Let’s let CFSBK OG Allan pull us… up (?) into the weekend? (Sorry, captions are hard sometimes)
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. If you do one thing this weekend, you should come check out the 3rd event of the 2016 Subway Series at CFSBK! The action kicks off at 12:00pm on Sunday.
2. We still need volunteers to judge, keep score, set up, and break down. Contact David [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com with “SS Volunteer” in the subject line and let him know what categories you would like to volunteer in and what hours you’re available. As a bonus, CFSBK will be providing some light refreshments for all volunteers.
3. As a result, we’ll only be offering 8, 9, and 10am group classes. Everything else, including Active Recovery and Anti-Gravity, will be cancelled. Come for class in the morning, stay to watch your fellow CFSBKers throw down in the afternoon!
4. Get your log books out! Our new 8-week programming cycle started on Monday. Go here to check out the details, and remember that you can always see our current training cycle template right here.
5. Peter W.’s new film Ghost Team opened last week. Read his note, but most importantly, go see it! Support your fellow CFSBKers.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Clean & Jerk | KB Swings, Box Jumps
Brooke Wells & Friends Squatting Super Training
Training During Her Suspension, Boyanka Kostova Is Just Insanely Strong BarBend
Wanted: Satanic Roommate at Western and Chicago Craigslist
Saturday's Programming
Back Squat / Front Squat
BSQ 2×5 LP
FSQ 2×3 LP
Start light enough to add weight through the cycle.
These should feel pretty easy today.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 2 of 16
5 RFT:
20/15 Calorie Row
10 Thrusters 75/55
Use lighter bars with bigger bumps in an effort to build momentum with our "Save the 10s" campaign.
Post time and Rx to comments.
I'm so excited for the Subway Series!!
5 Rounds NFT
2 Strict Muscle-ups
20' Handstand Walk
15 GHD Sit-Ups
3 Rounds NFT
12 Supine Leg Raises
12 Shrugs
7:30pm Group Class
Worked up to 187 on the High hang clean + Split Jerk EMOM
Got 6 rounds + 14 Swings in the metcon. Jenny and KLove Smoked me!
6am doing Thursday work
High Hang Clean + Jerk: worked up to 175. Focused on getting low and might not go as heavy next time. With 155-165 I can quickly shrug and focus on pulling under, but at heavier weight more concentration goes into avoiding an arm pull.
Metcon: 6 rounds exactly. Just didn't have any gas today. At least the kb swings were unbroken.
830 last night
C&J EMOM worked up to 175. Felt pretty good despite not doing this movement in weeks.
AMRAP Rx 7 rounds + 1 pathetic KB swing
6am with McDowell
Squats: Fast and light again today. I like this cycle so far.
245x3x2 (Front Squat)
Metcon: 10:22 Rx. All thrusters unbroken. I just couldn't bring myself to push the pace on the erg after the first round. Pulled around 1500 for the first round, but only ~1000 after that.
HBBSQ 212.5×1, 200×2 F3, 190×3. I'm marking myself an F3 at 200 even though I stood the bar up, because I don't think I got down all the way. Not good. ๐
Press 80x5x3, ugly as sin but the bar went up. This is historically the last weight I've ever been able to do for 3×5, so I feel really good about that — I know I lost some upper-body strength during my pre-surgery period, and it seems like I've got it back.
Pause deadlifts 185x7x2. Horrible! When Jeremy told me I was going to do regular deadlifts from this week forward, I got really excited…until I found out I still had to do paused ones on Fridays ๐
Then I shot the breeze with my former busted-wrist twin Melody instead of doing assault bike like I was supposed to. I got set to get on the bike and realized I was going to be late for work. Reminds me of Clueless: "Well, you certainly exercise your mouth, Cher." #sorrynotsorry
LBBS: 185x3x2
FSQ: 155x3x2
WOD: 8:16 Rx. Felt all those box jumps from yesterday during the thrusters.
GHD: 2×15
Double under practice: Thought would try to 10-20-30-40-50 and back down, but after finally making it to 50 decided that I had enough. Spending the weekend with my family, and there are only so many whip marks I can have on my arms before stirring up too much concern. ๐
Good luck this weekend to everyone competing!
6am with McD
HBBS 225 x 3 x 2
FSQ 195 x 3 x 2
Easy and light, although my lower back felt a bit smoked from yesterday.
WOD – 9:21 Rx
75# thrusters are fantastic and were all unbroken. Rows were all around 13xx cal/hour. Should have transitioned faster to keep up with James and Kayleigh.
So that it is forever saved in the internets, in a workout that consisted mostly of rowing, Joy said it was fun.
HBBS: 205x3x2 followed by 185x3x2. Crisp, no issues
Metcon: 11:05 Rx. Maintained same pace, ~1100, for all erg pieces. Thrusters unbroken. This is a tall man's metcon, especially with the light thruster.
And I didn't even need poker chips or a white board to keep track of my rounds. I just knew I was 1 whole round behind EVERYONE ELSE . . . except Kayleigh.
Snatch: Work up to a heavy
CJ:Work up to a heavy
Dead Stop FSQ (from the hole), 3 reps every 90secs for 18mins
For time:
30 DLs(225#)
30 CTB pull-ups
5mins or so
Row 500m x5 (1min rest in between)
Off to cali for a week…BYEEEEE
6am with McDowell
Sticking with the Russian programing…still skeptical
All super light and moving really well. Lower back a little tight from yesterdays KB swings
WOD – 8:28 Rx
Thrusters unbroken. I didn't see Kayleigh behind me overtake me in the 4th round. Not sure how much faster I would have gone anyways. Good burner
7am with McDowell
BS – 160# x 3 x 2
FS – 140# x 3 x 2
Light and easy and I don't feel bad about that.
Metcon Rx – 11:11
75# thrusters are a joy…well, they're better than heavier ones. Did those unbroken. Row I went way too easy on, pulling at ~850-900 till the fifth round where I let it rip.
Fun day in the gym; squatted with class and then my friend Andy was here to lift a bit!
10ea 1 arm high pull (16kg), harder on R than L… interesting
8 Squat Press Out
LBBS: 45×5, 95×4, 135×3, 160×2
no belt. moving well. coming up in one piece. feeling solid. crossing my fingers, but I think patience and my changes in programming are paying off here!
10ea box hammy curl, :02 hold at top
3 strict kneeling MU, controlled eccentric. toe assist on transition, but did the strict dips.
4 RNFT (medium intensity/pace):
100' sled push (+20#)
100' farmer carry L (32kg)
100' farmer carry R
did this with Andy; we alternated on the sled/carries. took about 12 minutes.