Burpees: 16,16,16,17,17 = 82
Double unders: 70,70,71,77, 80 = 368
12pm class
Light. Moved well.
Burpees – 15,15,15,15,15
Dubs – 50,50,50,50,50. 3 rounds unbroken.
Easing back into volume.
HBBS: 140 4×3, belted. It was scary and hard. I was afraid of failing, so my last set especially was not low enough. I am going to stay here again next week and work to feel confident and get really low. This means my front squat will be 132.5 and my back squat will be 140. It's odd they are so close.
Burpees: 18 every round.
DUs: 36, 37, 38, 28, 30 They are so physically demanding: the forearm & wrist strength PLUS the cardiovascular challenge. Yikes!! Got to practice going for longer sets.
@Jenny: I'm so impressed by your DUs!
Noon with DO and Whit
HBBS: 235x5x3
WOD: upwards of 60 DUs (but less than 80) every round + and upwards of 15 but less than 20 burpees every round.
@cam PLEASE do that
LBBS @170#x4x3
Easier than expected considering I missed the last exposure. Tipped a little bit on the last rep of each set.
Burpees: 20+20+19+19+21= 99
DUs: 45+51+40+49+55=240
I usually only get 25-30 DUs in a minute so was really pleased. Fun WOD! Now that I've lost about 10#, I'm off to eat and drink the rest of the day to gain back that weight!
45 x 10, 95 x 5, 135 x 5, 165 x 3, 195 x 1, 210 x 5 x 3
That's a PR for high bar and actually heavier than I've brought a squat LP ever, so yay!
5 each kossack (sp?)
30 sec OH DB hold @30#
15 x hollow rocks
OHS 6 minute AMRAP
5/5 @ 75#
4/4 @ 95#
3/3 @ 115#
2/2 @ 125#
Max @135#
I just about finished the 8 @ 95#. Definitely my weakest move. Matt Katz was an awesome and encouraging partner and demolished the men's weights.
30 cal row
30 box jumps
30 wall balls
FYI for those interested —
comp team today! still taking everything as a grain of salt as i work my way back up to strength and capacity.
good news: knees are both feeling solid. playing slightly conservative with weight and volume of now.
Warm up: 3 RNFT
5 each kossack lunge
:30 OH DB hold, 25#
15 hollow rocks
OHS 6 minute AMRAP
5/5 @ 75#
4/4 @ 95#
3/3 @ 115#
2/2 @ 125#
Max @135#
Got through both at 125# at maybe the 5:50 mark. I know I can get some reps at 135, I just need a bit more time to get there. I def took time to rest during the 115 b/c I didn't want to blow it. I'm hoping my capacity will be back up in a couple weeks and I can move through this a bit better. Method:
75: full snatch for first rep, and then touch and go into second set of 5. solid.
95: power snatch. quick break between sets. I think I should FULL snatch these and take 5 deep breaths between, no more.
115: did the clean & jerk-to-back-rack on these. almost dropped first one off my sweaty-ass shoulders. I should be able to full snatch this with confidence, but just haven't done so in about a month… this would be a big time/energy saver.
125: c&j to rack. weight was challenging but doable.
took the volume way down on the last conditioning piece. i know myself, and this was the intelligent thing to do:
cal row
box jump
wall ball
time: 14:56
sucking wind!
Spike Ball Tournament today did not let the spectators down. Perfect balance of fun, skill and intensity.
Some notes from last 3 days of light training — body has been feeling off, not to mention I've been finding it a little warm in the gym.
I. 5 rounds
– Split jerk footwork
– Handstand push up negatives :08
II. 5 rounds
– 3 ring pull ups – false grip
– 3 strict ring dips
III. 3 rounds
– Sled push the length of the gym — +150, +195, +240
– 8 ea side KB snatches — 12kg
I. Snatch technique work up to 83#
II. 3 rounds
– 8 seated single arm press 25# DB
– 8 side step ups, bottom leg straight 20",15# DB
– 8 straight leg raises as high as possible on ladder
III. Handstand holds
I. 3 rounds
– 5 inch worms
– 10 lat activations from pull up bar
– 10 tempo back squats 45#
II. HBBS – 95 x 5, 125 x 4, 145 x 4, 155 x 4, 165 x 4, 170 x 4
III. Every other minute for 20 mins — no mojo, just picked a number and stuck with it each round
– 17 burpees
– 60 double unders