High Hang Clean
Start at about 60%. Work up to a max for the day. Focus on an aggressive second pull (knees and hips extend, come up onto toes, shrug) and immediately pulling yourself under the bar in the third pull to catch in an active front rack. These should remain relatively light compared to your best Clean or Hang Clean. Increase load if it’s moving well, but you may work to a moderate weight and stay there, focusing on speed under and staying connected to the bar.
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5 RNFT or 20 Minutes:
5-10 Dips
5-10 Pull-Ups
20 Russian Kettlebell Swings
Use today to either develop strict Dip/Pull-Up strength on bars or rings, or to work on your kipping skills if you have some strict Dips/Pull-Ups. Choose a medium-heavy weight on the Kettlebell Swings. Here are two useful videos from Gymnastics WOD:
Kipping Pull-Up Progression
Kipping Dip Progression
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Sean and KMo share a tender moment on the Reverse Hyper in 608. It’s not just a loveseat! Here’s Kelly Starrett on how to use the Reverse Hyper: Part 1 and Part 2
- NY1 was at CFSBK yesterday morning to preview Iron Maidens and interview some members of our team. Watch the video here—it’s awesome!
- The fifth LFPB Q&A Info Session, “Eyeballing Portion Sizes,” is TONIGHT at 6:30pm.
Everything You Need to Know About Iron Maidens
This Saturday, March 5th from 9am to 7pm we’ll be hosting our second-annual Iron Maidens Raw Open powerlifting meet. This event will be running out of 597, and the platforms in 608 will be used as a warm-up area for the competitors. We will still be running group classes in the remaining space at 608. We will, however, be cancelling Yoga for Athletes, Active Recovery, and Open Gym (2-4pm) on Saturday.
For people doing the CrossFit Open, 16.2 will be programmed as the “Saturday” workout for Friday’s split classes and will be the group class workout on Sunday.
We will also be offering extended Open Gym hours this Sunday from 4 to 8pm, so you’ll have ample opportunity to complete 16.2!
What else? Well, as you probably know, Iron Maidens competitors have been raising money to fund the Iron Maidens Stay Strong Scholarship, which will help to send 10 women from Grace Outreach to college. As of today, we’ve raised $24,665, surpassing our original $20,000 fundraising goal. We’re not finished! The more money we raise, the more women we can help. Every additional $3500 helps 1 woman pay her college tuition for 1 year. If you haven’t donated yet please consider giving just $5 to support women staying strong through college. And help us continue spreading the word about this campaign! Go here to donate to a lifter’s campaign.
Last, but certainly not least, there will be food and drink, so come hungry! Cafe Grumpy will set up an espresso bar, Liddabit Sweets will have a table, and Kimchi Taco Truck will be selling delicious food outside. The after-party will go down around the corner at Threes Brewing.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Squat | Double-Unders, Deadlifts
Proper High Hang Position CrossFit Invictus
A Simple Way to Spark Creativity Pacific Standard