Back Squat / Deadlift
3 x 8
Add weight to last week’s work weight. Use a full range of motion and control.
3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 lbs to last week’s work weight.
1 x 6
Warm up and perform one heavy (and perfect) set of 6 reps, heavier than last week. Touch-and-go is permitted.
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Exposure 5 of 8
For Time:
1000m Row
100 Double-Unders
800m Run
The run is one lap (starting towards 4th Ave.) + 4th and back. Scale Double-Unders to 50 attempts + makes or 300 Single-Unders if your dubs are a work in progress.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Coach David and Rickke M. at CrossFit Jääkarhu in Austin, TX. Read on for David’s reflections on the trip
Reps & Sets Abroad: Some Thoughts on CrossFit and Travel
By David Osorio
An important aspect of CrossFit that often seems to go unnoticed is the fact that it offers a readymade community pretty much everywhere you go. Traveling to Paris, France or Austin, Texas? There will be a gym there full of like-minded people that you can hang out with. Moving to Rome, Italy or Rome, Georgia? It’s a safe bet that you’ll be able to find an affiliate that will make your new home feel more like, well, home.
I recently traveled to Austin and wanted to check out some affiliates. First I dropped into CrossFit Central. I got there a little early, so the owner Jeremy let me do some Power Cleans and Push Jerks at their Central Athlete facility with some other folks who were training. Afterwards, I took the 4:30 group class back in the CrossFit Central building. We started with some line drills then a 15 minute EMOM of three gymnastics skills: Hollow Holds, Ring Dips, and Handstands. We finished a metcon called “Waterfall” which consisted of running, Burpees, Kettlebell Swings, and Double-Unders. CrossFit Central is an OG affiliate that has been around at least as long as CFSBK, so Jeremy and I chatted about the evolution of things and a little bit about their history. As an affiliate owner, I’m always interested in talking to other coaches and owners about their journey. CFC had a nice vibe and everyone was very welcoming. Running in that Texas heat is no joke!
I also had the opportunity to drop into CrossFit Jääkarhu as well! It was a huge space with leveled classes and lots of equipment, including some slugs from the CrossFit Games. We did some line drills, then an every-other-minute-on-the-minute workout of heavy Clean and Jerks for 7 sets. The class finished with “Diane,” which I PRd at 7:4 1doing strict Handstand Push-Ups! CFJ had a nice mixture of a relaxed atmosphere and a well-organized class. I stayed for about 30 minutes after class to talk to a few of the coaches about what it’s like to have just opened 18 months ago, how they do leveled programming, and how they use their space. They have a successful team and a big competative element, but they also have plenty of programing for beginners and intermediates. They run seperate classes for their “Fitness,” “Sport,” and “Competition” programs, often at the same time in different parts of their massive gym. I really liked the vibe of this gym and highly recommend it!
I can’t think of another fitness pursuit or activity that offers this kind of global community. Most people don’t have the luxury of being able travel to a place where they don’t know anyone and still be able to easily train with people who share the same ethos. CrossFit has, of course, exploded over the past few years, so we’re at the point where you can go to almost any major city in the world and check out an affiliate. The people there will almost always be really welcoming and just as stoked to meet you, and it’s enlightening to see how other people in other parts of the country/world express the CrossFit culture. It’s a rare thing and something worth taking advantage of!
Have you dropped into another affiliate while traveling? If so, what was it like? Any advice for first-timers? Don’t forget to log your experience in our Travel Gym Recommendations section!
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