Back Squat / Front Squat
Back Squat: 2 x 5 Linear Progression
Front Squat: 2 x 3 Linear Progression
Heavier than last week
Back Squat: 70% x 4 x 2
Front Squat: 70% x 4 x 2
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 4 of 16
Partner WOD
In teams of 2, complete the following for time:
60 Double-Unders
60 Deadlifts 155/105
60 Double-Unders
40 Power-Cleans
60 Double-Unders
20 Power-Snatches
Use the same weight on the barbell for all three movements. Break up the work however desired, but close to evenly split is the goal. The Power Snatch will be the limiter in load on the barbell.
Post time, Rx, and partner to comments.
Jason C. on his way to the podium at last weekend’s Subway Series event
Tomorrow: The Subway Series at CrossFit Queens
After the third event of the 6th annual Subway Series at CFSBK, we’re down to the final throwdown this weekend! All NYC affiliates are invited to participate—the affiliate with the best overall score after the final event wins the Subway Series Trophy and bragging rights for a whole year! The final event of the year will take place at CrossFit Queens tomorrow, August 28th.
James A., Brad D., Jason C., and Charles S. will be representing CFSBK tomorrow, and there’s still time to sign up! Tomorrow’s Rx’d and Scaled workouts can be found here. Make the trip up to Astoria (a quick ride on the Q train) to cheer our athletes on!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
What We Look Like When We Fall New Yorker
5 Important Things to Look for on Nutrition Labels PurePharma
HBBS: 135 2×5
Front squat: 120 2×3 Joy confirmed these should have been an inch lower– will stay here or go to 122.5 next week.
Great partnering with Jill and Kirsten! Good advice from them about ways to think about knees out, shoulders up, etc.
Partnered with Barbara: 11:25@63#
Everything was fast, until we reached the snatches… Took them as singles. Amazed by joy and Jill who did 73#. Man… Those 6amers are serious! Fun workout!
BS : 4×2 #255
FS : 4×2 #205
Felt a little slow to me but moved fine.
Metcon w/ Mo #135 15:0?
Mo and I split the work evenly. #135 is definitely out of my comfort zone but we got it done. The cleans were surprisingly challenging. Snatches were my biggest concern but once my heart rate slowed down after the last DUs they started to move much easier. Thanks for the encouragement from everyone else that had already finished.
Time to hit to hit the beach
HBBS: 225x5x2
FSQ: 205x3x2
WOD, partnered with Grant @115, we finished in 10:20. Grant did most of the DUs, I did two sets of 20 DLs, and then we split the rest of the lifts into sets of 5. (I did thirty cleans in total, skipping the snatches.)
9am with MelHarp
BS – 165# x 4 x 2
FS – 140# x 4 x 2
These are still easy. All this 70% business has me concerned for what lies ahead.
Metcon @ 115# with John – 14:31
Did everything up to the snatches in 5:30ish. Slow singles from there. Too many muscle snatches on my part. Gotta get better at dropping under the bar when these are programmed in a metcon. This was really fun.
1pm Slacker's class
Feeling good
@brendan – you can look ahead on the programming link if you're curious.
WOD Rx'd with Nate in 14:23
Dubs 30
Deads 15-10-5
PCs 5s
Snatches singles
We were cruising until the snatches. Fun WOD.
8AM (!?!) group class this morning!
45×5, 95×4, 135×3, 165×2
-felt a very weird sensation at the front of my R hip on the last rep of my second set. like something moving around that wasn't supposed to. sometimes my hips clack and crack and readjust, but have never felt that big a shift while under load. it was a bit scary and a bit painful afterward. waited a few min and decided to do my last set. questionable decision but didn't have pain or decreased function on the first rep. actually felt a lot tighter and in better position on the third set.
-a bit tender/tight/sore now, several hours later, so will see what develops. hopefully nothing major. shit always seems to get weird past 170# for me, even when i'm focusing on all the right things.
WOD: was a ghost partner with Dan/Steven, but basically did half volume (plus some extra DU's on my own.
9:22 @ 105 (RX)
DU's unbroken (60), DL 15-15, DU unbroken (60), PC 5-5-5-singles, Snatches as 10 singles.
Wasn't feeling 100% this morning so put off my long run, hoping I'll feel better tomorrow.
So ~ fun low-key OG session today!
hbbs 245x4x2
fsq 215x4x2
Still pretty easy, didn't have to go to the dark place to make these.
Hung out for a while then tried the "flight simulator" with 10' cap, trying not to push the intensity too hard. Starting over after each stumble is frustrating! This is a great lesson, even if I'm not totally sure what I was learning. Maybe it was something like,
"…O plunge your hands in water,
Plunge them in up to the wrist;
Stare, stare in the basin
And wonder what you've missed."
Anyway, tripped up on 38 of 50 with less than a minute left and called it a day. Ended up doing 250-300 doubles total?
1 p.m. w/Whit & David. @Fox, I resemble that remark.
BSQ: 205x4x2; FSQ: 185x4x2. BSQs good, FSQs a little wimpy w/r/t keeping the chest up, particularly in the second set.
Metcon w/Matt: 12:29 @ 115# w/me doing singles/a few doubles. Really lost form on the power snatches, which was frustrating. Luckily I've got some time to work on that tomorrow…
David, I don't know why you've been on a John Holt kick recently, but I will lift weights to "Police In Helicopter" every day.
Open Gym:
7:00 Row
BSQ: 195x4x3
FSQ: 165x4x3
For Time:
30 Double Unders
30 Deadlifts (10-10-10)
30 Double Unders
20 Power Cleans (singles)
30 Double Unders
10 Power Snatches (singles)
Scaled the barbell weight to 135. Finished in 8:50
I was in a really bad mood for some reason through this. Felt weak, slow, unmotivated and couldn't seem to shake it. Nothing really felt good, except the feeling of accomplishment when I finished
4 Sets:
Trap Bar Shrugs 210×12
Matador Dips BWx12
Strict HSPU
Strict Pull-Up
Rest 2:00 then did it again. Unbroken reps
Foam rolled for a little bit but felt pretty good from the demos in AR today so didn't need to do too much.
Squat Cleans
125×2, 145×2, 165×2, 185×8
(old 185 PR destroyed, but wrists started hurting)
Push Jerks
95, 125, 145×4
Exposure 2/8
(Legs too beat up from yesterday's ill-advised run)