Deadlift / Handstand Push-Up Superset*
1A) Deadlift
3 x 6
Start light enough to add weight for 6’s next week.
70% x 4 x 3
1B) Handstand Push-Up
3 x 5-10 Box Piked HSPUs
1-2 AbMats are ok. Knees are easier than toes. Sub 8-12 Seated Dumbbell Presses if you don’t have Boxed Pike HSPUs yet.
3 x 6-12 Strict HSPUs
1-3 AbMats are allowed as long as you’re getting some range of motion out of it. If you can do 3 sets of 12 easily, then add a deficit. DC blocks and bumpers work well for this.
*Superset means that you perform a set of exercise A (in this case the Bench Press) and then after a short rest, 30 seconds to a minute, you perform a set of exercise B (in this case the Barbell Bent-Over Row). You then rest a short period before returning to exercise A and continue in this fashion until all warm up and work sets are completed.
Post loads/work to comments.
Exposure 2 of 8
4 Rounds for Time:
12 Push Presses 95/65
9 Burpees Over the Bar (lateral)
3 Bar Muscle-Ups or 6 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
The Push Presses will come off the floor and should be light. Burpess Over the Bar are lateral to the bar and a 2 foot take off and landing. Scale volume on the Bar Muscle-Ups as needed or perform C2B or Jumping C2B as necessary.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Announcing Fight Gone Bad 2016!
Since 2008, CrossFit South Brooklyn has conducted a yearly fundraiser in the form of a workout called Fight Gone Bad. Last year, we raised nearly $27,000 for the Brooklyn Community Foundation (BCF), a local organization dedicated to improving the lives of people in Brooklyn by strengthening communities through local giving, grantmaking, and community service. This year, we’ll be partnering with BCF again and hope to surpass last year’s donation numbers.
Last year we had 160 members participating and this year, we’re capping it at 200.
The registration deadline is Monday September 5th, 2016.
Tell Me More…
When is Fight Gone Bad?
Saturday, October 15th, 2016. First heat begins at 9am.
What is Fight Gone Bad?
Three rounds, as many reps as possible, of:
Wall-balls, 20lb, 10ft / 14lb, 9ft
Sumo deadlift high-pulls, 75/55 pounds
Box Jumps, 20″ box
Push-presses, 75/55 pounds
In this workout, you move from each of five stations after a minute. The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. When the announcer calls “Rotate,” athletes must move to next station immediately. Each of the three rounds is five minutes, followed by a one-minute rest. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.
What does the registration fee cover?
The $30 (plus tax) fee covers the cost of a team tshirt. You and your team will be able to create a unique team name and decide on tshirt colors. We also give prizes for the team with the most spirit…think costumes, props, etc!!!
Why are we fundraising?
In the past, our annual FGB fundraiser has been a great way to bring our community together to support great charities—and we chose to support the Brooklyn Community Foundation because Brooklyn has been exceptionally good to us and we want to help give back to the community that CFSBK is proud to call home. If you’re not familiar with BCF, make sure you visit their website to check them out. Or if you’re lazy, at least check out their list of Grantees; we’re sure you’ll find one or two not far from you!
Will there be a fundraising minimum?
While we’d love for everyone to make wholehearted attempts to raise funds, there is no fundraising minimum to participate. However, as in years past, there will be some sweet prizes awarded to the top Individual Fundraisers!
Ok, you keep talking about fundraising but how should I do this and when should I begin?
Once our registration deadline ends on September 5th, we’ll create teams consisting of six athletes. Shortly after, athletes will get an email from us with their team assignments and all of the details to set up their fundraising pages. We’ll be using Crowdrise as our fundraising platform again and participants will have individual fundraising pages that will be super easy to share with friends and family. (Check out last year’s main fundraising page HERE!)
Also, we’re looking for donations to give out as prizes. Contact Danae [at] if you have something to offer!
Tell me more about the workout. What if I can’t do it Rx’d?
Here’s Coach Glassman explaining FGB in detail. And don’t worry, we have scaling options available!
So the day begins at 9am, but how long will it last? When will my team go?
The length of the event depends on how many total athletes/teams we have. We run two teams through the workout simultaneously and new heats start every 20 minutes. Unfortunately, we can’t tell you exactly what time your team will be going until we get closer to the event. Of course, we hope that you plan on spending a few hours with us, not only competing but also supporting your fellow teams. And per usual, we’ll have some tasty adult beverages to enjoy!
What if I can’t attend that Saturday, October 15?
You can still sign up to be a part of a team to participate in fundraising and get a team tshirt. Unfortunately though we won’t be running a Fight Gone Belated this year.Sign up anyway and select the option to be on Fight Gone Belated!
Ok, I’m sold. Where do I register?
Sign up here for Fight Gone Bad 2016!
The Beer Mile CrossFit
Squatting Owls Eavesdrop on Prairie Dogs Inside Science
6am with Ro and McD
Deadlift: Hit 325# for 4 x 3 (70% of 1RM). Felt good and moved fast.
HSPUs: 3 sets of 12 strict. I will move to deficit next week (wanted to save my shoulders for the workout)
Metcon: 8:32 Rx. Would have finished at 7:00 even but spent 1:30 trying to get my last two bar MU's. Fell apart and was super frustrating. Everything else unbroken.
6am with McDowell and Ro
Deadlift: All reps quick and easy from a dead stop.
HSPU: 3×10. Will attempt to go to 11s next week.
Metcon: 9:20 Rx. I think I paced that about right. Quick and unbroken on the push presses, slow on the burpees but deliberately to avoid failing any bmus. All bmus unbroken. Faster burpees would have been the key to speeding this up, but I have to get my fitness back first.
Also, Kettlebell Kitchen didn't show up this morning, and I'm leaving this afternoon for a work trip so I won't have another chance to pick up. If anyone wants some or all of my Monday order, help yourself.
6am with McDowell & Ro
Deadlift @275# 4×3
HSPU 7,7,8 (1 mat)
WOD – 8:48 Rx
Push Presses and BMU's were all unbroken, took the burpees slow to make sure no fails.
Open gym at Atilis gym in Avalon, NJ.
Beautiful day to lift outside.
worked up to 3x6x155# DL with 6 piked hspu. 10# up from last week. Felt really good.
A bit of a workaround on the WOD:
65# push press
9 burpee box jumpovers @ 20"
6 barbell pullups (ring row approximation).
4 rounds in 8:31.
push presses all unbroken.
1x1x1x1x1 pullup pyramid after.
hated to miss the Subway series yesterday- hope everyone had a great time.
6am with Ro and McDowell
DL – 305x4x3 – fast and easy
HSPU – 11×3 – last rep was a little sticky
Metcon in 5:33 – all unbroken til the last round of BMU which were 2,1
For FGB, is it possible to request to be on a team that goes early? I've done this in the past but I understand if it's impossible now that the event has gotten so big. (my choir ALWAYS schedules an extra rehearsal the same day, annoying!)
OG, getting reallllly heavy:
HBBSQ 190x5x2, 190×6. I depth-policed myself this time and it went a lot better than Friday.
Bench 127.5x5x2, 127.5×6. I'm glad it was Jeremy who spotted my last set since I might have given up on the sixth rep if he hadn't told me I had it. Heavy!
Superset x3 of 6 chinups and DB press 25×10. I feel like I am finally starting to not suck at this particular accessory work couplet.
6 am with Ro and McDowell
Deadlift @ 295# x 4 x 3. All good.
HSPU 6 w/ 1 abmat, 6 and 6 w/ 2 abmats. Slowly working my way up.
WOD – 10:52 Rx
Singles on the bar muscle-ups except for the first two which were a double (first time that happened successfully).
Sunday Post: Class with the Foxies.
Snatched for the first time in a bit. 75lbs from the hang.
WOD: subbed sit ups for t2b double the situps. Fun. Gonna try to get back into this crossfit thing.
DL: 255x4x3 – dead stop on all reps, focused on setting shoulders and back.
HSPUs: 3×12 – moved quickly, no issues.
Metcon: 9:13 Rx. Push press are my goat (12, 12, 6-6, 6-6). Burpees deliberate. BMU were ok(3,3,3, 2-1)
Sunday: Worked up to 154# on high hang snatch. Feel much more comfortable from that position than the floor. Metcon in 6:43 Rx.
6am with RoDowell
Deadlift: 275 x 4 x 3 – No issues
HSPU: 7,6,6 with 1 abmat. Never going to be great at these
WOD in 9:54 with c2b
Still haven't gotten a BMU after getting a bunch during the open. Might start doing warm-ups with Noah's boxed BMU progression which worked for me before.
12, 12, 8-4, 8-4 on the push press
3-2-1 on all the c2b
My shoulders are tired
7am McRo
DL – 235# x 4 x 3
HSPU – 6 x 3 to 1 ab mat
Former was good and latter better than last week. Will try to rep out that last set a little bit next week.
Metcon @ 85# + C2B – 9:43
Went lighter on the weight to save myself for BMUs…but it appears as though I've forgotten how to do them. Spent too much time the first 2 rounds trying to sort it out, but in the end just went C2B after a bunch of failed attempts. Other movements unbroken all rounds, although burpees were a little slow.
My hands look like they've gone through a wood chipper after the last two weeks.
Deadlift: 6×3 @ 225#
HSPU: 4 x 3 w/ one mat but final reps were hard
Metcon: 9:27 @ 85# and pull-ups.
Had to break up the presses in sets 3 and 4 – my wrists won't last that long and I lost my wrist wraps (excuses). Burpees were slow. Pull ups, tried to get high on bar, but were mostly just pull ups. Was a fun one though.
8am class. 165x6x3 on the deadlift. Piked hspu: 6 w/ 2 abmats, then 5,6 with 1 abmat. Good tip from McDowell to not take a rest and lose tension at the bottom. Both of these movements were less shaky this week than last.
9:16 on the WOD subbing jumping pull-ups. Felt like I had bricks attached to my feet during the burpees.
First – congrats to all who participated in Subway Series yesterday! Athletes – you're all so inspiring. Volunteers – nice working with y'all. I got home so tired! Felt like I competed or somehin'!
My lower back has been grumpy so wasn't sure I'd make it in today but my schedule this week is such that…..7 am with MdDowell and Ro
125 # – Since we are at 70% I took care to make sure form was dialed in and these felt good. HSPU did 3 sets of 10 with 2 abmats and then realized that I wanted to go to one plus a 10# plate so did a set of 7 like that.
Metcon: 55# and 3 pull ups: 9:42. I'm not sure I locked out all presses. I toyed with RXing the weight but this was about right for me today.
These felt pretty easy. Maybe I'm underestimating my 1RM? Maybe I dreamt the whole thing?
Handstand Push-Up
Worked on tighter core positioning
Exposure 2/8
Push Presses: 95 then down to 75, 75, 75 bc I realized I was definitely not dreaming
Burpees Over the Bar: fighting back the tears
3 Jumping Bar Muscle-Ups: I watched some YouTube vids on how to do these, but I think the box I was using was too high (making them too easy), but it was good to just get familiar with the feeling of catching myself over the bar.
@Brad D – I tried to take you up on your offer but there was nada with your name. Maybe you forgot that you remembered to cancel it?
10 am class
Decided to take 10% off my 1RM and use a training max for this cycle since I haven't pulled over 400 in a long time. Moved well.
Will try 8s next week.
WOD with C2Bs in 8:15
Such a great event yesterday and so smoothly run. Thanks so much to all the volunteers who made the day great!
Subway Series was a lot of fun yesterday. Another perfectly run event. Big thanks to all the judges and volunteers. Proud to be a part of this community.
I didn't have the best day performance-wise. Went out too fast on the run and was gassed for the rest of it. Finished that workout in 13:49.
Dog sled was sticky and really hard. 3:43.
OHS is my weakest lift. My PR going in was 120#. Attempts were 115, 125, 135, 145. I do believe my reps were a bit shallow but they counted. No rest between my last good lift at 145 and 155. I tried to BTN snatch grip push press it but couldn't quite manage it with ten seconds left on the clock. I know what I need to work on!
Thanks again to all of the volunteers and everyone who was there cheering me on! You guys are the best. This was my first Rxed competition and I look forward to doing many more. Congrats to everyone who competed!
And today.. 12pm with Fox.
10 x push-ups
8 each lateral step-ups
5 x T2B
240 x 4 x 3
3 x 6 (1 x abmat and 10# plate)
12 x push press @63#
8 x burpees over the bar
3 x C2B
Unfortunately when I went to do my last 3 pull-ups I realized I had ripped again so called it. This was around 8 mins in.
But I did manage 9 x C2B and that's progress!
Fun class!
5:30 class after a 7 hour drive home from NH. Much needed but wasn't feeling great.
DL 170x4x3
HSPU 10 unbroken with 2 abmats, 6 with 1 abmat, 6 with 1 abmat plus one foam square thing..
WOD with 6 regular kipping PUs per round in 9:34.
I felt like i had nothing in me today.
Run 1.7 miles to gym, easy pace.
3 sets:
8 1-leg deadlift @ 65#
10ea pallof press, blue band
200' 1-arm OH Carry @ 55# (two lengths of the gym from crates to bathroom; I think it's 200'?)
E2MOM 10min (5 sets):
Hold 100% of 1RM Front Squat in standing front rack for :35.
Did this at 183#. sucked. Next week :40.
line drills, pvc/bb warm up
reps at 50kg today were showing some poor habits again. over-pulling, leaning way back. went back down and cleaned it up. gotta keep doing the good reps!!
83×5, 113×3, 133×2
FAILED on rep 4 of first set! did the very first rep and thought i loaded the bar wrong. it felt insanely heavy. have a few ideas why, but anyway… put on a belt and powered through my second and third sets. then added 2 more reps at the end. definitely a grind, but position is everything — am gripping the bar more now but can't let that take priority over the bar staying mid-foot.
Conditioning fun:
5 Push Press 85#
10 Hip Extensions
25 DU
time: 7:17
then… omelette, pancakes, and a walk to/through brooklyn bridge park!
DL 3×4 #275
HSPU 3×10
I had food poisoning over the weekend and felt pretty weak walking in tonight. Very pleased with the DL. HSPU on the other hand were a grind. Deficits next week. Maybe.
Metcon 9:34 Rx
Push press unbroken first and last sets. Broke at the 11th rep of round two for some reason I can't explain.
Burpees slow as usual
Bar MUs mostly singles with one or two doubles.
Congratulations to everyone who participated in the Subway Series event yesterday. I'm sorry I couldn't be there.
Nice to be back in the gym on this gorgeous day.
Before class — Some DUs, mobilizing and 3 rounds of..
Hanging holds, kip swings, selected crossover symmetry
10 push ups
8 ea straight leg lateral step ups 24"
2 Rounds NFT
16 rev lunges 35# OH
16 KB swings 20kg
4 chin ups :02 pause (x 3)
Deadlift 155 x 4 x 3
HSPU superset – 1 abmat – 3 sets of 6 (broken up 3-3)
4 Rounds FT
12 Push Press @63#
9 burpees over bar (though I still think I did 10 bc I ended up on the side I started on each round)
3 bar muscle ups from a box
Tough work-out. Shoulders could't take it. 2 sets on push presses after first round.
Way to go, Kate! you destroyed that work out!
Oly class:
Snatches: Worked up to a hit a bunch at 83#
C&J: Worked up to and hit a few at 118#
Learned a lot these last few weeks in oly class. I still have tons to work on, but overall feel like I have a better understanding of these lifts. Sad class is too late for me once I head back to work next week.
Congrats to everyone who participated in the Subway Series! The event was run flawlessly and I had a great time judging!
315 3×4
335 1×4
4×12, no mat. Next time add deficit
11 minRx
Need to work on pacing and recovery.